Record #: R2022-543   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 5/23/2022 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 5/23/2022
Title: Recognition of William McGill's service to Chicago communities
Sponsors: Hairston, Leslie A.
Attachments: 1. R2022-543.pdf



WHEREAS, WILLIAM McGILL, is 81 years old and was born in Chicago, IL;

WHEREAS, William has been married to Abcjean McGill for 53 years;

WHEREAS, William has one daughter, one grandchild, and two great-grandchildren, ages 5 and 7, who keep him busy;

WHEREAS, William served in the U.S. Army from 1959 through 1961;

WHEREAS, William was a Football Coach at Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School in 1967, and also worked with J. W. Smith on his football team;

WHEREAS, William was a Track & Field Coach at Kenwood High School from 1972 through 1984;

WHEREAS, William worked with Conrad Worrell on the World Class Track & Field Center at Gately Park;

WHEREAS, William worked for the U.S. Postal Service from 1985 through 2006;

WHEREAS, William also worked in the Insurance industry at Mutual Benefit Life in the Sivart Building (owned by Dempsey Travis) and in the Pharmaceutical industry at Westwood Pharmaceutical, headquartered in Buffalo, New York;

WHEREAS, William's favorite hobby is reading; and he is currently reading a book written by John Carlos, a 1968 Olympian whom he has met;

WHEREAS, William has never stopped coaching throughout all of his former positions, as he loves to see youth learn something new and excel at it;

WHEREAS, William has coached hundreds of youths over the years, and has taught life lessons to all of his students.



BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City Council ofthe City of

Chicago, assembled this                     day of May, 2022, do hereby honor the service of WILLIAM

McGILL, and extend our sincere congratulations for his service to the community, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that suitable copies of this Resolution be presented to WILLIAM McGILL as a sign of our good wishes.

Alderman Leslie A. Hairston 5th Ward