Currently, Chicago has an Office of Violence Prevention. For years, community members have advocated for this office to be established through an ordinance. The goal of the ordinance is to create community accountability, long-term and sustainable solutions, give the office grant-making power, and assurance that this office is not subject to be dissolved due to political priorities. #FundPeaceChicago
Ordinance to Create the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Related Violence Reduction Measures
Whereas, the City Council of Chicago finds that extreme, concentrated gun violence is traumatizing entire neighborhoods in the City of Chicago with murders and shootings causing widespread fear, family disruption, mental health issues, lack of private investment and jobs, and reduced educational attainment; and
Whereas the City Council further finds that it is necessary to promote peace by targeting the Chicago community areas that are disproportionately affected by extreme rates of gun violence with a comprehensive system of public safety measures, public health measures, violence interruption measures, and holistic measures to reduce harm to families and individuals.
Now, therefore, the Council adopts the following ordinance.
Contents XXX
Section XX-1. Definitions
The'following terms wherever used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings: XX:
Section XX-2. Establishment of the Office of Neighborhood Safety
There is hereby established a city department to be known as the Office of Neighborhood Safety to coordinate and implement a comprehensive city-wide strategy to address gun violence. The office shall coordinate with the Office of Neighborhood Safety Advisory Commission the execution of its duties and responsibilities.
The department shall be led by the Commissioner of the Office of Neighborhood Safety and shall include, at a minimum, the following paid employees in addition to the Commissioner:
A data analyst to ensure proper data collection, coordinate monthly data reports, and assist residents and community organizations seeking information about gun violence and prevention in their communities.
An administrative assistant to support the work of the Office.
A staff person to provide technical assistance and support to community organizations seeking or receiving funding through the Office to ensure deeply rooted community organizations are wrapped into the City efforts to address gun violence.
One or more coordinators to provide staff support to the Office of Neighborhood Safety Commission and coordinate the government agencies' and departments' plans to address gun violence.
15 community engagement specialists to provide community support, coordination and support strategies on the ground.
C.The Community Safety Coordination Center shall advise and support the Mayor's Office in the creation ofthe Office of Neighborhood Safety and initial implementation ofthis ordinance.
Section XX-3. Appointment and Termination of the Commissioner.
Appointment. The Office of Neighborhood Safety shall be led by the Commissioner of the Office of Neighborhood Safety. The Advisory Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council:
The Office of Neighborhood Safety approves of any recruitment materials and job descriptions and reviews potential candidates.
The Commission recommends 3 finalists to the Mayor.
Prior to appointment by the Mayor, there shall be at least one community forum to allow residents to learn about each finalist and ask questions.
The Mayor shall appoint the Commissioner from among the three recommended finalists.
In the event the Mayor rejects all of the finalists from the Advisory Commission, the Advisory Commission shall submit three new finalists.
The Mayor will nominate the candidate to the City Council for final approval.
In the event the City Council rejects the candidate, the Advisory Commission shall submit three new finalists to the Mayor.
Term of Office. The Advisory Commission shall be appointed for a term no more than four years, co-terminus with the Mayor's term of office. The Commissioner may be considered for reappointment at the conclusion of their term. In the event that the Commissioner cannot complete his or her term or is removed from office, the Mayor shall appoint a new Commissioner to complete their predecessor's term using the process set forth in this Section.
Termination. The Commissioner of the Office of neighborhood Safety may be terminated:
For cause, by the Mayor, or
At the request of the Advisory Commission, with or without cause, with the approval of the Mayor.
Section XX-4. The Office and Commissioner - Powers and Duties.
The Office and the Director shall have the following powers and duties:
Coordinate the City's efforts to address gun violence using a public health approach that prioritizes human dignity and community empowerment.
Collect, monitor, and report data on the illegal gun market, gun violence, causes, and interventions.
Develop a comprehensive citywide strategy and five-year plan to address gun violence, in coordination with the Advisory Commission.
