This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: O2023-1012   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 2/1/2023 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Housing and Real Estate
Final action: 3/15/2023
Title: Sale of City-owned property at 5230 S Indiana Ave to Steve Maurice Epting and Felicia Epting under Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program
Sponsors: Lightfoot, Lori E.
Topic: PROPERTY - Sale
Attachments: 1. O2023-1012.pdf
I. "

February 1, 2023


Ladies and Gentlemen:

At the request ofthe Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith ordinances authorizing the sale of City-owned properties under the Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program.

Your favorable consideration of these ordinances will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,


WHEREAS, the City of Chicago ("City") is a home rule unit of government by virtue ofthe provisions of the Constitution ofthe State of Illinois of 1970, and, as such, may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and

WHEREAS, the City, through the foreclosure of demolition liens, tax sales and other methods of acquisition, has acquired title to numerous parcels of real property which are of minimal value and costly to clean up and maintain, and because title to such properties is vested in the City, the properties were exempted from real estate taxes, thus depriving the City of revenue; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to an ordinance (the "Original Program Ordinance") adopted by the City Council ofthe City ("City Council") on March 6, 1981 and published on pages 5584 - 5585 of the Journal of Proceedings of the City Council ("Journal") for such date, the City established a program for the disposition of certain vacant real property owned by the City known as the Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program; and

WHEREAS, the Original Program Ordinance was amended by ordinances adopted on July 23, 1982 and published in the Journal for such date at pages 11830 - 11833, and on January 7, 1983 and published in the Journal for such date at pages 14803 -14805 (the Original Program Ordinance and such two amending ordinances, collectively, the "Original ANLAP Ordinances"); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to an ordinance adopted by the City Council on September 14,1994 and published in the Journal for such date at pages 56195 - 56198, the City Council repealed the Original ANLAP Ordinances, and established a new program, also known as the Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program, forthe disposition of certain vacant real property owned by the City, which ordinance was subsequently amended by ordinances adopted on September 4, 2002 and published in the Journal for such date at pages 92771 - 92773, and on July 28, 2010 and published in the Journal for such date at pages 97370 - 97374, and on June 25, 2014 and published in the Journal for such date at pages 83533 - 83535 (such new program, as amended, the "ANLAP Program"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the current ANLAP Program, as codified at Municipal Code Chapter 2-159-010 et seq. (the "ANLAP Program Ordinance"), a qualified City-owned parcel may be sold if it has an appraised value of not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the ANLAP Program: (i) if the property appraises at or for less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) the minimum acceptable bid must be at least One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); or (ii) if the property appraises at or for less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) but more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) the minimum acceptable bid must be at least Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00); or (iii) if the property appraises for more than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) the minimum acceptable bid must be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), plus fifty percent (50%) of the appraised value which exceeds Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the ANLAP Program, an Adjacent Neighbor means a person who owns one parcel, or two or more contiguous parcels, of real property that is immediately adjacent to a city-owned parcel and at least one ofthe parcels is an improved parcel which the person occupies as his primary residence: and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the ANLAP Program, any deed conveying a parcel pursuant thereto shall contain covenants which: (1) prohibit the grantee from conveying, assigning or otherwise transferring the parcel except in conjunction with the sale of the real estate on which grantee's primary residence is located; and (2) require that the parcel be improved with landscaped open space within six (6) months of the conveyance of such parcel and prohibit the construction of any permanent improvements on the parcel, excluding only improvements made by the grantee on the parcel that constitute an integrated addition to the grantee's primary residence, or a garage appurtenant thereto; and (3) require the grantee to maintain the parcel in accordance with the provisions ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago. The covenants shall terminate ten (10) years after the date of the conveyance of the parcel to the grantee; and
WHEREAS, the City's Department of Planning and Development ("DPD") desires to convey the vacant parcel of real property identified on Exhibit A to this ordinance (the "ANLAP Parcel") to the Purchasers; and

WHEREAS, the ANLAP Parcel is located in the 47th/State Redevelopment Project Area ("Area") established pursuant to ordinances adopted by the City Council ofthe City of Chicago on July 21, 2004, published in the Journal of Proceedings ofthe City Council for such date at pages 20511 through 20599 and 20610 through 20620; and
WHEREAS, DPD has cause notice ofthe proposed sale ofthe ANLAP Parcel to be sent to all illegible adjacent neighbors (if any) and has also caused public notice advertising the City's
intent to enter into the sale of the ANLAP Parcel to the Purchaser to be published in the Chicago
Tribune, on November 15, 2022; and

WHEREAS, Purchasers' proposal was the highest ANLAP bid amount proposal received by the deadline indicated in the aforesaid notice; and
WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 22-004-21 adopted on January 19, 2023, the Chicago Plan Commission approved the sale ofthe ANLAP Parcel to the Purchasers; now, therefore


SECTION 1. The City hereby accepts the bid of the Purchaser to purchase the ANLAP Parcel, which purchase shall be subject to all ofthe terms, conditions, covenants and restrictions ofthe ANLAP Program and the ANLAP Program Ordinance.

SECTION 2. The Mayor or the Mayor's proxy is authorized to execute, and the City Clerk or the Deputy City Clerk is authorized to attest, a quitclaim deed conveying the ANLAP Parcel to the Purchasers for the purchase price of $5,462.00). Such deed shall include a covenant obligating the Purchaser to use the ANLAP Parcel only for a use consistent with the land uses permitted under the redevelopment plan for the Area and consistent with the requirements of the ANLAP Program Ordinance.

SECTION 3. The Commissioner of DPD (the "Commissioner"), or a designee of the Commissioner, is each hereby authorized, with the approval ofthe City's Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, to negotiate, execute and deliver such documents as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out and comply with the provisions of this ordinance, with such changes, deletions and insertions as shall be approved by the Commissioner or the Commissioner's

designee. Such documents may contain terms and provisions that the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee deems appropriate, including indemnification, releases, affidavits and other documents as may be reasonably necessary to remove exceptions from title with respect to the Property or otherwise may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby.

