This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: SO2022-279   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 1/26/2022 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 4/27/2022
Title: Zoning Reclassification Map No. 5-J at 1800-1840 N Hamlin Ave, 1821-1857 N Hamlin Ave, 3735-3759 W Cortland St and 1820-1856 N Ridgeway Ave - App No. 20912
Sponsors: Misc. Transmittal
Attachments: 1. O2022-279.pdf, 2. SO2022-279.pdf

The area delineated herein as Planned Development Number , (Planned Development)
consists of approximately 140,338 square fect of property which is depicted on the attached Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map (Property) and is controlled by the Applicants, Encuentro Square f LP, an Illinois limited partnership and Encuentro Square II LP, an Illinois limited partnership and owned by the City of Chicago.
The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this Planned Development shall be binding upon the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit ofthe Applicant's successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holder and any ground lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17-8-0400 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, the Property, at the time of application for amendments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planned Development are made, shall be under single ownership or designated control. Single designated control is defined in Section 17-8-0400.
All applicable official reviews, approvals or permits are required to be obtained by the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees. Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys or grants of easements or any adjustment of the right-of-way shall require a separate submittal to the Department of Transportation on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assigns or grantees.
Any requests for grants of privilege, or any items encroaching on the public way, shall be in compliance with the Planned Development.
Ingress or egress shall be pursuant to the Planned Development and may be subject to the review and approval of the Departments of Planning and Development and Transportation. Closure of all or any public street or alley during demolition or construction shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department of Transportation.

Pursuant to a negotiated and executed Perimeter Restoration Agreement ("Agreement") by and between the Department of Transportation's Division of Infrastructure Management and the Applicant, the Applicant shall provide improvements and restoration of all public way adjacent to the property, which may include, but not be limited to, the following as shall be reviewed and determined by the Department of Transportation's Division of Infrastructure Management:
Full width of streets
Full width of alleys
Curb and gutter
Pavement markings
ADA crosswalk ramps

Applicant: Encuentro Square I LP and Encuentro Square II LP
Address: 1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1821-1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgeway
Introduced: January 26, 2022
Plan Commission. April 21, 2022


• Parkway & landscaping

The Perimeter Restoration Agreement must be executed prior to any Department of Transportation and Planned Development Part II review permitting. The Agreement shall reflect that all work must comply with current Rules and Regulations and must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Department of Transportation's Construction Standards for work in the Public Way and in compliance with the Municipal Code of Chicago Chapter 10-20. Design of said improvements should follow the Department of Transportation's Rules and Regulations for Construction in the Public Way as well as The Street and Site Plan Design Guidelines. Any variation in scope or design of public way improvements and restoration must be approved by the Department of Transportation.
This Plan of Development consists of 18 Statements: a Bulk Regulations Table; an Existing Zoning Map; a Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map; a Right of Way Adjustment map; Site Plan; Sub-Area Map; Landscape Plan - Sub-Area A, Elevations -Building 1 (North), Elevations - Building 1 (South), Elevations - Building 1 (East), Elevations - Building 1 (West), Elevations - Building 2 (North and South), Elevations - Building 2 (West), Elevations - Building 2 (South-West), Elevations - Building 2 (East), Elevations - Building 2 (South-East), prepared by Canopy and dated April 21, 2022, submitted herein. Full-sized copies of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building Elevations are on file with the Department of Planning and Development. In any instance where a provision of this Planned Development conflicts with the Chicago Building Code, the Building Code shall control. This Planned Development conforms to the intent and purpose of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, and all requirements thereto, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a Planned Development. In case of a conflict between the terms of this Planned Development Ordinance and the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, this Planned Development shall control.
In each of the following Sub Areas, the following uses shall be permitted in this Planned Development:
Sub-Area A: Residential Dwelling Units; Residential Support Services; Parks and Recreation; Community Center; Accessory Parking and Accessory Uses
Sub-Area B: Residential Dwelling Units; Residential Support Services; Parks and Recreation; Community Center; Accessory Parking and Accessory Uses
On-Premise signs and temporary signs, such as construction and marketing signs, shall be permitted within the Planned Development, subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development. Off-Premise signs are prohibited within the boundary of the Planned Development.
For purposes of height measurement, the definitions in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The height of any building shall also be subject to height limitations, if any, established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Applicant: Encuentro Square I LP and Encuentro Square II LP
Address: 1800-1S40 North Hamlin, 1821-1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgeway
Introduced: January 26, 2022
Plan Commission: April 21, 2022

The maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) for the Property shall be in accordance with the attached Bulk Regulations and Data Table. For the purpose of FAR calculations and measurements, the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The permitted FAR identified in the Bulk Regulations and Data Table has been determined using a net site area of 160.729 square feet and a base FAR of 1.8.
Upon review and determination, Part H Review, pursuant to Section 17-13-0610, a Part II Review Fee shall be assessed by the Department of Planning and Development. The fee, as determined by staff at the time, is final and binding on the Applicant and must be paid to the Department of Revenue prior to the issuance of any Part II approval.
The Site and Landscape Plans shall be in substantial conformance with the Landscape Ordinance and any other corresponding regulations and guidelines, including Section 17-13-0800. Final landscape plan review and approval will be by the Department of Planning and Development. Any interim reviews associated with site plan review or Part II reviews, are conditional until final Part II approval.
Prior to the Part II Approval (Section 17-13-0610 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance) in Sub-Area B, the Applicant shall submit a site plan, landscape plan and building elevations for the specific Sub-Area for review and approval by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD). Provided that the Site Plan Submittal required hereunder is in general conformance with the Planned Development and provided Applicant has timely provided all Site Plan Submittals, the Commissioner of DPD (the "Commissioner") shall issue such Site Plan Approval. The foregoing nothwithstanding, prior to the Commissioner's issuance of such Site Plan Approval, the Applicant shall present the Site Plan (as a courtesy presentation) to the Chicago Plan Commission, during a public meeting. Review and approval by DPD is intended to assure that specific development components substantially conform with the Planned Development (PD) and to assist the City in monitoring ongoing development. Sub-Area Site Plan Approval Submittals (Section 17-13-0800) need only include that portion of the Property for which approval is being sought by the Applicant. If the Applicant is seeking approval for a portion of the Property that represents less than an entire Sub-Area, the Applicant shall also include a site plan for that area of the Property which is bounded on all sides by either public Rights-of-Way or the boundary of the nearest Sub-Area. The site plan provided shall include all dimensioned and planned street Rights-of-Way.

No Part II Approval for any portion of the Property shall be granted until Site Plan approval has been granted. Following approval by DPD, the approved Sub-Area Site Plan Approval Submittals, supporting data and materials shall be made part of the main file and shall be deemed to be an integral part ofthe PD.

After approval of the Sub-Area Site Plan, changes or modifications may be made pursuant to the provisions of Statement TBD. In the event ofany inconsistency between approved plans and the terms of the PD, the terms of the PD shall govern. Any Sub Area Site Plan Approval Submittals shall, at a minimum, provide the following information:

Applicant: Encuentro Square 1 LP and Encuentro Square II LP
Address: 1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1X21-1857 North Hamlin. 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgcway
Introduced: January 26, 2022
Plan Commission: April 21, 2022

fully-dimensioned site plan (including a footprint of the proposed improvements);
fully-dimensioned building elevations;
fully-dimensioned landscape plan(s); and,
statistical information applicable to the subject Sub-Area, including floor area, the applicable floor area ratio, uses to be established, building heights and setbacks.

Sub Area Site Plan Approval Submittals shall include all other information necessary to illustrate substantial conformance to the PD.
The Applicant shall comply with Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Stockpiles promulgated by the Commissioners of the Departments of Streets and Sanitation, Fleet and Facility Management and Buildings, under Section 13-32-085, or any other provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The terms and conditions of development under this Planned Development ordinance may be modified administratively, pursuant to Section 17-13-0611 -A, by the Zoning Administrator upon the application for such a modification by the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manner which promotes, enables and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all buildings and improvements on the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct, renovate and maintain all buildings in a manner that provides healthier indoor environments, reduces operating costs and conserves energy and natural resources. The Applicant shall obtain the number of points necessary to meet the requirements of the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy, in effect at the time the Part 11 review process is initiated for each improvement that is subject to the aforementioned Policy and must provide documentation verifying compliance.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is the policy of the City to maximize opportunities for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises ("M/WBEs") and city residents to compete for contracts and jobs on construction projects approved through the planned development process. To assist the city in promoting and tracking such MAVBE and city resident participation, an applicant for planned development approval shall provide information at three points in the city approval process. First, the applicant must submit to DPD, as part of its application for planned development approval, an M/WBE Participation Proposal. The M/WBE Participation Proposal must identify the applicant's goals for participation of certified M/WBE firms in the design, engineering and construction of the project, and of city residents in the construction work. The city encourages goals of (i) 26% MBE and 6% WBE participation (measured against the total construction budget for the project or any phase

