Record #: O2021-4786   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 10/14/2021 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 10/27/2021
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14A and 14X (2022 Revenue Ordinance)
Sponsors: Lightfoot, Lori E.
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 3 - Revenue & Finance - Ch. 4 Uniform Revenue Procedures, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 3 - Revenue & Finance - Ch. 32 Chicago Personal Property Lease Transaction Tax, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 4 - Businesses, Occupations & Consumer Protection - Ch. 108 Filling Stations, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 7 - Health & Safety - Ch. 28 Health Nuisances, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 8 - Offenses Affecting Public Peace, Morals & Welfare - Ch. 32 Noise and Vibration Control, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 9 - Vehicles, Traffic & Rail Transportation - Ch. 64 Parking Regulations, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 9 - Vehicles, Traffic & Rail Transportation - Ch. 76 Vehicle Equipment, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 9 - Vehicles, Traffic & Rail Transportation - Ch. 100 Admin. Adjudication of Parking, Compliance, Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System or Automated Speed Enforcement System Violations, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 11 - Utilities & Environmental Protection - Ch. 4 Environmental Protection & Control, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 11 - Utilities & Environmental Protection - Ch. 12 Water Supply & Service, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 13 - Building & Construction - Ch. 32 Building Permits, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 14A - Administrative Provisions of the Chicago Construction Code - Ch. 14A-12 Schedules, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 14A - Administrative Provisions of the Chicago Construction Code - Ch. 14A-4 Permits, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 14X - Minimum Requirements for Existing Buildings - Ch. 14X-12 Vacant Buildings
Attachments: 1. O2021-4786.pdf
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October 14, 2021


Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request ofthe Budget Director, I transmit herewith the 2022 Revenue Ordinance. Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago is a home rule unit of government as defined in Article VII, Section 6 (a) of the Illinois Constitution; and

WHEREAS, As a home rule unit of government, the City of Chicago may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and

WHEREAS, The management of its finances is a matter pertaining to the government and affairs of the City of Chicago; now, therefore,

This ordinance is organized into Articles, as follows:

Article I Fines and Fees Reform
Article II Environmental Fines
Article III Utility Billing Relief Extension
Article IV Building Permit Fees
Article V Vacant Building Registration
Article VI Miscellaneous
Article VII Severability and Superseder
Article VIII Effective Dates


SECTION 1. Section 9-64-125 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

9-64-125 Display of wheel tax license emblem.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 3-56-020(b) or Section 3-56-125(d) of this Code, no person shall park or stand on any portion ofthe public way, or on any eCity-owned property, or in a public parking garage as defined in Chapter 4-232, or in any parking lot open to pedestrian traffic any vehicle requiring a wheel tax license under Chapter 3-56 of this Code, unless the wheel tax license emblem is displayed in the manner required by subsection (d) of this section. Pursuantto Section 3-56-021, any person alleged to have violated this section may raise as an affirmative defense that (1) such person resided in the eCity for less than 30 days at the time ho or sho the individual was cited forthe violation, or (2) the cited vehicle.was purchased less than 30 days prior to the issuance of the violation; ef (3) in the case of a renewal of a valid and current wheel tax license, such person obtained a current wheel tax license within the grace period provided for under Section 3-56-043(b); or (4) only until December 31, 2023, the violation has been corrected prior to adjudication of the citation pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.

(b) It shall be a violation of this section for a vehicle of under or equal to 16,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight to fail to comply with subsection (a) of this section.

It shall be a violation of this section for a vehicle of over 16,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight to fail to comply with subsection (a) of this section.
If display is required by this section, the wheel tax license emblem shall be (1) affixed in accordance with the instructions printed thereon or accompanying the emblem, which are made a part hereof, and (2) affixed without the use of supplemental adhesives, and (3) positioned to be clearly visible, (4) and maintained in a clearly legible condition on the front windshield in the lower right-hand corner farthest removed from the driver's position; provided, however, that if the wheel tax license emblem takes the form of a license tag, such license tag shall be affixed to the vehicle's rear license plate in a manner that does not obstruct the visibility of the license plate or any information set forth on such plate.
Only until December 31, 2023, any individual cited for violation of subsections (a), (b) or (c) of this section may raise as an affirmative defense that the violation has been corrected prior to adjudication of the citation. The affirmative defense provided in this subsection shall apply to all citations issued within a 30 day-period prior to the date of compliance for the same violation, and it shall be limited to only one such defense per a permanent vehicle license plate number of a vehicle registered in the name of an individual defendant as a sole or joint owner.

(ef) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) of this section, the T4=te violation of this section shall subject the violator to the fine set forth in Section 9-100-020.

SECTION 2. Section 9-76-160 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

9-76-160 Registration plates.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

(b) Every registration plate, temporary permit or evidence of temporary registration must bear evidence of proper registration forthe current period and be clearly displayed. If the vehicle is subject to registration in the State of Illinois, evidence of registration must be displayed in the manner required by the Secretary of State. It is illegal to park a vehicle on any roadway if the registration plate or other registration material fails to comply with this subsection. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) of this section, any Any person who violates this subsection shall be fined the amount set forth in Section 9-100-020 for each offense.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
(e) Only until December 31, 2023, any individual cited for violation of subsection (b) of this section may raise as an affirmative defense that the violation has been corrected prior to adjudication of the citation. The affirmative defense provided in this subsection shall apply to all citations issued within a 30 day-period prior to the date of compliance forthe same violation, and it shall be limited to only one such defense per a permanent vehicle license plate number of a vehicle registered in the name of an individual defendant as a sole or joint owner.

SECTION 3. Section 9-100-050 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
9-100-050 Determination of liability.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
(1) If no response is made to a parking, standing or compliance violation notice in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, the Traffic Compliance Administrator shall cause a second notice of a parking, standing or compliance violation to be sent to the respondent in accordance with subsection (f) herein; provided however, in those instances where an eligible participant pays the fine indicated under an early payment installment payment plan pursuant to Section 9-100-160 and rules promulgated thereunder prior to a second notice being sent, the Traffic Compliance Administrator shall still send the second notice in compliance with this subsection. The notice shall specify the date and location of the violation, the make and state registration number of the cited vehicle, the eCode provision violated, the applicable fine, and the time and manner in which the respondent may obtain an administrative adjudication to contest the violation. Ifthe respondent requests an administrative in-person hearing to contest the cited violation, the Traffic Compliance Administrator will cause a notice of hearing to be sent to the respondent as provided in subsection (c) herein.