SECTION 4. If any provision ofthis ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect any of the other provisions ofthis ordinance.

SECTION 5. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.

SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval.

Bidder: Steve Maurice and Felicia Epting
Bidder's Address: 5228 South Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615

Appraised Value ("as is"): $26,924.00 Bid Amount: $5,462.00

Legal Description (Subject to Title Commitment and Survey):

The South half of lot 6 and the north half of lot 7 (excepting that part taken for widening Indiana Avenue) in Block 1 in Blair's subdivision of part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois.

Address: 5230 South Indiana Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60615
Property Index Number: Portion of PIN 20-10-303-018-0000

|1010|cu v oi ( Hk \(;AM) Al I l!>AVi I SECTION I -- C! A! U \l. INKOKMATJ( >N
Lceal r::::::.- ot'tiie Disclosing I' <\ty siihiiutiine '.his [":)< Include (!-'lV;V if appooaNe-

Check OM: ofthe following three boxes-

Indicate whether the Disolo.-iiiiy Party snlnnitling this I-.DS is: I |v/f the Appliciui! OR
2. ! ] lc.:.;i entity Currciiily holding, or anticipated 1.0 hold vvithi;i ^sx nionihs aster ('ity aclion on the coraiuci. i.iar:s;.ue:un or oiher lindcnakusLs lu tiiis b.DS pcruiir.s i lied io below as rhe ".VI alter'"), li direct o; ivKlin.-^' in'ores;. :n excess ui .¦ vs,, in ihe Applicant Suiie ihe Apphcasst':-. ie;.;ai name:
V | j a legal cnliiy with a clircci or indirect rlrh; ! of ihc Applicant (see ^cchos: Ili'Hif !)) State tin- legal name ol tlie entity in which ihe Disclosing Party holds -i ne,ht o! eoruroi:
Business address of the Disclosing Part\: t> . //v/DfA/y/A /[\f£

(.'. Iclephotie: - fax. Wriaih
l>. Name of contact person: 15'fc p'j'f A/bj
F. i edcra; FrTsploycr hJeiiiiiication :Nc. (ifyou have disci.

lv iinci riescs ipiion of ihe Mallei' io which I his DDS poslains. ! includo project uumher and local ion of properly, if applicable^:

CJ. Which Caty a^-n.: v or department is rcyucsiiut: this I DSV Pfjpf ^ P/a-aA i OJ) ChWljefM^

TO Kb. Oi Tl li; i )ISCI,OS!N( i \'-\\'< I
/:. mdao.lo ;!;,¦. mmac of ihc iNiseh Vhe wo :
! | hihhciy o: .-; a w/d h:i.:moss oori'o-r [ j Pit.aleiy held business ccaperaioOii I j Sole proprietorship ! ] General pa:rvxTship j j Limited parinc-a'ship ! I Trusi

| | 1 airaUai linbihty comn«mv
j j {.irmtcd iiahdhy pasinei'siiip
[ | Joint veieuie
[ j Noi I'ur-proiii corporation
(Is Hie viol-for-pro'il corpo! a lion ah
j | Ye-/ f : No I j Other (pi.;a-:e specify;,

orpcareai or on;

v For lc.ii.-i I comics not oi^ani;:cd in the Shale id liimew: ilas Luc organisation roeisu/reo !o do basines:- in the Nunc oh iii inois a:-, ,i forcie:! entit.vV

I I Vcs | ! No [ j Organized m Illinois
i.'. i iii f>ic i.osiv; \\\\-:\ v is a i.i-oa;. h.N i: rv:

I. l.isi below die lull names and lilies, ii applicable, of: ;i) ai; executive officers and aii directors oi' ihe cntiiv. i,u) i'ur nol --for-jn ofil corporations, .ai mcn-heis, ii any. a:e ioeai -.piok-s (if there are no such in ember:;, wtiie "no member-, which arc legal entities'1); (iii,' for i rusts, estates or other similar entities, !iv„ trusiec, ovecuior. noirdmstratoi, or similarly situated parly; i.iv) for ^i-ncra! or limited purliu-.rsljip.s, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships or joint venture.";, each general partner, mamiginu membei, manasier or aw, utile!' person ca- !e;:a! cniity i:vn directly or indirect!'- eomroi- '.he day-n>dav mamwomcm of'die Applicant.

NO l l- l.mch leiisil entily iwled heiow nmst snhnii an id )S on its own behalf.

Name Ode

(-'lease niowdc the hdlowme. iidonr,;-uion ooncermnL' each person oi iejod entily h::vmp, a direei or indirect, currcm or prospective tne. widen d months ;¦ isor why aelion; h-oiioi'mia: int'or-M li iiichidin:--yaw: ship'; ia excess o1' 7.a is. of die Aj -phccil i o-.aino:-:; ¦ d such ;m in.teres', inciude ;- hares a - a coiporation, parincrship micros!, m a paUncrship or job;' s eaHuie. interest ca'a membei m niuuaee! in ;-i

i'.2 o\ I-

hmiio! hahn I p. cr w i i p;: 11 >. or interest cia I v; id iot are ' c. a trust, estate w < a her scatiai ciitii v. ; i a (an slate "Nones'

;\t > i I ¦ o-ch i'.acd cm rv bsie.; Iviou aoc, oe. rw.iw cr: !¦.-• 'a;iai:ii ac ! :i_;S ¦ <•; . wai :wha i

Name I'icsiiicss Addscw eorcoubwe (meres' m the \t-r>iic:irtl


lias the Disclosim; 1 'sirls- provided any income ur eompcnsal:r¦ i; to any (.ity elected ofliciai duriiici. die
hi' n .cvy ' yrecodice. lie- da: • ol ties ,.i.'S ' | I Yes \yfh)<.>

Does ihc '.)<. od:.-,w Puny reasonably evpcei to provide any income- ca' eompensation to any Oily
elected official dure,:.; the i?.-tiiomh pcriotl bdiowmg the date of (hi? lo »S':S | | Yes fvfNo

J t "[¦¦>¦"'•" a i cni -.:-x oi iii.;. .-move, please idem i: •¦. bcio-A oa: rs aii ares) id' such f Uy olcm cci o hfio m.h.'s! and desei ;0e such income or comp'-nsaboie

Doc--, any i. i w eiecied ofiked or, to ihc best o! the Disclosine. Party's Knowledge after reasonable
inm.wy, a:iy Ciiy eieeted official's spoww or demewte partner, have a imaneiai interest (a; del'med
I 'iia, 2- i so w the Mnmcirc-d Owie oi r'iiiwmo ("MOCJ')) in tiie [ bseh sea.' !':;;!> :
j j Vcs [/j Mo

If "¦yes.,'' plePc-e identif;. hoiow rp,: mime; ¦¦¦; of such Oily dci ted -dYi siah ¦;) Wioi/oi sy msCi s) ¦ wmosp nai'mcris) and describe die linaneiai ieie;y^isj.

Slir nON IV - l)IS(dl.OSI RK ()T Sl:!U-0:\ i IsAC) (>KS AM) OTHlsR Rli l AIMxiJ 1'ARTllsS

'IT;e ' >i:adceone harly mos: diss:;: -w the rin;e and bwoooss :.e.k.hc of ee. i. sc.hc< ¦uiraci, s. insicv iob0y¦ is; (as dclmod e, '• i< iti
roamc! sr am impale;.! io be reiamcd )
Name iaviiwiic v. bother Idiswws Relationship 0 i bs;e[esuiy ICaty Foe-. i indicate whether
!or :)¦¦;'.:-Pwmd Address t si i beoi i! i; ie::. esinne. wed in' esi muiied ) NO'YK
t f 11 >|-> ¦ - i i. e!e I "huuriy r s_ i - orA hah"' i;-

(Add -doses ii' liocessarv 1
i*4<;|u-ck here d bio I >is...l osing Ida is has nol retained, tioi expecls lo re lain, any suJ« ucrsow- or enCm:
si c i iO\ v a n i i i ic a Hons
/\. OH k ! -Oi;i>bRld) C!l!!.l> Nidl'I'OR ! COVlid.l ANChi
Nndcj \p. 'a .' S.-. poi, .i AM i e. -ailwewea' oo^co- ,-,\ business e;:(ilies leal coin; nci who ihc ( ily musi remain in oopiobaaee with li'ieir child -a: poor, obligations bironrjhcwi Inc. oom.iaci.N Lome

! las aim person who d. ce! iy or index cdy oww- . 0% oi ;w;;c o! ' l! ie 1 hvdosu g, i'arw been dec laved in aneniage ou aiiv aiuk! suppori ohiigawais bv anv Illinois court ol compoiem ini'iS'liciuni'-'

l\ "Yes."' has die person cmcrod inn.; a court appi:vod agreement ioi payment id'all suppoit owed and. is 'he person in compiwiwc widi that agreement?

; ] \ w : | \i. .

i.i. I i i< I link •' "bil\ ill - It. lATKVNS

i ITIus paragwph I appiies amy ii die Matter Is a eoiuraci heme bandied by die City's Dcpa'lmcu! o Procurement Se: views.; hi tho ever period peeedme tlie date oi' ihe; p'OS. neitlicr die 1 >i -olosi:e:. I'ariy nor any Affiliated I ¦ why isee de! imi:o:¦ in t i eehw/j !¦;iengaged m coma. c!n ei with the poi't'oi'mai'ice oi' any nubiw com; act, die sor'-uees oi' an imom'k} mom: a . mdependoni pro. w,e seeior i w,p0i tot ee; •. ob. >n ; n! aw ii y cump bai ee '. o.wa d i ao' '' .e , an indeodii::! oi ¦.; 11 i 1 y ¦ ¦-. O o loga;. ae - hlie a iiwcsli;.;;!11 ve, i-'i' olhoi ¦meiiar d-dlbx dosignsiod be. a public agency to heio dm agency monitor iiic activity a spexufied ascnoy vondois a-.; w.ui a-; he bp die vendors ro Torre them business; practices so tit; ¦¦, can be e-oWi'ddce ed fo: a... c;vy conb acts in ihe i ubii c. w com uu;c with a com re: I. in :o ogi ws ]

! ho Disclosing Parly an;! ;w Afidsocd hwuiw, .av ma deiwqww; In liw pavimxa o! vg i'mc. Ice i ax oi' othci some- e oh iedel ¦! w'ness r/r.-ed le the i.N ; > j (:i; leeeo neb id me. imi. ma i u n it cd ey wai.ei' ami se' ver cnarnes. iaia;se I ce:- ioa k an: tickeis. jii op-.; ly tu\c and s.dos lex-, s. rus e- tin: ! n-,i.di;-m.e
> i'hc Lbsolosmg ISnsv an.!, b I lie. Di i i i :"i f .¦. Perl'
uO.illOwl hi Sc OOil 1 i < f S> > ( i i Ol Yi.; i ' ] ' b .

ire w,t pi esvug dohoiTcd. suspended, propo ¦_:c<.l im dohai wen uden bwra -aw (rawwclionx hv anv iedciuh bale * ioeut usbi

P. h.Wr ii,;!., ill.-. Pie iha VW:: '. iui C Wo daP. -ah ill! • I .1 )S. howl CO.P. icied oi' a ¦. rwwi b oOcnsw adjudged go ill) cm' had a civil judgine;a i'endcred agamy i liica: m connection •., illi. obinuuue, a!!ori;p;mg lo obiain. or performing a public •¦. iedcrai, wale or local) uvmaacPon or contract Wider a public iruusaci mm a wwabon oi iedcrai oi shoo ami;!us! slaloms; baud; emhowdem: ui; limit; lurjit bribery, falsification oi des1.:action o!'records: makbw. false stuiomcms; cc meowing .dolen propero

arc cot presmY) i waotcd 'oi. or criminally or civilly charged iv,. a government

oon w ti ua a: wo
ny ol'ihc set loiah w subparagraph (hi above;
have nog dwmg bv a veurs bo I ore ihe dale old Ins IDS. bad one. or moi o public tsnnsaUiow-liederai. stale or loea!) wrmmwod ioi cause or dobwip aui.l
ii;-we unl. during liic a y.'.vm-. before die dale id Ihe, I il >S, wen Com- eied edwdged gunge o; i' baiiie m s civil proceeding, or m au\ crmduai or cave osiom inehidwp .icuons eoneernug'. em-iionmeiiuil cadwiowa iias!iiliU.wi h\ dm ( hy a w. da: lederal government, any :<> s.w oi ens oilier uj ii! o1' local goveriuncni,

4, d he I uscioslug Parly imdersemd-; and shall oompg wiw the applicable rcquircincni.s cd' Med >' amniom 2 sin (lespcoior
a. (ieisi! icadons (5). (pi and (7) eonscru: o dm 1 bsci-vug I'ady;
o any 'Ssunracior'' 'Imonm'.g any coulrnclw oi suocouirai.ioi used by die Dewwsmg Parly in Connection wilh die Viaimr, iriemame bu: not embed io ail persons or bawl enhtios disclosed andes Section IV, "'I )i.-.clo;a.;se oi' Suhoowrnceis and Ohio: IC sc.: . ,1 P ...'i e.'y • any "Ai ;dialed l-'niity" tmeaninc a person r.t cufilv tha!. dirci lly or indii'CCily .smirch;, die DisAosiue. Parly, b comieiisd by die 1 bseiosmg Party, or \vui:¦ das Discewwg i'arw under common oonPol oi anodic1' oemou '.a- cuius.) indww o; oonlvo: ma iudw v-whom uvula: one inrei :oeh my. ncm; won wn! ov ownership: uhwi i! v ca' in lores! ^ amow> ! ami iy men1 be.:"S, shared fa;, diues aud equipment, -a wmoa e w --.A' employ cow oi • savnieali wi oh a Isusl::;¦-.s emuy I', diee. e lite !ucbm!'eh!y o! a iar-nie.;;-,:-; eme-. ps ec: :Amh led,.eat or siate or iO'C-id giorcri'inveail mc ledum ! I ie (ii! w mii ig snbidaimal I v !!i'.: -emie u wua::c;nenl ¦ i". nersiujg or piaa ; pals .a.-, rhe ; ue im :hic cue: y. W ei i rcowel to ( Sea i ac o; s. I lie ei m s\ i i i hated led ii niesiis a lie: Son or end W
diwcl'v eomiols lie: (.
\ i i a
eomr'.d'cd bv m or v\g!i iii;. Contra-lor. m
under common oowro! v' ,'i.odioi p-erso!', <>v .mlige
» my resp.wsibie oil >ei;u ol' the i i. odosagmaai;y any Cordo'emu oi a;\y Ai'idvAP I iniwy or amy iii her oJTicwl. ayaii ¦ a" cmnlovoe m' ihe Di wlosii :e. i;ai I y. any I'd-nlraotoi m any '\!'! u lamd I imny. aoi iii;.' purse an! io d o du ccb; m oi' wi! hoia cation ¦.,;'.:. re~;p. a' e he• . a ooial o i dar i esc isa.g Par; \. ame e'C'Uli ae toi'oi ,mv Atidr.Ueo iaayr (eoiiies! weev ,oa:;s:'i.
1 c>; 'a:, 1 ¦. ¦ a i before ihe dale oi" 'each adaO,,:
Neither ihc i JisCi'.vji ng Pariy. nor anv (.iomruclor. tvr any Alf'taU'd bintii v oi' oil her hv DNdesino Paitv or any (lowovvv. m r au> A-muis h.ivc. durwe ihe ':¦ -.ear:: hdoiy. ihe .loin ol bus Id )S. ra' wrh I haai aoioo .ni Ai I Piaiee Ihiiip. w atm\l i i I weal hw iiy oi a. (. oui racna oemglhos veais-
nar.aeloi-'s ,'i Alfihaled holnv'v coneac! or cmmgcmeuL m ennnccias'i with di'.
? bribed or aitempicd io hnhe. or been ceaivaedcd or adjudged ginl! v of h: iherv or attempting to hi ihc. a public officer or emphg ee of ihc On.-, (he Shale, ed I limn:: , oivnv a a mov oi' diC federal\Tim!Oi: or oj' ar v same or local w wei wi is; ihe 1 aii led Si ales of A inerica. ¦ u iiiai old ioer •. ;r ernpb exams

ii. agreed oi col haded'i olhci Li 1 ci cl e is or pi ospcctpvc bidders, or been a pcrly 10 Liny soea rmrccmem, in' (seen eonvioied or adjudged guilly omwrccmcnt arcoiivean among bidders or prospcebva bidders, a: rcsirnifii oi Iroedom oidvmpct;!icn; rv aeroomom lo hid e fixed price or olhci wise, or

a. made an admission ni seed oweInc.: described i:wmbpai avaph i.i i orib':¦ abv.a iccord. bni have no! been pio.seci.icd fa such ewwuel: or

-A violaled die no-wisuon,. roierenccd ie \\(C Subsection d A)w'gd)i a id gg( owrnc Wage). i::.i!g')i.l)obarnion: Rcgulabovg. or (ag6)i Minimi.n. A'yya gaxhwmccf

<:¦,. Neil her Ihe I'wvlosmg Parly, nor -my Abb mm.: baii.ay or ' ion:.; u.e'01, or U;y o| dax; empicyeca. oiiici.iis, agents or parlmcw is barred iron"; cowracoiw. v. i 11 l nay urn; oi si.a;o or loom es worm com as resell oi engagine in 01 bdwy con vie led odd ' I) bid-i mm inn. ni violation cd VdO 11 a iri a. VAg-V j gi
himrotsbiw m viaialioii ni' CO 11 AS
Slaies oi America lhat cowams ihc same clomcmx as 'lie -A tense ca oid-i e.winn or ied¦ ro!at inw

