This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: O2022-2471   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 7/20/2022 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 1/18/2023
Title: Zoning Reclassification Map No. 12-G 1515-1525 W 47th St and 4701-4711 S Justine St - App No. 21108T1
Sponsors: Misc. Transmittal
Attachments: 1. O2022-2471 (V1).pdf, 2. O2022-2471.pdf
SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all ofthe B3-2, Community Shopping District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 12-G in the area bounded by
West 47lh Street a line 120 fect east ofand parallel to South Justine Street; the alley next South ofand parallel to West 47lh Street; and South Justine Street

to those of a B3-5, Community Shopping District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

1515-1525 West 47lh Street and 4701 -4711 South Justine Street,
Typc-1 Zoning Map Amendment Pro ject Narrative and Plans
1515-1525 West47s; Street and 4701-471 1 South Justine Street
Type-l zoning map amendment application to rezone property located at 1515-1 525 West 47n Street & 4701 -4711 South Justine Street (the "Property") from zoning classification B3-2 to B3-5.

Al. In cooperation with the City of Chicago's INVEST South/West Initiative, the New City Redevelopment Limited Partnership, an Illinois limited partnership (the "Applicant"), proposes to develop a new 6-story mixed-use commercial and multi-family residential building with 45 residential units (100% ofthe units will be affordable), an outdoor terrace, a ground-floor commercial space, and "Opportunity Hub" dedicated for workforce training and community youth programming. Nineteen (19) ofT-strect parking spaces for residents will be accessible from tlie first alley south of 47th Street.* The Property qualifies as a transit served location; it is approximately 370 feel from the CTA bus line corridor roadway segment served by the Ashland / 9 and Ashland Express / X9 bus routes, as listed in Table 17-10-0102-B.l.b of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance ("CZO").
At this time, the Property is a 14,869 square foot vacant parking lot owned by the City of Chicago. The Property spans 120 feet on the south side of 47,h Street and approximately 124 feet on the east side of Justine.
The Applicant seeks a map amendment from B3-2, Community Shopping District to B3-5, Community Shopping District to increase the allowable floor area ratio. Applicant is voluntarily utilizing the Type 1 Map Amendment process. If the proposed map amendment is approved, Applicant will apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a variation to reduce the required rear yard and to reduce the required rearyardopen space, apply to the City Council for an alley access ordinance, and to the Department of Planning and Development for affirmation that the number of parking spaces conforms to the transit served location allowances of CZO Section 17-10-0102 B.

Tlie relevant bulk/density analysis, discussion of parking ratios, and zoning relief sought are discussed in Part A.2. of this project narrative.

A2. Tlie following are the relevant bulk and density calculations for the proposed development compared to the allowed standards under the requested B3-5 district regulations.
Current Land Use: Tiie Property is an unimproved gravel lot that is sometimes used for parking. It is a rectangularly-shaped parcel on the southeast corner of West 47th Street and South Justine Street bounded by a public alley to the south and other vacant parcels to the east.
Surrounding Land Use: The land use in the immediate area consists of mixed-use commercial and residential buildings. The lot that is adjacent to the Property to the east is currently vacant and improved with a decorative fence. The Ashland Hotel, a long-term occupancy hotel, is located to the west opposite Justine Street. Land opposite the Property, on the north side of 47lh Street, has been improved with a commercial center that includes an Aldi grocery store.
Proposed Land Use: 6-story, mixed-use commercial and multi-family residential building with 45 affordable housing units, a ground-floor commercial space and "Opportunity Zone", to be rezoned from district B3-2 to district B3-5 under a Type-l Zoning Map Amendment process.

Type-l Zoning Map Amendment ' k-!'0//if*«
Pro ject Narrative
at 1515-1525 West 47,h Street and 4701-4711 South Justine Street Page 2 of 4
Floor Area Ratio (FAR):
o Proposed: 4.17 (61,862 SF building / 14,869 SF lot) o Allowed B3-5: 5.0 (74,345 SF building / 14,869 SF lot)
o Building Floor Area Total: ±61,862 SF
Ground-Floor: ± 6,876 SF (with 2,854 SF retail space, 375 SF bike storage)
Second-Floor: ± 11,505 SF
- Third-Floor: ±11,425 SF
¦ Fourth-Floor: ± 11,345 SF
Fifth-Floor: ± 11,261 SF
Sixth-Floor: ± 9,450 SF; (outdoorterrace: ± 1,670 SF)
Density (lot area per dwelling unit):
o Proposed: 330.43 SF MLA/DU (14,869 SF /45 units) o Allowed B3-5: 200 SF MLA/DU (14,869 SF/74 units)
Per Dwelling Unit: 200 SF
Per Efficiency Unit: 13 5 SF

Per SRO Unit: 100 SF
o Dwelling Units: 45 units
1 Bedroom: 17 units » 2 Bedroom: 13 units
3 Bedroom: 15 units
Off-Street Parking.
o Proposed: 19 spaces (including 3 handicap accessible) * *
o Required: Multi-unit, government-subsidized; based on unit size