Subject to subsection (d)(3), if, within 14 days from the date ofthe violation notice required by this subsection (d)(1), the respondent fails to: (i) pay the indicated fine; (ii) request an administrative adjudication; or (iii) prove compliance as provided in subsection (a)(7) of Section 9-100-060, a determination of liability shall be entered in the amount of the fine indicated on the notice of violation. The second notice of violation shall provide the above information.
Subject to subsection (d)(3), if a respondent issued an automated traffic law enforcement system or automated speed enforcement system violation notice pursuant to subsection (a) fails to pay the indicated fine, or fails to request an administrative adjudication within 21 days from the date of the violation notice, a determination of liability shall be entered in the amount of the fine indicated on the notice of violation.
A determination of liability shall not be entered against any eligible participant paying the indicated fine under an early payment installment payment plan pursuant to Section 9-100-160 and rules promulgated thereunder unless the eligible participant defaults on the early payment installment payment plan. In the event of such a default, a determination of liability shall be entered against the eligible participant in accordance with this section.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) of Section 9-100-170, failure Failure by any respondent to pay the fine within 25 days of issuance of a determination of liability for a violation will automatically subject the respondent to a penalty for late payment; provided that an eligible participant paying the indicated fine under an early payment installment payment plan pursuant to Section 9-100-160 and rules promulgated thereunder shall not be subject to the late payment, unless the eligible participant defaults on the early payment installment payment plan. In the event of such a default, the eligible participant shall be subject to the late payment in accordance with this section.

Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the penalty for late payment shall be an amount equal to the amount of the fine for the relevant violation. The penalty for late payment of the penalty fine for violating subsection (b) or (c) of Section 9-64-125 shall be $50.
(f) Where applicable, the Traffic Compliance Administrator shall serve the notice of hearing, the second notice of violation, the administrative law officer's determination, the notice of final determination of liabilityT and the notice of impending vehicle immobilization and the notice of impending driver's liconso suspension by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner of the cited vehicle as recorded with the Secretary of State of Illinois. Ifthe vehicle is registered in a state other than Illinois, the Traffic Compliance Administrator shall send the appropriate notice to the address ofthe registered owner as recorded in such other state's registry of motor vehicles. In the event a mailing sent pursuant to this section is returned as undeliverable, subsequent mailings may be sent to the address ofthe registered owner of the cited vehicle as recorded with the United States Postal Service.

SECTION 4. Section 9-100-060 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

9-100-060 Grounds for contesting a violation.

(a) A person charged with a parking, standing or compliance violation may contest the charge through an administrative adjudication limited to one or more ofthe following grounds with appropriate evidence to support:
that the respondent was not the owner or lessee of the cited vehicle at the time of the violation;
that the cited vehicle or its state registration plates were stolen at the time the violation occurred;
that the relevant signs prohibiting or restricting parking or standing were missing or obscured;
that the relevant parking meter was inoperable or malfunctioned through no fault of the respondent;
that the facts alleged in the violation notice are inconsistent or do not support a finding that the specified regulation was violated;
that the illegal condition described in the compliance violation notice did not exist at the time the notice was issued;

(7) that the compliance violation has been corrected prior to adjudication of the charge; provided, however, that this defense shall not be applicable to:

(i) except as otherwise provided in subsection (a) of Section 9-64-125, compliance violations involving display ofthe city wheel tax license emblem under Section 9-64-125;

compliance violations involving motor vehicle exhaust systems under subsection (a)(2) of Section 9-76-140;
compliance violations involving registration plates under subsection (a) of Section 9-76-160;
compliance violations involving display of registration plates, temporary registration or temporary permits under subsection (b) of Section 9-76-160, except to the extent that 625 ILCS 5/3-821.2(b) or subsection (e) of Section 9-76-160 provides for an affirmative defense;
compliance violations relating to glass coverings or coating under
Section .9-76-220; or
compliance violations involving the use of a mobile, cellular, analog wireless or digital telephone while driving a motor vehicle under Section 9-76-230.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 5. Section 9-100-100 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

9-100-100 Notice of final determination.
If any fine or penalty is owing and unpaid after a determination of liability under this chapter has become final and the respondent has exhausted.or failed to exhaust judicial procedures for review, the tTraffic ©ComplianceaAdministrator shall cause a notice of final determination of liability to be sent to the respondent in accordance with Section 9-100-050(f); provided that the tTraffic ©Compliance aAdministrator shall not send a notice of final determination to an eligible participant paying the indicated fine under an early payment installment payment plan pursuant to Section 9-100-160 and rules promulgated thereunder, unless the eligible participant defaults on the early payment installment payment plan. In the event of a default, the tTraffic ©Compliance aAdministrator shall send a notice of final determination to the eligible participant in accordance with this section. Provided, however, for an early installment plan that an eligible participant may enter into pursuant to subsection (d) of Section 9-100-170, a notice of final determination of liability shall not be sent before the expiration ofthe program created under Section 9-100-170.
Any fine and penalty, if applicable, remaining unpaid after the notice of final determination of liability is sent shall constitute a debt due and owing the ©City which may be enforced in the manner set forth in Section 2-14-103 of this Code. Failure of the respondent to pay such fine or penalty within 14 days of the date of the notice may result in, if applicable: (1) the immobilization ofthe person's vehicle for failure to pay fines or penalties pursuant to Section 9-100-120 or (2) the suspension ofthe person's driver's license for failure to pay fines or penalties pursuant to Section 9-100-130.

