Record #: O2021-4938   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 10/27/2021 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Transportation and Public Way
Final action: 11/17/2021
Title: Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Starbucks Coffee No. 2378
Sponsors: Martin, Matthew J.
Topic: PUBLIC WAY USAGE - Grants of Privilege
Attachments: 1. O2021-4938.pdf





STARBUCKS COFFEE #2*76 Aca No.: 63414 • 54 Permit No: BACP lfl&8124


So St Ordmod try th* City'CowtcH eftlw Oty of Chicago


SECTION 1. PormiGtslon oftd authority are hereby given end grwitod lo STAK8UCK& COf PE? mQ'm vp-v (tie lerrra and autojacl to iho 'ecMkdll&rm ctf \t<m ort&mnm to maintain and ub© tour (4)-SiQ«{gJ prosxamg o/v (ho public right-of-way attached to Us promises fanown as 4S63 - ASS? N MNCOilV AVE.

S3?d Sign slaiGluj'pia) measures as follows stong N. Lincoln Avenue:

One (1) at two point six (2,6) feet in length, one <t).teal In height and nine {9} feae above giasfe tev^f, Safe! Sign 6lruc1ure{s) measures as fallows along •

One <i)at fourteen (14) teel In length, (am (4) Pest in height and nine (d) leei above grade level Said Sign &tryeiujrer,s) menauffle aa follows olong W. Wilson:

One (t) al twenty-tour (24) (eel in length, two (2) feet tn helghl end eleven (11) feel above gjade-terasi. Saltf S«gn slrut3ure<s) measures a& follows along :

One- (t) at two point six (2.0) feet in length, one (1) feel in height and nine p feet above §rarie (eve?.

The tacAlion of-gait) privilege flhfill be as shown on prints kept on flla with the Department of B^n^MaL*5 and Consumpr Protection and the Office oClhe CHy Clerk,

Said privilege shall oo eonslruet&d in accosfdanto with plans and specifications approves &5f Ifce te"&tg: Departmsn! -.Signs.

This grant of privilege rn ihe pubSic way shall be subject to the provisionsM Section IG-SB-OtSand all required provisions of ihe Municipal Cotto of Chicago.

The gjantee shffll pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the pdv2eg» *BACP1'SS8124 h£r.esn granted.the sum of eight hundred:($800.00) per annum in advance.

A 25%. penally wffl be added for payments received after due data-

The penmit holder agrees to hold Iho City ol'Chicago harmless.for Bny damage, releasors er nsjtoem^ crisis associated :with. damage, relocation or removal of private property caused by (he City pertaTssng work in ihe pubisc way.

Authority hereih given and granted for a period of five {5} years from and aftef 0?/2&2Q21.





Alderman: »

Matt Martin   47th Ward ^^^^^^




Starbucks Coffee Co.

Public way submittal .Me&S-Hffcltf. Ur-KoL'-J 'it-


c | s



Notes; Public way submittal for SI^M (XX)


Starbucks Store # Zi'TB Chicago Site tf -&4

166 W.Washington St. Chicago.lL 60602 (312) 364-9098




Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection

Small Business Center - Public Way Use Unit City Hall -121 N. LaSalle Street, Room 800, Chicago, IL 60602 312-74-GOBIZ/ 312-744-6249   •   (312) 744-1944 (TTY)









Alderman Matt Martin Ward # 47 City of Chicago City Hall, Room 800 121 N. LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60602

Re: An ordinance to use and maintain a portion ofthe public right-of-way for 4 Sign(s) for STARBUCKS COFFEE #2378, adjacent to the premises known as 4553 - 4557 N LINCOLN AVE.

Dear Alderman Matt Martin:

The applicant referenced above has requested the use of the public right-of-way for Sign(s). An ordinance has been prepared by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection - Small Business Center - Public Way Use Unit for presentation to the City Council. Because this request was made for properties located in your ward, as approved by you as per the attached, I respectfully request that you introduce the attached ordinance at the next City Council meeting.

Ifyou have any questions regarding this ordinance, please contact Anthony Bertuca at (312) 744-5506.







Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection