Final for Publication
SECTION 1. Title 1? ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the current Planned Development No. 776, as amended symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 18-1 in the area bounded by:
The Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad right-of-way; a line 1,965.73 feet east of South Spaulding Avenue; a line 1,259.66 feet south ofthe Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad right-of-way; a line 985.24 feet east of South Troy Avenue; West 77lh Street; South Troy Avenue; a line 631.50 feet north of West 77,h Street; and a line 253.15 feet east of South Kedzie Avenue
to those of an M2-2 Light Industry District which is hereby established in the area described above.
SECTION 2. Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all ofthe current M2-2 Light Industry District symbols and indications as shown on Maps No. .1S-J and 18-1 in the area bounded by:
The Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad right-of-way; a line 1,965.73 feet east of South Spaulding Avenue; a line 1,259.66 feet south ofthe Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad right-of-way; a line 985.24 feet east of South Troy Avenue; West 77th Street; South Troy Avenue; a line 631.50 feet north of West 77lh Street; a line 253.15 feet east of South Kedzie Avenue; a line 50.00 feet south of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad right-of-way; South Kedzie Avenue; a line 763;55 feet south of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad right-of-way; and South Spaulding Avenue
to those of a Planned Development which is hereby established in the area described above.
SECTION 3. ¦ This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Property Address: 3100 West 77th Street and 7600 South Kedzie Avenue
Final for Publication
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