SECTION 6. Section 9-100-120 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
9-100-120 Immobilization program.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

(d) (1) The owner of an immobilized vehicle, or other person authorized by agreement with the owner or by operation of law to retrieve the vehicle, may secure the release of the vehicle by: (i) entering into an payment installment payment plan pursuant to Section 9-100-160 and the rules promulgated thereunder; or (ii) only until December 31, 2023, by participating in the Clear Path Relief Pilot Program pursuant to Section 9-100-170 and rules promulgated thereunder.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d)(1), the owner of an immobilized vehicle or other authorized person may secure the release ofthe vehicle by paying the applicable immobilization, towing and storage fees, and all amounts, including any fines, penalties, administrative fees provided pursuant to Section 9-100-160, if any, and related collection costs and attorney's fees pursuant to Section 1-19-020 or Section 1-19-030, remaining due on each final determination for liability issued to the owner.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 7. Chapter 9-100 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding a new Section 9-100-170, as follows:
9-100-170 Clear Path Relief Pilot Program.
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
"Administrator" means the City's Traffic Compliance Administrator.
"Base fine amount" means a fine amount assessed for a violation without including a penalty for late payment or other associated fees.

"Debt" means: (i) all fines, fees, and penalties that result from violations of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement, and automated traffic law enforcement ordinances as to which a notice of final determination for such violations have been issued, except for a violation of Section 9-64-190; (ii) fees that result from the immobilization, impoundment, towing, and storage of vehicles, except for impounded vehicle release fees; or (iii) collection costs or attorney's fees charged pursuant to Section 1-19-020 or Section 1-19-030.

"Default" means the non-payment or underpayment of a monthly amount due from an eligible participant.

"Early installment payment plan" means an early installment payment plan created pursuant to Section 9-100-160 of the Code and rules promulgated thereunder.
"Eligible participant" means: (i) any individual who has a household income of 300 percent or less than the Federal Poverty Level, and who meets the eligibility requirements
provided by rule; or (ii) any individual who is currently enrolled in the City's utility billing relief program provided in Section 11-12-545 ofthe Code.
"Impounded vehicle release fees" means the towing, storage, boot, and insufficient funds fees associated with the release of an impounded vehicle to an eligible participant. The term "impounded vehicle release fees" does not include the towing, storage, boot, and insufficient funds fees associated with impounded vehicles that cannot be released to an eligible participant or which have been disposed of in accordance with applicable law.

"Look-back period" means a three-year period immediately prior to an eligible participant's enrollment in the program.
"Payment period" means: (i) a 12-month period from the time an eligible participant is approved and enrolled in the program; or (ii) a 12-month period from the time an eligible participant continued to participate in the program after a first or second default.

"Program" means the City's Clear Path Relief Pilot Program established pursuant to this section.

"Violation" means a parking, standing, compliance, or automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law enforcement system violation, except for a violation of Section 9-64-190.
Program created. The Administrator is authorized to establish income-based debt waiver, fine waiver and penalty waiver program known as the Clear Path Relief Pilot Program as provided in this section and rules promulgated hereunder. The program is intended to reduce debt burden on eligible participants.
Income-based debt waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, an eligible participant who has paid, at once or through an installment payment plan, the base fine amounts, and any associated impounded vehicle release fees, for all violations that occurred during a look-back period by the end of the payment period shall have all debts that the eligible participant owes to the City that resulted from any violation that occurred prior to the look-back period waived. An eligible participant who defaults for a first or second time during the program may be eligible to continue in the program in accordance with rules adopted by the Administrator. Provided, however, if the eligible participant defaults for a third time during the program or becomes ineligible for the program, as determined by the Administrator, all unpaid debts that the eligible participant owed to the City, including debt that would have been waived pursuant to this subsection, shall be reinstated and shall be debts owed to the City by the formerly eligible participant.
Income-based fine waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, an eligible participant who has paid at once or through an early installment payment plan, one-half of the base fine amount, and any associated impounded vehicle release fees, for any violation that occurs afterthe eligible participant's enrollment in the program shall have one-half of the base fine amount for the violation waived. Provided, however, if the eligible participant takes no timely action, defaults or becomes ineligible for the program, as determined by the Administrator, the total unpaid base fine amount forthe violation, including the amount that would have been waived pursuant to this subsection, shall be reinstated. Unless the Administrator has already issued a determination of liability forthe violation pursuant to this
chapter, no earlier than 25 days after the eligible participant defaults or becomes ineligible for the program, the Administrator shall issue a determination of liability, in accordance with this chapter, entering the base fine amount. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the applicable provisions of this Code, including Section 9-100-160, shall apply to an early installment plan that an eligible participant may enter into pursuant to this subsection.
Income-based penalty waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, no late payment penalty shall be assessed during the program against an eligible participant for late payment of, or failure to pay, the base fine amount for any violation that occurs after the eligible participant's enrollment in the program. Provided, however, after the expiration ofthe program, or ifthe eligible participant becomes ineligible forthe program, as determined by the Administrator, a late payment penalty shall be assessed, as provided in Section 9-100-050, against the formerly eligible participant forthe late payment of, or failure to pay, the base fine amount for any violation that occurs afterthe formerly eligible participant becomes ineligible forthe program.
Rules. The Administrator is authorized to promulgate rules forthe proper administration and enforcement of this section and forthe regulation of individuals that may apply to participate in the program. The rules, among other things, may provide for:

the duration, down payment amounts, payment amounts and the manner of payment forthe payment plans created or unutilized under the program;
eligibility requirements, consistent with this section, to participate in the program, including, but not limited to, compliance with application, income verification and change of status reporting requirements; and
requirements, consistent with this section, to determine ineligibility forthe program, including, but not limited to, exceeding the income threshold forthe program, failure to maintain eligibility status to continue participating in the City's utility billing relief program, and failure to meet change of status reporting requirements.
Down payments. Any down payment that the eligible participant is required to pay to participate in the program shall be credited towards the payment of fine amounts owed that are part of the program.
Property interest. The program is created in the City's sole discretion, and participation in the program and any benefits that result from the program are not intended to create a property interest in any eligible participant or in any individual eligible for the program.
(i) Expiration. This section shall expire and be repealed of its own accord, without
further action by the City Council, on January 1, 2024.