Assess and coordinate City funds aimed at addressing gun violence as outlined in the City's Five-Year Plan to Address Gun Violence and Annual Plan.
Implement a community coordination strategy in community areas with the highest risk of gun violence outlined by the Five-Year Plan.
In alignment with the Five-Year Plan, coordinate the allocation of resources to community organizations, providers, stakeholders, and residents, including grant opportunities and investment in community organizations, community services, and resources for victims of gun violence.
Align government, law enforcement, and community efforts to reduce gun violence and work with the following agencies to develop actionable plans for their role in preventing gun violence:
Department of Family and Support Services
Department of Planning and Development
Department of Housing
Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Management
Law Department
Chicago Police Department
Civilian Office of Police Accountability
Office of the Public Safety Administration
Conduct policy and procedural analysis and make such policy recommendations as may be appropriate.
i. Adopt and administer such rules, regulations, and procedures deemed necessary and
appropriate to carry out the duties of the Office.
Section XX-5. Establishment of Office of Neighborhood Safety Advisory Commission
Establishment. There is hereby established an Advisory Commission to be known as the Office of Neighborhood Safety Advisor Commission of the City of Chicago that shall provide guidance and oversight to the Office of Neighborhood Safety
Composition. The Advisory Commission shall consist of 16 members to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the city council:
A representative from the Department of Public Health
A representative from the Chicago Public Schools
A representative from the Chicago Police Department
A representative from the Department of Family and Support Services
A representative from the Office of Public Safety Administration
A representative from the Office of Equity and Racial Justice
A representative from the Community Commission for Public Safety
Two members from the faith community
Three members who are residents of Chicago who have been directly impacted by gun violence
One member who represents a grassroots neighborhood organization in community that is disproportionately impacted by gun violence
Two members from organizations that work to address gun violence
One member who is an expert in mental health and trauma
At least nine of the sixteen Advisory Commission members must reside in Chicago either (1) west of Ashland Avenue and south of Division or (2) south of 35th Street and east of Western Avenue. All Commission members shall serve as such without compensation.
Commissioner's Terms. Each Advisory Commissioner member shall serve for a period of two years from the date of appointment, subject to reappointment by the Mayor for any number of additional two-year terms, except that five ofthe initial appointments as designated by the Mayor shall be for a term of only one year. Each Advisory Commissioner member shall serve until a successor has been appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor shall appoint members to fill vacancies which may occur due to death, resignation, change in government position, or incapacity.
Reimbursement. The office may reimburse Advisory Commissioner Members reasonable costs associated with attending meetings and conducting Advisory Commission business, including child care and travel, to facilitate participation on the Advisory Board from individuals in low-income communities.
Section XX-6. Powers and Duties of Commission.
Powers and Duties. The Advisory Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
Provide guidance and non-binding recommendations to the Commissioner on the development of the plans and strategies ofthe Office.
Approval of the City's Five-Year Plan to Address Gun Violence and Annual Plans.
Recommend criteria for community investments and allocation of resources and identify community areas for prioritization of investments.
Evaluate gun violence data and issue reports outlining the City's progress in addressing gun violence. •
Hold community hearings to inform its work.
Select finalists for the position of Commissioner of the Office of Neighborhood Safety.
Hold at least quarterly meetings to review data and programs implemented by the Office of Neighborhood Safety;
Elect a Chair of the Advisory Commission to serve for a term of two years;
i. Make policy recommendations.
Section XX-7. Five-Year Strategy and Annual Reports
a. Five-Year Plan. Every five years, the Office shall issue a five-year plan outlining a comprehensive citywide strategy and goals to address gun violence. The plan shall be developed using a public health approach that prioritizes human dignity and community empowerment. The Plan should be developed so that residents, law enforcement, nonprofit organizations, community organizations, community leaders, and City officials can collectively assess the needs of the community and work together to address violence as a community. The plan shall:
Describe a comprehensive citywide plan to address gun violence, including (A) how City resources will be coordinated, (B) the role of City agencies, law enforcement, community organizations, and service providers, and (C) how the identified strategies address the root causes of gun violence.