Nat >ct a ins las' ma ;ri
uv Ai'dimlcd !mb

imiiiei ihc i'bsoaiwiw Pari
Nmted States I 'epsi'lmcni o! ('onmiorcc. Stale, or d roastim- orauvxitcco'

S. I Has s\Plb.k AN I w\i Y j Ni NYnho: da: ApplnmW mammy "oomroilmg poi vnNjsoe'Arv Chapter i A h Arndc I I'm applicability and defmed icrtnsj oi die Applicant is emientiy indicted in charged wilh. or has admamd surd a m. ca lies eve: been eouvicmd of. or niaccd undo; supervision I'm. any criming o! I e: vw 11 no m. ang aw uab mdomp'led. .ca:i;iW'i!,es l =. eemmi1 wdm-m-. (ndf fraud, iwocxxx POt iui'se dishca'csi.-,.' p- deem! apaiusi an id lieer or wnp'owa: of bw ( uy 01 any "sisvr fW.ene':¦'; and i u) die Appbenu! midc-miamls and acknevelcd. ws bin1 compliance wilii Article. I Is a wiiiiimma i ea.juu emem f: •;' doing busine.-e- xsi i; iee idly, 'et) ill if Vlfd • ' I.epic; I d' y .\rdele 1 applies !e d... Appiicanb Via. .¦''uncle's pcrinaiicn;. cowphanoc Pmeiwmc swicisodcs Ygvai compliance luneiVam; ¦¦ m be ' Scefou V

;e j It >P. API51, if ANT OA'IA j I'hc Applicant and iw Apimwoi bni iocs vS'l not wx . nor peinut dc osiwonbaetor:; 10 m;e, am, !'acila.v baled as havnm. an active exdwaon by ti.g. !|ig\ .,n she iedor.
gasmciii i ss ¦
ib. ¦ 1 A>!¦* APP! dN AN I
o: io be hired in eoimec i
i. '1 ; i tic /\ v-¦¦. '¦!i obtaw mom any com.!act01 soo 1 Willi bv Miiti c; cer- i beat ion ¦¦ w.asa! in i oi in ,.; :,! sui vo hove ami wi! no: whhoui die e: ;or wia:,.on cowwm < ¦¦¦ ii

se m
an . su; ii
oouliyicua'-Subce:draci1 ¦:' due doc not piockIo such ver; dies-mow. or thai the Anphonul has ivavn to behove aas not provided or cannot movfc. truthful oerii i ;v;i ion-,.
(lci,!i!h.aiions'k dm ! bsevsin:

If the Wiicrt) "N.A '' die word "Niuw.'" o" no response appears on ihe imes above, n wb! he conclusivcl presnaied ilia! tiie Disclosing Parte cdibied io !he above stsccmenb
12. ho ihe beSi of (lu- Disclosing Par-v's knowledge idler iciiMHiablo inouiry. Ihe loliowirie is a complete led o! ai! : nrroin employees of dw [ gs.-.e- mg Paov who wew al any .'me d awe; He i d-nionlii period preceding, die dale of ihis biDS. an employee, 'ir cleeled or appointed ol liowk oi tne Lad of ('hicnm'i ( if noiKe indieal1.- with 'dm A" oi nionc'A. tf/*

:">. lo d:e beA of die i insc: U.'so i ig Perm's knowledge aiier reasonable inquiry, ihe IV, I lowing is a eomps-ie lis: of all gd'b, lhal ihe 11>i: hwmg: Party has given: or caused v lu- given, at any dme daring ihe ! e-monlh oe; iod pi needing ibe osocnliou daie of tins b DS. io an employee, or elocwd ca' appointed oificiak ol i.hc'f .'ity re' (Ihioai.v bor wii;w'v-. of ihi--: statement, a "gift" dees not include A') a'e.xddne niiide cwuern . b a van a 1 'le iv; t it1,' em rdo-, em- or m tin: gc: ie: al mmiie. ea f i i) ! ood oi drink orov aied in
s ina.n n,w iid'
in ess aim Mm. mm. a rcum
may. or i in I a
the conrxo oi id I a: m! Citv hit:
i'o:me,:l contribution cm; -i v. . v duly wporled as required hv iaw Aidumc. indieuv will! : N.'A' "none"). A.n to anv uift listed below, please also list tlie name of dm Oily icapiat!
'I lie DisoioArm Paris; ee;-ii!ies tew. the I Dme ins i ng Pmw :cb.wu aig
i ! is i' vT'" n:":-

a ' I'inaneiai msi itm ;oid' a-; delinc.; tn Mi K i Se s bm Ac- w -'i.S.vgoV

' C li' dm Oi icsvang Pwiy IS a ! Inai , lai m-a inn ion, then ibe i Ami osing Pay y piedyes

"Wc ao; not and veil'; not he-Come a predatory tender as defined ic l\e '0 '."hapic: e ye- i'wkwr pledge dm! nunc oi" om nffihwes i c and none ¦¦.>'.' i hoi.n wi!l bet oiiic. a pw-datoi \ i,a.dw a ; dmin ad m MCC (dmpwi I't-a1 Ads onuersbmd A>cU becoming a pirdntory have; or Cunning an attilialc of a o- cdaioi y banter may i e-mh in tie; Dm ,,f p w je is deco of dome. !wsb ww -with: i!a. A ity "

If ihe nisdosiiiL! Pmtv is unable m mate: ihis picdm: because it or nr.\ oT i(s. ahliiiaics (his dellned ii: IVICCI Section 2-di2--Cs(!v,j is a pwdatoi v lender widen die weaning of MCC Chapter 2dhi. expiam i;ere enilach addili asil Paces il necessary):

11 the Ichors "NA." 'he "None,' .m no response appears op. the lines above, it will be conclusively picsumed (I'.a! die Disclosinc i'aror ceitdicd lo ihe above stalemem-;.