Applicant: F.ncucntro Square 1 LP and Encuentro Square II LP
Address: 1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1821-1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgcway
Introduced: January 26, 2022
Plan Commission: April 21,2022


thereof), and (ii) 50% city resident hiring (measured against the total construction work hours for the project or any phase thereof)- The M/WBE Participation Proposal must include a description ofthe Applicant's proposed outreach plan designed to inform M/WBEs and city residents of job and contracting opportunities. Second, at the time of the Applicant's submission for Part 11 permit review for the project or any phase thereof, the Applicant must submit to DPD (a) updates (if any) to the Applicant's preliminary outreach plan, (b) a description of the Applicant's outreach efforts and evidence of such outreach, including, without limitation, copies of certified letters to M/WBE contractor associations and the ward office ofthe alderman in which the project is located and receipts thereof; (c) responses to the Applicant's outreach efforts, and (d) updates (if any) to the applicant's M/WBE and city resident participation goals. Third, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the project or any phase thereof, the Applicant must provide DPD with the actual level of M/WBE and city resident participation in the project or any phase thereof, and evidence of such participation. In addition to the forgoing, DPD may request such additional information as the department determines may be necessary or useful in evaluating the extent to which M/WBEs and city residents are informed of and utilized in planned development projects. All such information will be provided in a form acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. DPD will report the data il collects regarding projected and actual employment of M/WBEs and city residents in planned development projects twice yearly to the Chicago Plan Commission and annually to the Chicago City Council and the Mayor.

17. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the rezoning of the Property from Ml-1 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District and Ml-2 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RM6 Residential Multi-Unit District, and then to this Planned Development ("PD")
No. is an "entitlement" that triggers the requirements of Section 2-44-085 of the Municipal
Code of Chicago (the "ARO"). The PD is located in a "community preservation area" within the meaning of the ARO and permits the construction of 187 dwelling units. The Applicant intends to construct a 187-unit development.

Developers of rental projects in community preservation areas with 30 or more units must provide between 10% and 20% of the units in the residential development as affordable units, depending on the depth of affordability provided, as described in subsection (F)(2) ofthe ARO. Regardless of the applicable percentage of affordable units in the rental project, developers must construct at least 25% ofthe affordable units on-site and another 25% on-site or off-site (collectively, the "Required Units"), and may satisfy the balance of their affordable housing obligation through (a) the establishment of on-site or off-site affordable units; (b) payment of a fee in lieu of the establishment of additional on-site or off-site affordable units; or (c) any combination thereof. All on-site affordable units must be accessible dwelling units, as required under subsection (W)(10) of the ARO, and developers must give preference in leasing accessible units to people with disabilities, as specified in the ARO rules. All off-site affordable units must have at least two bedrooms and must be located in a community preservation area within a 1-mile radius of the triggering project. Whether on-site or off-site, developers must give preference in leasing affordable units of two bedrooms or more to multi-person households, as specified in the ARO rules. If a residential project is located in a transit-served location, off-site units must be located in a substantially comparable transit-served location.
Applicant: Encuentro Square 1 LP and Encuentro Square II LP
Address: 1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1821-1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgeway
Introduced- January 26, 2022
Plan Commission: April 21, 2022


The Applicant has elecied the 20% option as set forth in the chart in subsection (F)(2) of the ARO. As a result, the Applicant's affordable housing obligation is 37.4 affordable units (20% of 187), and half of those affordable units are Required Units. Pursuant to subsection (T) of the ARO, the Applicant must provide an additional unit to satisfy the fractional obligation of 0.5 or greater. The Applicant has agreed to satisfy its affordable housing obligation by providing not less than 38 affordable units in the rental building in the PD, as set forth in the Affordable Housing Profile (AHP) attached hereto. The Applicant agrees that the affordable rental units must be affordable to households with a range of incomes averaging 60% ofthe Chicago Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area Median Income (AMI), as updated annually, provided that (x) the maximum income level for any affordable unit may not exceed 80% of the AMI, (y) at least one-third must be affordable to households at or below 50% of the AMI, of which one-sixth must be affordable to households at or below 40% of the AMI, and (z) all income levels must be multiples of 10% of the AMI.