(a) The expiration ofthe Clear Path Relief Pilot Program established under Section 9-100-170 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("Program") shall not invalidate installment payment plans that have been commenced during the Program and that end after December 31,2023.|1010|
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Code"), any individual cited for violation of subsections (a), (b) or (c)of Section 9-64-125 ofthe Code or subsection (b) of Section 9-76-160 of the Code may raise the affirmative defense provided in Section 9-64-125(e) or 9-76-160(e) ofthe Code, as appropriate, at a new adjudication ofthe relevant citation held after December 31, 2023, if: (i) an administrative law off icer has granted a motion to set aside a default order under Section 2-14-108 of. the Code; and (ii) each such citation is issued prior to January 1, 2024; and (iii) the violation has been corrected before the new adjudication.

SECTION 9. Chapter 9-100 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by repealing Section 9-100-130, which pertains to driver's license suspension, in its entirety.

SECTION 10. The City's Traffic Compliance Administrator is authorized to implement this ordinance incrementally, with full implementation to be achieved no later than March 31, 2022.

SECTION 1. Section 4-108-360 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
4-108-360 Violation - Penalty.

(A) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, the commissionor of health Commissioner of Health or his/her designee may issue citations for any violation of this Article IV of this chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, the violation of which shall be punishable by a civil penalty of not less than $500.00 $750.00 and not more than $1,000.00 for each offense. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. In addition, the operator shall be responsible forthe cleanup and costs resulting from any contamination and related damage from a spill or overfill.

SECTION 2. Section 7-28-395 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
7-28-395 Construction debris on public way prohibited.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

Any person who violates this section shall be fined not less than $200.00, $350.00 nor more than $500.00T for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
|10 10|
SECTION 3. Section 8-32-090 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended'by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
8-32-090 Mechanical stationary sources.
No person shall operate or permit operation of any mechanical stationary source in such a manner as to generate sound having a sound pressure level greater than 55 dB(A) when measured from a distance of 100 feet or more from the source, or 70 dB(A) when measured from a distance of 10 feet or more from the source. The place of measurement shall be from the nearest adjacent public way, or nearest adjacent property, whichever is closer to the source.
The limitation contained in this section shall apply from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., unless the mechanical stationary source is subject to other operating hours pursuant to a permit or other written authorization issued by the dopartmont of health Department of Health.
The commissionor of health Commissioner of Health shall have authority to enforce tho provisions of this section.
The commissionor of hoalth Commissioner of Health is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to enforce tho provisions of this section, including regulations specifying uniform noise mitigation procedures for air handling units and refrigeration units. Any properly maintained equipment that complies with procedures adopted underthis subsection shall be deemed to be in compliance with subsection (a) of this section.
The limits set in subsection (a) of this section do not apply to sounds generated by a generator employed to provide emergency electrical power.
Any person found in violation of this section shall be fined not less than
$1,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00 for each offense. Every day a violation occurs shall be a separate and distinct offense.

SECTION 4. Section 11-4-660 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
11 -4-660 Certificate of operation - Required.
(a) Certificate of operation required. Except as otherwise provided in this article or in rules promulgated thereunder, Nno person shall cause or allow the operation of any regulated equipment or area requiring an air pollution control permit under Section 11-4-620 of this CodeT er a Stage II vapor recovery system, without a valid certificate of operation issued by the eommissionor Commissioner. An application for a certificate of operation shall be made to the department Department in a form prescribed by the commissionor Commissioner. Facilities shall be categorized based on the potential or actual emissions ofthe facility for which the certificate of operation is sought as identified in Section 11-4-680 of this chapter.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)


SECTION 5. Section 11-4-680 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
11-4-680 Certificate of operation categorization and fee.

Every applicant for a certificate of operation shall pay a fee based on the potential or actual emissions of the facility for which the certificate of operation is sought. Facilities are categorized and fees shall be levied as follows:

Category Emissions Fee
A1 Facility whose potential and actual emissions are 100 tons or more per year. $1,250.00
A2 Facility with potential to emit more than 100 tons per year, but whose actual emissions are less than 100 tons per year. $750.00
B Facility whose potential and actual emissions are more than 4Q 5 tons per year but less than 100 tons per year. $250.00
C Facility whose potential and actual emissions are 40 5 tons or less per year-r-er Stago II vapor recovery system. $50.00

SECTION 6. Chapter 11-4 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding a new Section 11-4-765, as follows:
11-4-765 Construction site cleanliness.
As used in this section:

"Construction and demolition debris" or "debris" has the meaning ascribed to the former term in Section 11-4-120 of this Code.
"Construction site" means any or all portion of the real property that is identified as the location of any excavation or of the erection, enlargement, alteration, repair, removal or demolition of any building, structure or structural part thereof within the City and that requires a permit under Chapter 14A-4 of this Code. However, for purposes of this section, "construction site" does not include a project location where all construction and/or demolition activity, including the staging of construction materials and storing of debris, is conducted within a completely enclosed structure; nor does it include any project location on any property that is, or hereafter becomes, part of Chicago-O'Hare International Airport or Chicago Midway Airport. During the term of any concession and lease agreement between the City of Chicago and a private operator with respect to Chicago Midway Airport, the words "or Chicago Midway Airport" shall be deleted from this paragraph (1)(b).
"General contractor" has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 4-36-010 of this Code. "General contractor" shall also include a subcontractor with respect to a violation of this section that is directly attributable to the subcontractor.

(d) "Litter" has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 7-28-200 of this
All construction sites shall be governed by the following standards:

The general contractor shall employ adequate wetting or other abatement measures to prevent the off-site dispersion of dust and debris from a construction site.
All construction sites shall be enclosed and secured by a continuous chain link fence at least six feet in height which shall be anchored in a manner sufficient to resist wind loads of 30 pounds per square foot without deflection of more than three inches between the top and bottom of the fence. The general contractor may allow one gate to remain open while construction workers are performing construction activities on the construction site. The gate shall be no larger than is reasonably necessary to provide for truck access.
Mesh Fabric shall be affixed to the construction site fence face.