id ClbK I'll RATION RibbARDINi I I d N A N CIAI, INI ARCS i iN f .Tl A' iU.vVI SS

Am. word.-; ar terms dellned in N.*C'(i Chapter 2 A so have die same me;mi!.m if used in this Pass !').
in accordance with MCC Section 2A.;6 1 id: Tf. the best ol' the Disclosing Parle's knowledge alter reasonable inquiry, does an-y official o>- employee ol dm Ciiy nave a fwauemi interev. in his or her own name or in die name of tiny other pewoti or cm ity in tlie Mallei?

j J Ves i vfsio

NO'I I • Ifyou checked "Ves" to Item Dg ), p.s. .¦eeee. to items Dig) and !), A ll you ciicekeU "No" to hen- D(l), skiji items D(2'i and I)(3j and proceed to Part I-
lh-less 301J pursuant to a process- oi competitive bidding, or othei wise pcrmiitcd, no City electee oii'ieia1 or employee -hall have a lluimcmi interest m his or her oun name w in the name oi'auy other poison or entity in the purchase oi any properly that (pi belongs io the City, or (iii is sold for taxes or asno.wmomg o; Am is sold h\ wnuc of legal process at the suit of the City (collective! -. "(.lily Property Sale"). Compensation for properly taken pursuant to the Cdg's eminent domain power docs nol constitute a iimmciai interest within the meaning ofihis Part D.

Does the Matter involve a Citv Properly Sale?
:/vc: | | No

; li you chocked d ed io hem Di 1'), provide tiie names taw business add.esse-; .U the Air, ofivia or employees li.-ivir-y such ilrajiiciai interesl ur.
Name Buwness Addi ess ' Nature of h mancia! h-iiei est

.crudes lhat Pn pioiuldted dnaneia! m,U

e , . • s . ¦: m
li i 1:1' ! II ICA HON dlbdAKOiNcI M.AVi

isdo/mm 11 nr' v oh-.v ks (A). dm- oivby.
; atoic unew to im ¦ i m ma i a a a: mm.
cmimwmm wad: VOder voidable !w ilia Ci!
/ i
Im i mwlvww I'm y \aa"l ms dial Ua. I nsehenm:. i'aiav im-* searohco rev aaa ah woewis ,a' dm IJ: so I; >•; i Dlj Parly and any and all ;vwk. wvsa a- online- rcgardirw. records m ' iuvcyi mm il;, or pro! id.; f;mu slavery ar slaveholder insurance poiiciins d-nrini1 dm siavoiy am (Inchidim:. iusmV!:a.c policms is-aicd in slaveholders ilia! preceded covy am: At' dam aw: '¦<-¦ or in I mo < iV: |i of dien shews), and die i.bsclosmy Paoy da- fmru! no such record'-;

? l'lm livmmsmo P an. venhw- dim a;; a rcsnl; < A cow.ii sAmy ilia snaa:'-; in siep (1} above, I'm ni-adodmp. Pail;, i, ir- foam! >coords .a' invesbacoW or webus liam slavery oi Aavohoidcr ay:wwve policies inc Owbosnw Parly vci b ics d'iai ihc t'odov. sua. conshua ¦::¦; iu!l disov-aii e odd such i coords, uviudimj. ihc names of anv and all ¦¦saves oi slaveholders described In ilwse records'

Nl ( i ION Vi ( d ki II lOATIONS !<()U 1 1ll)lsl

NO I'll I f th ie M aid-1 is tw.Uralls funded, eompieic ill- Scciion VI it' Uu- Matter is nm tVdetalh funded, proceed to Sec!iea: \ I: I :e uweosos ¦ >i du,; Seehou VI em o.vda.s allocated b\ ihe (.'lie and proceed:; ol dele obhyabons ofthe '. 'dy arc not federal limdnw.

A. > '! IkTIROA '! h >N It! b ; Ai-tOIN A COMIC !N< i

I. below !he wmws o; ;d: persons or families roybiorcd under dm fedora' I obbvine. h>i-mi sure Ae! oi" isO\ a- mwvded earn lew e mime mbm my ;o;mmm oe C.-li.-d:" o;Ai:e hmubosim: !',;r;y vw!h n.snwA w the Xiaiaa: i.Aeb d.eso ;:dk.cwviyy!.
:es alyivc, or :i the lorn-rs ''NA" a; ;l I hi.- word ''None1' dm i by lo.- iw; Parly :means (h -'. AO pwsww. or endues ¦ai : d-'a, a:. ,ii:;oia-;l, iia'V. imee: hwhyew ^U»yn. i.- m;

('mm oxpiwwi.ion appears ea oeivins on the in .appear :< will ho concludw-|v presumed ibm rem'sic: ed midei me I a 'if ¦;, my I C Asms; .Ac' 'eeb..." oidhe Oovlosuy i- ¦ my wide ! m ihe 'dabor )

>> oj m
< e an osr.p;e w_.e
of a member of (Aggress, ia connection w ith ¦ lie award uf any fedora!!;, landed contract, making uny federal !v funded gmnl or loaa, entering wo any cooperative !tK/como.r.i» »»r lu extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any iddeially funded con tract, want. Ioji'i. or cooperative agreement.

o. I'he Discmsmg Party o Id submit an updated eeriibenheu at the end uf erica caicadat umiutci in which tlicie occurs any event thai mriioruiiiy affects the accuracy of the statements and informal ton sot forth iii paragraphs At 0 and AC2) above

d. I he Disclosing Party corliiios that either A) U is not an. orgnnixoaon described in secbon 501(e)(4) ofthc Internal Revenue Code oi' 19556: or (ii'l it is an organf/ahon descithed in section 501 (c)('V) ofthe haemal Rewmue Code id' 1986 out has not ermaged ami will not engage in "Lobbying A. iwui .. ax that term is tie! mod in the Lobbying Dixcio-.wc Act ol' I99S, as amended.