Government Subsidized Dwelling Units Parking Ratio per Unit Required Spaces TSL Reduction ** Required Spaces with 50% TSL Reduction **
600-1,200 SF 30 0.7 21 50% 10.5 -
1,201 + SF 15 1.0 15 50% 7.5
Total 45 36 18
o Parking Spaces: 8'x 18'
d) Building Height: (with ground-floor commercial space & I 00+ ft lot frontage) o Proposed: 75'-0" o Allowed B3-5: 80'-0"

Type-l Zoning Map Amendment Project Narrative
at 1515-1525 West 47"' Street and 4701-4711 South Justine Street Page 3 of 4
e) Setbacks (proposed): .
o Front: O'-O"
o Rear: O'-O" ***
o Side (East): O'-O"
o Side (West): O'-O"
* Alley access ordinance for parking to preventnew curb cuts will be requested.
** This application includes TSL relief under Section 17-10-0102-B.l.of the CZO, reducing the minimum off-strcet automobile parking ratio for residential uses by 50 percent. The proposed development (multi-unit, government-subsidized) will require 36 parking spaces per Section 17-10-0207-C. At this time, the Applicant is requesting only a 50% TSL parking reduction from the otherwise applicable standards, reducing the required minimum off-street parking ratio from 36 to 18 parking spaces. The proposed development will provide 19 spaces. In the event that this application is revised to include TSL relief of more than 50%, as authorized in Section 17-10-0102-B.l., the project will otherwise comply with Section 17-13-0905-F, as stated below in Part A.3. of this project nairative.
*** Variation for relief from the applicable rear setback and rear yard open space standards to be sought from the Zoning Board of Appeals per Section 17-13-1101-B of the CZO.
NOTE: The Applicant will comply with Section 17-3-0307 Exceptions ofthe Chicago Air Quality Ordinance should such provisions be determined as applicable (if subject property sits within 660 feet of any listed industrial use pursuant to this section).

A3. At this time, the Applicant is requesting no more than a 50% TSL parking reduction (CZO Section 17-10-0102-B.l.) from the otherwise applicable standards. In the event that this application is revised to include TSL relief of more than 50%, as authorized in Section 17-10-0102-B. 1., the project will otherwise comply with Section 17-13-0905-F, Parking Reductions for TSL.

To qualify for a greater TSL reduction of certain applicable standards mentioned above, the project meets the criteria set under Section 17-13-0905-F of the CZO:
the project complies with the applicable standards of Section 17-10-0102-B, because the Property is located approximately 370 feet from a CTA bus line corridor roadway segment served by tlie Ashland / 9 and Ashland Express / X9 bus routes, as listed in Table 1 7-10-0102-B. Lb of the CZO. Additionally, the Applicant will accommodate additional bicycle spaces to offset automobile parking ratio reductions per Section 17-10-0102-B.3.
the project complies with the standards and regulations of Sec. 17-3-0500 pertaining to pedestrian streets and pedestrian retail streets; as shown on the accompanying Type-l plan set, the proposed building meets the design standards set forth in Section 17-3-0504.
the project complies with the general goals set forth in the Transit Friendly Development Guide: Station Area Typology, and any other station-specific plans, designs or guidelines adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission; The Transit Friendly Development Guide defines "transit friendly

Type-l Zoning Map Amendment Project Narrative
at 1515-1525 West 47"' Street and4701-4711 South Justine Street Page 4 of 4

development" as "[development which is orientated towards and integrated with adjacent transit This development incorporates accessibility and connectivity and is a multiuse mix of dense development that generates significant levels of transit riders." The proposed developmentwill provide an ideal integration of its mixed-use commercial and residential users to the nearby major CTA bus line corridor off Ashland Avenue, running north and south, and to the immediately adjacent CTA bus line serving 47th Street, which regularly runs east and west between Midway and Lake Park. The proposed development is in an ideal location that provides adjacent public transportation in all four directions, where users of the proposed commercial "Opportunity Hub" and the 45 affordable housing units will generate high levels of transit riders.
the Applicant will actively promote public transit and alternatives to automobile ownership; (lie proposed building includes an on-site covered 375 sq. ft. bicycle room with approximately 35 bicycle spaces (approximately 11 sq. ft. per bicycle) as well as an onsite outdoor bike rack approximately 16 feet east of the intersection of West 47th Street and South Justine Street, which will strongly support bicycle ownership as an alternative to automobile ownership.
the requested reduction will be offset by enhancements to the pedestrian environment that are not otherwise required; as shown on the accompanying Type-l plan set, the proposedbuilding includes a ground-level facade comprised of clear, non-reflective windows that allowpedestrians a complete visual of the first-level retail space and "Opportunity Hub," a multi-level facade with a gradual green plant screen wall system, a potential east-facing wall art mural to be painted by a local artist, a 7'-6" wide newly paved sidewalk along 47th Street and Justine Street, and the existing honey locust trees and newly planted oaks and coffee trees will provide shade for the pedestrian traversing tlie sidewalks.

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