The mesh fabric shall allow the passage of air but shall contain
dust and dirt.
Such mesh fabric shall be the full height of the fence and cover the entire length of the fence including any gated openings.
The mesh fabric and fence shall not display any advertisements or
The construction site fence shall be placed at the perimeter of the property or, for work in an area substantially smaller than the entire property, around the site of construction large enough to ensure sufficient room for movement of tools and workers, storage of waste receptacles and other items, and the safety of the public.
The general contractor shall immediately repair any damage to the construction site fence or mesh fabric and maintain the integrity and continuity ofthe fence for the duration of the project.
All dumpsters and debris collection devices shall be stored behind the construction site fence unless specifically permitted for public way use, and shall be regularly serviced to avoid allowing the contents to extend above the top ofthe dumpster.
All construction and demolition debris shall be removed through dust-tight chutes or by lowering it in buckets or containers, and no debris shall be dropped or thrown from any floor.
Construction and demolition debris shall be separated from any garbage, litter or landscape wastes that shall be separately contained.

(i) Sealed trash containers for litter and garbage shall be provided
throughout the site, with at least one container provided for every floor or 4,000 square feet of
area, whichever is less. All litter and garbage shall be removed daily or more frequently as
(j) Construction materials and construction and demolition debris shall be gathered daily and stored in a neat and orderly manner.


(k) The general contractor shall take all necessary steps to ensure that dirt and debris from the construction site is not transmitted by vehicles leaving the site to the public way. Mitigation measures shall include, but are not limited to, stoning or paving of haul roads, wheel wash stations and street sweepers.

(I) For construction sites that are buildings or structures having four or more floors, the general contractor shall enclose with mesh fabric the floor areas where the general contractor is conducting construction activities, such as erecting, enlarging, altering, repairing, removing or demolishing on that floor.
The mesh fabric shall allow the passage of air but shall contain dust and debris on the enclosed floors.
Fabric enclosures shall be adequately secured.
The mesh fabric shall be installed around the entire floor.
The mesh fabric shall not display any advertisements or graffiti.
(m) For tuck pointing operations, the area of grinding shall be enclosed to contain dust and debris from grinding operations.

(n) Where materials are stored for use on floors above grade, they shall be secured to prevent movement due to weather conditions or other phenomena.
Any person who violates this section shall be fined not less than $750.00 nor more than $1,000.00 for each offense. Any owner, developer or general contractor who is responsible for any construction site at which operations are conducted in violation of this section shall be liable forthe penalties provided by this section, and shall be jointly and severally liable for such penalties with any subcontractor to which a violation is directly attributable. The Department of Health and the Department of Streets and Sanitation shall each have the power to enforce this section.
In addition to any other available penalties and remedies provided for in the Code, one or more citations for any violation of subsection (2) above on each of three or more separate days within a three-month period at the same construction site may result in a stop work order issued by the Department of Health or the Department of Streets and Sanitation, directing that all activity cease for ten days. Any further citation for violation at the same construction site within six months afterthe initial stop work order may result in the issuance of another 10-day stop work order. The issuing department shall lift a 10-day stop work order only if sufficient evidence of compliance with this chapter is provided to the department.

It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly violate a stop work order, or to knowingly cause, permit, encourage, assist, aid, abet or direct another person to violate a stop work order, or to knowingly in any manner be a party to a violation of a stop work order. Any person who violates this subsection shall be fined $5,000.00.
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly destroy, deface, remove, damage, impair, mar, cover or obstruct any stop work order that a city official has posted or


affixed at a work site. Any person who violates this subsection shall be fined not less than $200.00 nor more than $500.00.

SECTION 7. Section 11-4-810 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
11-4-810 Violations and Fines.

(a) In addition to any penalty imposed by Section 11-4-800 of this article, and in addition to permanent or temporary injunctive relief that the City may seek in the Circuit Court of Cook County, whenever a facility is in violation of any term or condition of an air pollution control permit, certificate of operation, any section of this article, orany rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this article, the following penalties shall apply:
(1) Any owner or operator of any regulated equipment or area who fails to comply with the requirement to timely submit to the department a complete self-certification form as required in Section 11-4-690 of this Code, shall be fined not less than $1,000.00 $3,500.00 nor more than $5,000.00;
Any owner or operator who violates the terms or conditions of any air pollution control permit or certificate of operation provided in this article or rules promulgated thereunder or imposed by the Commissioner pursuant to Section 11-4-630 or Section 11-4-670 of this Code, shall be fined not less than $1,000.00 $3,500.00 nor more than $5,000.00;
Any person who operates any regulated equipment or area without an air pollution control permit required under Section 11-4-620 of this Code or a certificate of operation required under Section 11-4-660 of this Code, shall be fined based on the criteria of Section 11-4-680 as follows:

not loss than $1,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00, oxcopt $250.00 if the regulated equipment or area is part of a facility that meets the criteria for a Category C certificate of operation;
$1,000.00 if the regulated equipment or area is party of a facility that meets the criteria for a Category B certificate of operation;
$4,500.00 if the regulated equipment or area is part of a facility that meets the criteria for a Category A2 certificate of operation;
$7,500.00 if the regulated equipment or area is part of a facility that meets the criteria for a Category A1 or Category A2 Certificato of Operation certificate of operation; undor Soction 11 4 680, in which case tho porson shall bo finod not less than $5,000.00 nor morothan $10,000.00;
Any owner or operator of any regulated equipment or area who fails to post an air pollution control permit as required in subsection (b) of Section 11 -4-620 of this Code or a certificate of operation as required in subsection (c) of Section 11-4-660 of this Code shall be fined not less than $200.00 $350.00 nor more than $500.00;

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance) 14

SECTION 8. Section 11-4-1200 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
11-4-1200 Tier II notification - When required.
(A) Definitions. As used in this section:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
(F) Penalty for violation. In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any person who violates the requirements of this section shall be fined not less than $200 $350 nor more than $500 for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 9. Section 11-4-1935 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
11-4-1935 Construction site reprocessing authorization.