If the Applicant requests any material change to its method of compliance with the ARO, such as locating affordable units off-site instead of on-site or changing the target affordability level after the passage of this PD, DOH may adjust the AHP as requested, in accordance with the ARO, without amending the PD, provided however, the Applicant must update and resubmit the revised AHP to DOH for review and approval and, at DOH's request, provide an informational presentation to the Plan Commission on such change. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for any residential building in the PD, including, without limitation, excavation or foundation pennits, the Applicant must execute and record an Inclusionary Housing Agreement (IHA), in accordance with subsection (IM) ofthe ARO. The terms ofthe IHA and any amendments thereto are incorporated herein by this reference. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the IHA will be recorded against all Subareas ofthe PD and will constitute a lien against such property. The Commissioner of DOH may enforce remedies for any breach of this Statement 17, including any breach of any IH A, and enter into settlement agreements with respect to any such breach, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, without amending the PD.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Applicant receives Low-Income Housing Tax Credits or other financial assistance from the City, and the affordability requirements for such financing (the "Financing Requirements") exceed the ARO requirements, then the Financial Requirements shall govern the Applicant's obligation to provide affordable housing in such subsidized portions of the PD.

This statement does not include all ARO requirements and options. It is intended to provide an overview of the application of the ARO to this PD. In the event of any conflict between this statement and the terms and conditions of the ARO, the ARO shall govern.

18. This Planned Development shall be governed by Section 17-13-0612. Should this Planned Development ordinance lapse, the Zoning Administrator shall initiate a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the property to R.M6 Multi-Unit District.

Applicant: Encuentro Square I LP and Encuentro Square II LP
Address: 1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1821-1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgeway
Introduced. January 26, 2022
Plan Commission: April 21, 2022


Gross Site Area:
Area Remaining in Public Right of Way
Net Site Area:
Sub-Area A: Gross Site Area: Net Site Area:
196,492 square feet (4.51 acres) 35,763 square feet (.82 acres) 160,729 square feet (3.68 acres)

107,317 square feet 77,522 square feet

Sub-Area B: Gross Site Area: Net Site Area:

89,175 square feet 83,207 square feet

Maximum Number of Dwelling Units:

Maximum Number of Dwelling Units 89 Dwelling Units in Sub-Area A:

Maximum Number of Dwelling Units 98 Dwelling Units in Sub-Area B:

Maximum Floor Area Ratio for all Sub-Areas: 1.8

Maximum Floor Area Ratio in Sub- 1.8 Area A:

Maximum Floor Area Ratio in Sub- 1.8 Area B:

Applicant: Encuentro Square 1 Ll' and Encuentro Square II LI'
Address: 1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1821 -1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgeway
Introduced: January 26,2022
I'lan Commission: Apnl 21, 2022

Minimum Number of Off-Street Total Parking Spaces:

Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking 56 Parking Spaces Spaces in Sub-Area A:

Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking The lesser of 79 spaces or the
Spaces in Sub-Area B: number of parking spaces required
pursuant to the Chicago Zoning Ordinance

2 (10x25) - In Sub-Area A (on Hamlin Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue)
1 (10x25)-In Sub-Area B

Minimum Required Setbacks:

As per the Site Plan

0' north line 0' west line 0' east line 0' south line

Maximum Building Height ofthe top Residential Floor per Section 17-17-0311 ofthe Zoning Ordinance:

I'lan Commission:
Encuentro Square I LP and Encuentro Square II LP
1800-1840 North Hamlin, 1821-1857 North Hamlin, 3735-3759 West Cortland and 1820-1856 North Ridgeway January 26, 2022 April 21, 2022
7. Li



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