5. if die Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party nuist obtain certifications equal in form and substance lo paragraphs A' I "> through A.('d) above front all subconti actors be!ore n awai ds anv ximcomracl and the jv .xodm; Party must nwmtwn ai! such subeou'roieiors' c.erfi!icuOms ior tbe duration of ihe Matter and must make such ceidif cations promptly available to the tidy upon request.

ii Cl .!•; I ii it 'A I bmV pi • , Mv'DINA, : Cd Ai i IMPLOYVlfN P OPP< sp ; I :\I I v

1Lthe Matter is federrdiy iunded, k-dcial regulations, require the Applicant and ell proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in wining at the ouisci of negotiations.

Is the Disclosing Pany dm Applicant''
! ! Yes I I No

If " Yes ' answer the ihree questions hcaow:

i'Armative action programs prn'suant to appecahle
I. I lave you developed and do you haw; mi file •¦
lederal rejiuLuiomw eStc J i Ch'R Part bO-2.;
I i Yes | 1 Nc
2. blas e von filed with ;he Joim. Reporting Commi'dec. ihe Direeba Compliance Posa'ams, or w.e Sown fhnpioymcw mppormmA ('om applicable filing :eqtiiremems'.'
2. 1 lave you puivioiputcd eoua! opportunity clause?
| I Yes ; | No j i Reports not loque'cd
my previous contracts or suriooiuracis subject to tiie
j No
I! von chocked "No" tn quodon (i) or m) above, please provide an expumution:


rum uvm \( K\o\M.i:i)(,\ii a ss am) < r.kiii'K Ai i<».
'! ho Ruse-losing Pans midoi stands mSs! agrees i iiai.

PC ! he corefa :iti;;v>. dwc'oyncs. sad ackwwviodgiaema wow,nod in ihis I"; VS v.d: i-o;.omo pari m mo. contract mi- olha: c-ui.cmeul between the .Applicant mm the Ciiy a: commotion wHw lias Matter. wiu:lhsr posonrerncm. Oho aaslsbmoo. or :o nor Ails ncnou, and ais; materiel nidi wonionls '•¦ ha; < Ai y's ccocwua": el' any contract oi lakinn nthci notion w ith inspect a. dio Mallei. d'he ! hxdosmc kariy understand.-: lhat ii nuso comply w. iiii iH statute-, oi dimmccs and remmmous on vduoh diis ld.)S is nasi d.
. swA.m ¦ai.S ios aw!
ana,a dons. The did awn

R i ha ( bly:s (iwsriiaio.wi! liLhicss '' hdmaiwo. MOR Chapter 2 I Ao eu| oldwations en person-- .¦.r cntil.i.w seeking City cw:ir;w;s work. bnsmcss. A A,. .„.-!
ns ordinance and a traimrw program is available oa line ai www cayvdejujAigosired .ihiosy and may also be obtained from ihe Ait;, s Boa id o! Rthaos. AIO N Sedgwick Si . Suite 500. cklcsmp fl. 60610. ;A 11: ! 744-9600. i he Id:.closing Pao.y mma. con.pA- I'ully dm, ordinance.

i . !' the (. Its deUammea ih,at an\ mwenmliou provieecl m tne; id Ai a: U-uao. wcompmic ce maceuraw. amy oomract or older agreement in connection mid: which a is aubmdtod may Oc rwemdcci m be vend or voidable, and the Any may pursue any iweedm under die contract or agreement : ii'nnt I o void I, al iaw. or in vquii), hwludmg tei mmatiui.: ihe 1 hsoiosmg I'-;rye's parbcipation m the tvpittes am.I/or • i ceil nine l- .¦ allow the ! A . heang Part > io pw h-bowo in othei C by transactiocs. Remedies at law i'or a false mm. mom ol re alarm I !a.: mnv hieiedo in car email;. ai aod an award I the ' 'ay mi rebla

0 li is the Ally's policy to make Ibis document available to the pubiu
bik cm iis interne! sile and'oi upon request Some m al! oi'ino inlhrnmdnn piovibed in and appended to. lias Pirn mas im made publicly available on the Iwcrncb in wspomc io a hrcodem o! luionuata'a: Acl icqucs!. ra omciwusc. I'y ..wupicialg and simmm b.AA mc i bseio.oos Paoy wabms arid releases a:g pos abb- rignis or claims wbicu it max' haw: apainst the City ;u connection with the public, release oi mioimathw crammed m ibis RON ,nd »lso mumi ices die Ciiy to venl'y Ihe accuracy of anv tmoimalion subneu :c in this ldi)S.

P. I he udormuhon provided m the. P.DS must be kept emrem. In tlie evetU o!'ch mges, d:e Diseiosm barer inn-a so [¦.¦dement tins L.I VS m- to ihe titue tie - ( m, iakes ismou oi tlie Chmei b dm Mauw ¦¦- a waitraei being handled be ihe Oily'¦¦ Ocwwimcw A Procm-omcni .services, ihe IV.scli.isme Pa;:;, now! update this Pil)S a' tlie conlract requires. NO IT.: Adm respect m Vlwlcw siilycc: to MAC Chapier CAN Artwio I iimposmr Pl .kM ANT NT IN III .JC I It 11 .ITY loreeriain spec! lied. rd'lenses): ihc iidormation crowded herein rea.ard.ii' y e.!igib;htv must b.e ken; cms an! Im' a longm period, as required by MAC Clmpwr i-23 and Section A CTn20.


this I.:OS. and aii upplicnlik: Appendices, on behalfAddiie Disclosing Pany, and (ill) vvanviiU;- dial nl! ccnificadous and statements contained in 'his (IDS, <
fellc,f, ipii^K w iyi\J't. tp/'/A-1^

(iSuil or type exact Icg^syiamo of Disclosing Party
(Signhero)/ (/ (Print oi type name, of person signing) (Print oi ;ype tide ot" persirrrAwdng)
Signed andswom to be lore me or.Ulalo)\^^ // fJ-0£3 ai C/)0 \L Cnunc, Xl (i HOLS OObA.
a". .s^IMJ^- V O'l'fc'

/ Notary Public
Commission ex pi rot
SUZETTE PORTER OFFICIAL SEAL Notary Public, State of Illinois My Commission Expires June 24, 2026

I .'! ¦ .1 I 5

\P!'I.M>I\ A

i'AMII.IAI. UK L.Vi lONSllirS Willi ITTsCTJI) (' 11 V OFTICIAI.S AM) IU'l'AR IMI S I nr;Ai>s

This A|>pi'.iidix is to be completed only Ivy (a) the Applicanl, and (b) any legal entity which h;o, a direct owners-hip interest in ihc Applicant exceeding 7.5%. II. is not to Ik- completed by any legal entily which lias only an indirect ownership interest ia (he Applicant.