Assess the needs of each community area of the City.
Develop a community crisis response plan, including for protest and civil unrest that engages community leaders.
Identify priority community areas for investment and intervention.
Outline strategies for priority community areas modeled on emergency management where all members ofthe impacted community are provided a base level of resources and services and additional resources are provided to individuals and families most impacted.
Outline a Victim Safety Service Strategy, including funding and support for nonprofit agencies to provide resources to community members whose safety is threatened and or is in need of emergency relocation.
Set concrete, measurable goals for the City throughout the five-year period.
Identify strategic gun violence prevention outreach and awareness efforts.
The Plan must be approved by the Office of Neighborhood Safety advisory commission.
b. The Office shall issue Annual Reports outlining progress toward the goals of the Five-Year Plan and identifying criteria for grant opportunities for the following year.
Section XX-8. Budget.
The appropriations available to pay for the expenses of the Office of Neighborhood Safety each fiscal year shall be no less than 1.5% of the City of Chicago's approved corporate budget. The City may also accept donations to the Office of Neighborhood Safety.
Section XX-9. Reports—Open to Public Inspection.
All reports of the Office of Neighborhood Safety shall be open to public inspection, except to the extent that information contained therein is exempted from disclosure by the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, or any other applicable law. All audits conducted by the Office of Neighborhood Safety shall be released publicly at the time of completion and will be published on the website of the Office of Neighborhood Safety and remain available on the Joint Committee of Budget & Government Operations and Public Safety website for at least 10 years from the date of publication. The data sets will remain on the website for at least 10 years from the date of publication. All policy recommendations and subsequent records related to these recommendations are open to public inspection and shall be published on the Office of Neighborhood Safety website at the time of completion and remain on the website for at least 10 years.
Section XX-10. Public Policy.
The public policy of this chapter is to create a system of publicly accountable gun violence prevention practices that identify the root causes of Chicago's gun violence and pursue solutions to reduce and ameliorate the effects of such gun violence.
Aid. Roderick T. Sawyer Aid. Leslie A. Hairston
Aid. Harry Osterman
The following legislation is being introduced by Roderick T. Sawyer regarding Ordinance to Create The Office of Neighborhood Safety and Related Violence Reduction Measures co-sponsored by Leslie A Hairston, Jeanette Taylor, and Harry Osterman.
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Alderman Ward 12
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Alderman Ward 13
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Alderman Ward 14
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Alderman Ward 15
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Leslie Hairston
Alderman Ward 5
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Alderman Ward 17
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Alderman Ward 18
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Alderman Ward 19
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Jeanette Taylor
Alderman Ward 20
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Alderman Ward 21
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Alderman Ward 11 1 I P a g e
The following legislation is being introduced by Roderick T. Sawyer regarding Ordinance to Create The Office of Neighborhood Safety and Related Violence Reduction Measures co-sponsored by Leslie A Hairston, Jeanette Taylor, and Harry Osterman.
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Alderman Ward 34
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Alderman Ward 35
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Alderman Ward 36
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Alderman Ward 37
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Alderman Ward 38
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Alderman Ward 39
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Alderman Ward 40
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Alderman Ward 41
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Alderman Ward 42
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Alderman Ward 43
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Alderman Ward 33 2 | P a g e
The following legislation is being introduced by Roderick T. Sawyer regarding Ordinance to Create The Office of Neighborhood Safety and Related Violence Reduction Measures co-sponsored by Leslie A Hairston, Jeanette Taylor, and Harry Osterman.
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Alderman Ward 45
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Alderman Ward 46
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Alderman Ward 47
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_Harry Osterman
Alderman Ward 48
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Alderman Ward 49
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Alderman Ward 50
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