WHEREAS, Victor M. Barich, a member of Troop 79, earned the rank of Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America's highest rank; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this prestigious achievement by the Honorable Jason C. Ervin, Alderman of the 28th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Eagle Scouts exemplify the virtues of service, leadership, and duty to God, using their training and influence to better their communities and the world; to achieve this rank, a Scout must have at least 21 merit badges, demonstrate the Scout Spirit, leadership, and service, and complete an Eagle Scout Service Project where the Scout further demonstrated the virtues of service and leadership; and
WHEREAS, Victor's Eagle Scout Service Project, benefitted Taylor Street farms - a local community garden in the 28th Ward; his Service Project included building worktables and benches suitable for heavy outdoor use, including one bench made of reclaimed materials; and
WHEREAS, Out of 100 Scouts, 70 will remain with scouting for beyond one year, 17 will become adult Scout leaders, and only four will reach the rank of Eagle; Victor is now one of a small group to achieve this rank; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this thirty-first day of May, 2023, do hereby congratulate Victor on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and wish him continued success in all of his future endeavors; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Victor M. Barich as a sign of our esteem, honor, and respect.

JASON C. ERVIN Alderman, 28th Ward