Cralcr MCC Sccmm :>4-01 m the Disclosing Parly must disclose whet he; .such Disci -nig Parly os any "Applicable Parly" ra any Spouse or Domestic Pailuer Iheroo!' cuircnliy has a "hinniuii I'eialinusiiip" wilh raw- elected citv ol"llei:-il or dcpririr.icn; head A A'iswbiw relationship'' exists if, as oi 'die date tliis h i )S is signed, the Dixciesew i'r:y" or any "Applicable IC. fx or any Spous;: or D-.en.esi 1'a finer thereof is rwatod to i;ie mayor, any alderman, the ciiy clerk. llm city ircasnrci or any eity deparlmenl head as spouse or domestic partner or as any ot the following, whether by hiood or adoption: parent, chdd, hiothei oi" sifter, ami; or nucha niece or nephew, eraudpnronl, grandchild, lAihcrm: d.ivv, mother an davs- sou-in-law il ma.hlor-imbw step lather oi s;c|.WiOf bcr. stepson, or stepdaughter, stepbrother oi stejwisLei ot hall-broihei or hall-sutler.

"Applicable Parte" means (I) ,dl cxecueve ofliceis oiAhc Discio-oug Party iisteu m Seel ion II.B I a., il the Di closing Pare, i- a conmixiiioii. all pariueis of ihc DAcloxiiw Pr" if the ! uwlosine Parry Is a general pwmcrship; ali general p.alners and limited partners oi dm :)isAosing P :• ee if fee Disclosmg Party i.s a hauled partnership' all managers, managing members and members cd tiie Disciosing Party, htne Disclosing Parly Is a ilimicd liability corny mo (2) ali principal oflicew of tic-Disc I os me Party, and ; .1) anv | iei son ha v iue a rare than a o AA oweci :du p inieresi. m the D:sch e: mg Paity. "Pi huapal ¦.a Acer-' means ihe. prose, den;, chief o pelaline, cd'i tcer, execum. a cii rector. im-.f llnaneiai o! Acer, ti'casu:ei cr sect.'ary of a legal entity or any person exert. Ding similar authority.

1 we- the Disc! • e . Party or auv "Apyil Ago p:.ny' or any Spouse or i).ame.-.tic Partner thereof currently bevy a "mmdial seialwmdup' with ae eicoled eh.y official or departure!'.! head'/
| Yes j\/>io
ww, please idemli'y eelow i 1 i the mime and tale .d 'such, poison. Cj llm. ei'sr ofthc I eg .A -we.v -. which such person is conneeied. (a'i tlie name and title of the elected city ofliciai or department head t whom such person has a i'anuha! roiulierishsp. and igt) the pa-eeme nature ol .-aacb- Ian/Ami rcia! lomahmp.
cn\ ;>i t m; aco

151 U DIM, ( (M)i SO )IT1. \U PUOlU.i.M l.ANDl UUl> ( Vii YU l. Vi 1<>:• .Applicant oi any Owner die-milled a:-, a building code I Section c AA-4 I e.'

This Appendix A io be completed only by (a) die Applicant, and (I:-) any legal ciuiiy mluch has a da-eel. ownot ship inieresi ir ihe Applicanl exceed inc 7.AA An: 'Ownct A li is no! A he completed by any legal entily which has only an indirect ov.norshtp micros; in die Applicanl.

I Pursuant La \U":' Seel imi 2 A 5 4-0 | t), is da scofllavv cr problem landlord pursuant to MC(

! I Yes Ne.

2. If the Applicant is a legal entity publicly traded on any exchange, is any officer or director of the Applicant iderailicd as a budding code scoffiaw or problem landlord pursuan! to MCC Section ?cm-4! o'f

j 1 Yes |v{No | I 1 he Applicani is not public!) t:aded oimmy exchange.

a. 11" yes to (I j or (2) above, please identify below Hie mime oi each person or Leod entity ; teetatmo as a building code scofflaw or problem landlord and Ihe address of each building or buildings: to which, Ihe pertinent, code violations appA .

av He; is

cirv o\ Chicago wonomic disc iosurr and afitdavh

This Appendix is Lo be completed only by an Applieam thai, is completing this KIDS as a contractor" as defined in MCC Sec-dun 2-92-385. That section, which should be consulted f w w w.amiegal.coin), generally covers a parly io any agreement pursuant io winch ihey: ti) receive City oi 'Chicago binds In consideration lor services, work or goods provided (including he iegal or other professional services), or (ii) pips me Ciiy money for a license, gmnt oi concession allowing them to conduct a business on City pi onuses.

On behalf oi cm Applicant that, is a comractor pursuant to MCC Seciion 2-9?.-385. I hereby certify that the Applicant is in compliance, wilh MCC Section 2-92 -3S5(N)( i) and (2). which prohibit: (i) screeninu job applicants based on their wage or salary history, or (ii) seeking job applicants' wage or salary history trom current or former employers. I also certify that the Applicant has adopted a policy that includes those prohibition0

j | No
\\f[/U.'A - '¦¦ am nol an Applicant that is a "contiactor1 as deli".ted in MCC' Section 2-92-bH: This certification shall serve as the affidavit required by MCC Section 2-92085(c)(1).
II you checked "no': to the above, please explain