Finai for Publication
SECTION!. Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning
Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the RT-4 Residential Two-Flat,
Townhouse and Multi-Unit symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 13-1
in the area bounded by:
a line 140 feet north of and parallel to West Ainslie Avenue or the line thereof if extended; North Western Avenue; a line 115 feet north of parallel to west Ainslie Avenue or the line thereof if extended; and North Lincoln Avenue,
to those of a B3-1.5 Community Shopping District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common address of property:
Zoning App. No. 21067-T1 17-13-0303-C(l) Substitute Narrative & Plans - 4912 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL
Proposed Zoning: B3-1.5 Community Shopping District
.Lot Area: . 4,685 square feet (irregular shape)
Proposed Land Use: Tlie Applicant is proposing to permit a one-story building addition to the existing first floor retail unit at the subject property. Tlie proposed one-story addition will contain approximately 1,109 sq. ft. of floor area. The proposed one-story addition will be 12 feet-11 3/16 inches in height. The existing two-story building will remain 23 feet-1 inch in height. The residential unit located on the building's second floor will remain without change. The subject property is a Transit Served Location based on its proximity to the Western Ave. Bus Route. No onsite parking will be provided at the subject property.
The Project's Floor Area Ratio: 4,987 square feet (1.1 FAR)
The Project's Density (Minimum Lot Area Per D.U.): 4,685 square feet per D.U.
(1 existing dwelling unit)
The amount of off-street parking: 0 vehicle parking spaces*
Front Setback (from Western Ave.): 0 (existing)
Rear Setback (from Lincoln Ave.): 0 (proposed)
Side Setbacks:
North: 0 (existing) South: 0 (existing)
Building Height: 23 feet-1 inch
*Note: The Applicant will seek additional relief, if necessary, to permit the parking reduction pursuant to the Transit Served Location Ordinance.
**Note: The Applicant will seek additional relief, if necessary, to permit the existing and proposed setbacks because ofthe subject lot's atypical shape and through-lot condition.
Final for Publication
17-3-0403-B Transit Served Location (TSL) - Supplemental Narrative Zoning Analysis
4912 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Illinois
The subject property consists of a single, irregularly shaped zoning lot containing 25 ft. of frontage along N. Western Ave. and 27.52 ft. of frontage along. N. Lincoln Ave: The subject zoning lot is a through lot and does not have access to a public alley. The subject property is improved with a two-story mixed-use building containing retail space at grade and one (1) residential unit above.
Tlie subject property is located immediately adjacent to the N. Western Ave. Bus Route. The existing neighboring, improvements in the immediate area vary in scale and use - from one-story to four-stories in height, many w|th ground floor retail uses and residential uses above. There are also several multirunit residential buildings located on the west side of N. Western Ave. immediately to the north of the subject property.
The Applicant is seeking a Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment to establish a B3 -1.5 Community Shopping District, in order to permit a one-story addition to the existing two-story mixed-use building. The proposed addition will contain approximately 1,109 sq. ft of floor area. The addition will function as an expansion of the retail use only. The residential unit located on the second floor of the existing.building will remain without change. Based on the subject property's immediate proximity to the N. Western Ave. Bus Route, the Applicant is seeking to reduce the minimum off-street automobile parking for the mixed-use building to zero (0) pursuant to Section 17-10-0102-B ofthe Zoning Ordinance.
Pursuant to Section 17-10-0102-B and Section 17-13-0905-F of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to qualify the proposed reduction of off-street automobile parking, the Project:
Must be located in a transit-served location. The subject property is located immediately adjacent to and wholly within 1,320 linear feet of the N. Western Ave. Bus Route.
Must comply with the standards of Section 17-3-0500 pertaining to pedestrian streets and pedestrian retail streets. The proposed one-story building addition was designed to comply with all the standards and design guidelines for pedestrian streets',, as reflected on the architectural plans prepared by Nicholas Design Collaborative and submitted with the Applicant 's Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment. The facade of the proposed addition abuts the sidewalk on N. Lincoln Ave., with the primary entrance facing and directly accessible from N. Lincoln Ave. [17-3-0504-B and 17-3-0504-D]. Further, over 60% of the ground floor facade facing N. Lincoln Ave., is comprised of transparent windows. [17-3-0504-C]. Lastly, because no off-street parking is proposed, there is no potential for any vehicular interference with the pedestrian walkway (sidewalk). [17-3-0504-E-F-G].
Final for Publication
Must comply with the general goals set forth iii the Transit Friendly Development Guide'. Station Area Typology, and any other station-specific plans, designs or guidelines adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission. Tlie Transit Friendly Development Guide defines 'transit friendly development' as [djevelopment which is oriented towards and integrated with adjacent transit. The proposed one-story retail addition to the mixed-use building incorporates accessibility and connectivity to the N. Western Ave. Bus Route, which runs immediately to the west of the subject property. Moreover, the proposal features a transit-oriented retail business on the building's first floor, activating thepedestrian way for commuters going traveling in the subject area.
Must actively promote public transit and alternatives to automobile ownership. In a direct and deliberate effort to promote public forms of
-transportation, and to mitigate vehicular congestion and traffic in this pedestrian-oriented neighborhood, the project does not rely on any off-street parking. The Applicant's building design provides for bicycle parking and the Applicant (who win maintain ownership arid management of the property) is committed t6 working with the Alderman and representatives from the CTA and CDOT, toward providing additional public bicycle racks, should such be desired.
Must include enhancements to the pedestrian environment that are not otherwise required. The existing mixed-use building currently has no presence on the N. Lincoln Ave. side of the lot. The proposed retail addition design complies with the guidelines for improvements on a Pedestrian Street by incorporating a retail presence on N. Lincoln Ave. with transparent windowsto display the business activities within the first floor of the building. The proposal will also comply with the landscaping requirements by replacing the existing driveway on N. Lincoln Ave. with curb and a landscaped area (parkway). These design elements will help enhance the pedestrian experience at and around the subject property.
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