(a) (1) Written authorization required. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (a)(2) and subsection (a)(3) of this section, reprocessable construction/demolition materials generated from construction, demolition or renovation may be reprocessed, as defined in Section 11-4-1910, and stored on a temporary basis on the site at which the construction, demolition or renovation occurred if all ofthe following requirements are met:

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
(5) Duration of authorization. The written authorization issued under subsection (a)(1) of this section shall be valid for a period of three months, as measured from the date on which such authorization is issued. Provided, however, that upon application to the Commissioner, such authorization may be extended for an additional period(s) of time, each of which additional period shall not exceed three months, so long as construction/demolition material requiring reprocessing and reprocessing equipment remain on the site. Any reprocessable or reprocessed construction/demolition material that is not used on or removed from the site within three months ofthe date on which the temporary authorization is issued or extended under this section shall be subject to the construction site cleanliness rules and regulations forthe maintenance of construction site stockpiles and prevention ofthe off-site dispersion of dust and debris from construction sites promulgated by the department under Section 13 32 125 11-4-765.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 10. Section 11-4-2170 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:


11-4-2170 Demolitions and renovations: permit and notification requirements; performance standards for asbestos abatement; control and disposal of dust and debris.
(a) Demolition of buildings, facilities or other structures: notice of intent to demolish required. No demolition of a building, facility or other structure shall be initiated within the City unless a written notice of intent to demolish, accompanied by the fee required by this section, has been filed with, and approved by, the Department of Health at least ten working days prior to the commencement of demolition. The ten working day period shall not apply if the building, facility or other structure to be demolished has been found to be structurally unsound and in danger of imminent collapse by the Building Commissioner or state authority or court of competent jurisdiction; provided, however, any person or contractor demolishing such building, facility or other structure shall file a written notice with the Department of Health regarding such demolition as soon as practicable, but no later than one day before the start date of the demolition, and must have a properly licensed asbestos abatement contractor on site during the demolition.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

(g) Environmental review fees.

(1) The environmental review fee stated in subsections (a) and (e)(3) of this section shall be based on the type of structure as follows:

Residential Single-unit residential structures with four or fewer units and garages
ancillary to such structures $300.00

Rosidontial Multi-unit residential structures with moro than four units and garages
ancillary to such structures $450.00

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 11. Chapter 13-32 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby repealed in its entirety.



SECTION 1. Section 11-12-545 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
11-12-545 Utility billing relief pilot program.

(a) Title. This section shall be known and cited as the Utility Billing Relief P4let

(b) _ Purpose. The Utility Billing Relief P4let Program is intended to address City water
and sewer bills forthe most vulnerable, low-income homeowners, especially those with past due
debt, who are at risk of having their water service shut off.
(c) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
"Anniversary Date" means the date one year from a Participant's enrollment in
the UBR.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance) "UBR" means the Utility Billing Relief Pitet Program created by this section. (Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
(g) By March 1, 2021, and on March On August 1 st of each subsequent year that the
UBR is in effect, the Comptroller shall provide a report to the City Council Committee on
Finance evaluating the UBR's effectiveness in achieving its stated purpose.

(h) Unloss otherwise provided by ordinanco, tho UBR shall sunset on December 31,

(Remainder of this page intentionally blank)




SECTION 1. Chapter 14A-4 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting a new Section 14A-4-412.3.2, as follows:
14A-4-412.3.2 Untimely submission of permit application for temporary structure.

Where a complete permit application for installation of a temporary structure is submitted to the building official less than 14 calendar days before the intended installation date, the permit fee is three times the fee provided in Section 14A-4-412.1 or 14A-4-412.2, as applicable.

SECTION 2. Section 14A-4-412.2.2.1 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language stricken through, as follows:
14A-4-412.2.2.1 Calculation.

The permit fee must be calculated as follows:


CF = The construction factor determined using Table 14A-12-1204.3(1) or Table 14A-12 1204.3(2), as applicable

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 3. Section 14A-12-1204.3 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
14A-12-1204.3 Permit fee factors.

Permit fee factors applicable to Section 14A-4-412.2 are as provided in Tables 14A-12-1204.3(1) through 14A-12-1204.3(6) as modified by Section 14A-12-1204.3.1.

SECTION 4. Chapter 14A-12 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting a new Section 14A-12-1204.3.1, as follows:
14A-12-1204.3.1 Annual increase.

Beginning in 2022, on or before October 1 of each year, the building official must determine the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, US City Average (CPI-U) from January 2021 to January of the present year and prepare fee schedules, based on Tables 14A-12-1204.3(1) through 14A-12-1204.3(6), with monetary values in the bodies of the table adjusted in proportion to the change in CPI-U. The building official may round minimum fees to the nearest $50 increment. Fee schedules prepared by the building official in accordance with this section and published on the City's public web site are effective on January 1 of the succeeding year.

SECTION 5. Table 14A-12-1204.3(1) ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced, as follows:
Table 14A-12-1204.3(1) Construction Factor for All Work Types

Occupancy Classification per Chapter 14B-3 a Construction Type per Chapter 14B-6 b
Group A-1 (with stage) $0.87 $0.81 $0.79 $0.75 $0.69
Group A-1 (without stage) $0.80 - $0.74 $0.71 $0.68 - $0.54
Group A-2 Group A-3 Group A-4 $0.71 $0.66 $0.62 $0.60 $0.54
Group A-5 $0.79 $0.73 $0.71 $0.67 $0.61
Group B $0.69 $0.64 $0.61 $0.57 $0.50
Group E $0.72 $0.66 $0.65 $0.60 $0.53
Group F $0.47 $0.37 $0.35 $0.32 $0.26
Group H $0.69 $0.64 $0.61 $0.57 $0.50
Group I $0.87 $0.81 $0.80 $0.71 $0.64
Group M $0.50 $0.46 $0.43 $0.41 $0.35
Group R-1 Group R-2 Group R-3 $0.69 $0.64 $0.64 $0.58 $0.52
Group R-4 Group R-5 $0.43 $0.41 $0.40 $0.39 $0.36
Group S • $0.44 $0.34 $0.32 $0.29 $0.23
Group U $0.29 $0.25 $0.24 $0.22 $0.19
Buildings containing more than one occupancy will be assessed fees based on the gross floorarea occupied by each occupancy. Common areas in mixed-occupancy buildings will be assessed fees based on the classification of the predominant occupancy. If a single occupancy occupies 85 percent or more ofthe building area, the entire fee will be based on that occupancy classification.
A building may only be classified as a single construction type.

