SECTION 1. Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code Of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the M3-3, Heavy Industry District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 8-J in the area bounded by:
The South right-of-way line ofthe Illinois Central Rail Road; South Kedzie Avenue; the North right-of-way line of the Sanitary Drainage and Ship Canal; and a line 135.82 feet west of and parallel to South Kedzie Avenue
to those of a C3-1, Commercial, Manufacturing and Employement District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Address: 3350 S. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60623
Narrative and Plans For a Type-1 Zoning Map Amendment At 3350 S Kedzie Avenue
from M3-3 to C3-1
The reason for rezoning is to operate a tavern with food services and live entertainment (nightclub) within the existing 1 story office building to be interior renovated with no changes to the size, shape, ofthe existing footprint.
The proposed land use after the proposed Zoning Map Ammendment is approved will be for a Tavern with food service and live entetainment which is permitted under the C3-1 Zoning classification.
The project will consist of a mostly cosmetic rennovation of the existing building within it's current footprint. No changes will be made to the building's size, shape or existing footprint on the lot.
Bulk Table
F.A.R.: 0.39
Lot Area: 18,001.58 Sq.Ft. Building Size: 7,040 Sq. Ft.
Density (Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit): None
Off Street Parking: 19 Spaces
Set backs: Existing Front(E) 58.65 feet
Rear(W) 15.67 feet Side: North 0.0 feet South 5.0 feet
Building Height: Existing 16.0 Feet
The property must comply with section(s) 17-13-0400,17-13-0403 a -g; Zoning map ammendment within Industrial Corridor.
The applicant will comply with section(s) 17-3-0307 Exceptions...
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