SECTION 6. Table 14A-12-1204.3(2) of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby repealed in its entirety.

(Remainder of this page intentionally blank)


SECTION 7. Table 14A-12-1204.3(3) ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced, as follows:

Table 14A-12-1 204.3(3) Scope of Review Factor for New Construction3
Occupancy Classification per Chapter 14B-3 Factorb Description of Work Minimum Feec
Group A 0.25 . Not applicable
1.0 All new construction, including initial buildout of a tenant space $3,000
Group B 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Free-standing kiosk used for business $750
Initial buildout of a tenant space, including sales centers and model units, excluding telecommunication equipment areas and ambulatory care facilities $750 per story
0.75 Construction of a single-story building, excluding telecommunications equipment areas and ambulatory care facilities $3,000
1.0 Construction or initial buildout including a telecommunication equipment area $2,000
Construction or initial buildout of an ambulatory care facility $3,000
Construction of a multi-sfo/y building $3,000
Group E 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Initial buildout of a tenant space $750 per story
0.75 Not applicable
1.0 All other new construction $3,000
Group F 0.25 Not applicable
0.75 Single-sfory facility without regulated equipment $2,000
1.0 Multi-sfory facility without regulated equipment $3,000
1.25 Facility with regulated equipment $3,000

(Table continues on following page)


Group H 0.25 Not applicable
1.0 Facility without regulated equipment $3,000
1.25 Facility with regulated equipment $3,000
Group 1 0.25 Not applicable
1.0 Facility without regulated equipment $2,000
1.25 Facility with regulated equipment $3,000
Group M 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Free-standing kiosk used for retail $750
Initial buildout of a tenant space, including sales centers and model units $750 per story
0.75 Construction of a single-sfory building $3,000
1.0 Construction of a multi-sfory building $3,000
Group R 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Detached private garage or carport (fee in addition to primary residence fee) $500
0.75 Residential construction with maximum of 4 stories and maximum of 3 dwelling units $2,000
1.0 Residential construction with 5 or more stories or 4 or more dwelling units $3,000
Residential construction with any number of sleeping units $3,000
Group S 0.25 Not applicable
0.75 Single-sfory facility without regulated equipment $2,000
1.0 Multi-sfory facility without regulated equipment $3,000
1.25 Facility with regulated equipment $3,000

(Table continues on following page)


Group U 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Temporary structure not covered in Table 14A-12-1204.2 $250
0.75 Single-srory building or structure not more than 15 feet above the ground, such as a parking lot, bridge, bus shelter, or retaining wall, not covered in Table 14A-12-1204.2 $250
1.0 Multi-sfory building or structure more than 15 feet above the ground, such as a utility plant, cell phone tower, or rail station $3,000
Mixed Occupancy 0.25 Not applicable
1.0 Facility without regulated equipment $3,000
1.25 Facility with regulated equipment $3,000
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
Stop work order penalties provided for in Section 14A-4-412.4 are in addition to these permittees.
Where more than one scope of review factor applies because of the diverse scope of work, the highest applicable multiplierapplies to all areas.
A minimum fee of $302 applies to all permits.

(Remainder of this page intentionally blank)


SECTION 8. Table 14A-12-1204.3(4) ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced, as follows:

Table 14A-12-1 204.3(4) Scope of Review Factor for Rehabilitation3
Occupancy Classification per Chapter 14B-3 Factorb Description of Work Minimum Feec
All o.od Ordinary demolition (Section 14A-4-407) $500
Complex demolition (Section 14A-4-407) $2,000
For interior demolition use Table 14A-12-1204.3(6)
0.25 Repair (nonstructural) $500
In-kind replacement of a single MEP system $500
Alteration without the reconfiguration of space, the addition orelimination of any doororwindow, the reconfiguration or extension of any system, or the installation of additional equipment (Level 1 alteration) $500
Roof repair, roof recover, or roof replacement with structural repair $750
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work except as noted, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
0.5 Structural repair as entire scope of work (except in residential buildings with 1-3 dwelling units and no mixed occupancy) $750
0.75 Relocated building $1,500
Change of occupancy without an increase in any hazard category (per Chapter 10 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code) and without creation of food-related facilities requiring a public health inspection $2,000
1.0 Change of occupancy or change of use involving creation of food-related facilities requiring a public health inspection $1,500
Change of occupancy with an increase in any hazard category (per Chapter 10 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code) $3,000

(Table continues on following page)


Group A 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration, occupant load less than 300 $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations
1.0 Addition $2,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed-occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration, occupant load 300 or more $3,000
Group B 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to a single tenant space on a single story, including existing telecommunication equipment area $750
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to common areas on a single story $750
Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $750
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no food-related facilities requiring public health inspection
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to common areas on multiple stories $1,500
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to multiple tenant spaces or multiple stories $1,500
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to restaurant or other food-related facility requiring public health inspection $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations

(Table continues on following page)


1.0 Addition $2,000
Installation of new telecommunication equipment area where none previously existed $2,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed-occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
Group E 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations
1.0 Addition $2,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
Group F 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to single-sfory building $750
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.0 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to multi-sfo/y building $1,500
Addition $2,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
For any scope under this multiplier: no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.25 Any work including installation or alteration of regulated equipment $1,500
(Table continues on following page) 25

Group H 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to single-sfory building $2,000
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.0 Addition $3,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to multi-sfo/y building $3,000
For any scope under this multiplier: no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.25 Any work including installation or alteration of regulated equipment $1,500
Group 1 0.25 Not applicable
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to single-sfory building $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no alteration or creation of machine room, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.0 Creation or alteration of machine room $2,000
Addition $3,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to multi-sfory building $3,000
For,any scope under this multiplier: no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.25 Any work including installation or alteration of regulated equipment $1,500

(Table continues on following page)


Group M 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to a single tenant space on a single story, including existing telecommunication equipment area $750
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to common areas on a single story $750
Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $750
For any scope under this multiplier: ho structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration involving structural work $1,500
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to common areas on multiple stories $1,500
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to multiple tenant spaces or multiple stories $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations
1.0 Addition $2,000
Installation of new telecommunication equipment area where none previously existed $2,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations c $3,000

(Table continues on following page)


Group R 0.25 Repair or in-kind replacement of existing porch, balcony, deck, exterior stair, oroccupiable rooftop (no alteration) $200 each
Structural repair as entire scope of work, building with 1-3 dwelling units and no mixed occupancy $500
0.5 Installation or alteration of porch, balcony, deck, exterior stair, oroccupiable rooftop $200 per unit served
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration, building with 1-3 dwelling units and no mixed occupancy $500
Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to single dwelling unit $500
Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no change in number of dwelling units or sleeping units
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to 4-29 dwelling units or sleeping units and common areas in same building $250 per unit
Addition to building with 1-3 dwelling units and no mixed occupancy $750
Level 2 alteration to common areas only in a building with 4 or more dwelling units orany number of sleeping units $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no non-residential occupancy in scope, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no change in number of dwelling units or sleeping units
1.0 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to 30 or more dwelling units or sleeping units and common areas in same building $250 per unit
Decrease in number of dwelling units or sleeping units $750
Increase in number of dwelling units or sleeping units $1,500
Addition to building with 4 or more dwelling units or any number of sleeping units $2,000
Alteration to mixed occupancy or tenant separation $2,000
(Table continues on following page)


Group S 0.25 Not applicable
0.5 Repair or in-kind replacement of more than one MEP system (no alteration) $1,500
For any scope under this multiplier: no structural work, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
0.75 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to single-sfory building $750
For any scope under this multiplier: no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations, no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.0 Level 2 or Level 3 alteration to multi-sfo/y building $1,500
Addition $2,000
Creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
For any scope under this multiplier: no installation or alteration of regulated equipment
1.25 Any work including installation or alteration of regulated equipment $1,500
Group U 0.25 Not applicable
0.75 Level 2 or 3 alteration to a single-sfory building or structure not more than 15 feet above the ground, such as a parking lot, bridge, bus shelter, or retaining wall not covered in Table 14A-12-1204.2 $250
1.0 Level 2 or 3 alteration to a multi-sfo/y building or structure more than 15 feet above the ground, such as a utility plant, cell phone towers, or rail station $500
Addition to building $500

(7ab/e continues on following page)


Mixed Occupancy 0.25 Not applicable
1.0 Facility without regulated equipment, no changes to mixed occupancy or tenant separations $1,500
Facility without regulated equipment, creation or reconfiguration of mixed occupancy or tenant separations $3,000
1.25 Facility with regulated equipment $3,000
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
Stop work order penalties provided for in Section 14A-4-412.4 are in addition to these permittees.
Where more than one scope of review factorapplies because ofthe diverse scope of work, the highestapplicable multiplierapplies to all areas.
A minimum fee of $302 applies to all permits.
Demolition permits issued underSection 14A-4-407are not subject to the area- and construction-factor-based fee formula and are only subject to the minimum fees in this table and inspection fees per Section 14A-5-503.

SECTION 9. Table 14A-12-1210.1 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
Table 14A-12-1210.1 Fees - Chapter 10

Section Description Amount
14A-10-1003.3 For requests submitted before work is performed or for approval of a non-conforming condition which has existed for at least 10 years. $450 $200
For requests submitted after the work that is the subject of the request has been completed without a required permit or subject to a conditional permit- $300 $500
Vox requests to review a report under Chapter 13 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code $7-50 $1,000 plus 10% of permit f 00
14A-10-1004.3.1 Application fee $750 $1,000
14A-10-1005.4.1 For appeals related to a single-family residential building or structure accessory to a single-family residential building $200
For all other appeals $500



SECTION 1. Section 14X-12-1204.4 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
14X-12-1204.4 Fees.

The fee for each registered structure for each registration or renewal period is $300 $30. The registration fee or renewal fee is $600 $100 if the applicable registration or renewal takes place not through voluntary and timely compliance, but as the result of a City identification of a violation of Section 14X-12-1204.

Exception: Governmental agencies are exempt from registration and renewal fees.

SECTION 2. Section 14X-12-1204.6.3 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
14X-12-1204.6.3 Evidence of insurance.

Where requested by the building official, the owner must provide evidence ofthe insurance coverage required by Section 14X-12-1203 at the time of registration or renewal, however, registration or renewal may not be denied for failure to provide evidence of insurance coverage.

SECTION 3. Section 14X-12-1205.3.3 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
14X-12-1205.3.3 Fees.

The initial registration fee for each registered structure is $700. The fee for each renewal period is $300 $30.

Exception: Governmental agencies are exempt from registration and renewal fees.


SECTION 1. Section 3-4-100 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:

3-4-100 Credits and refunds.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)


B. Any claim for a credit or refund must be filed in writing on forms provided by the department not later than three few years from the date on which payment or remittance in error was made.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 2. Section 3-32-020 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:

3-32-020 Definitions.

When any of the following words or terms are used in this chapter, whether or not capitalized and whether or not used in a conjunctive or connective form, they shall have the meaning or construction ascribed to them in this section:

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

I. "Lease" or "rental" means any transfer of the possession or use of personal property, but not title or ownership, to a user for consideration, whether or not designated as a lease, rental, license or by some other term, and includes a "nonpossessory lease".
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

The words "lease" or "rental" shall include a transfer of the use of software within the meaning of this chapter only if, for purposes of the Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax and Illinois Use Tax, the software is not "custom" software and the transfer is what has sometimes been referred to as an exempt license of software^ but which is more accurately described as a license by which the possession or use of software is transferred, but not title or ownership.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 3. Section 2 of this Article is intended to confirm rather than change existing


SECTION 1. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity ofthe remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.

SECTION 2. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this ordinance and any other ordinance, resolution, motion or order, this ordinance shall prevail.



SECTION 1. Following passage and approval, Section 1 of Article VI: Miscellaneous shall take effect on July 1, 2022.

SECTION 2. Sections 2 and 3 of Article VI: Miscellaneous shall take effect upon passage and approval.

SECTION 3. Following passage and approval, the remainder of this ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2022.