Record #: R2011-275   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 2/9/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 2/9/2011
Title: Recognition extended to employer support of National Guard and Reserve organization for tireless advocacy on behalf of members
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M., Balcer, James
Attachments: 1. R2011-275.pdf
WHEREAS, the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is a U.S. Department of Defense organization, which promotes cooperation and understanding between Reserve component members and their civilian employers and assists in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment; and
WHEREAS, the ESGR seeks to promote an understanding of Guard and Reserve service; and
WHEREAS, the ESGR enlists support of employers in the development of human resource policies and practices that support and encourage employee participation in Guard and Reserve programs; and
WHEREAS, the ESGR disseminates information to improve knowledge of, and voluntary compliance with, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) among Reserve component leaders, members, and their employers; and
WHEREAS, the ESGR focuses on sustaining the willingness of employers to support their employees called to military service for the Global War on Terrorism over potentially longer periods of time and with greater frequency; and
WHEREAS, the ESGR Statement of Support Program seeks to inform and educate employers about their rights and responsibilities towards their employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserve and to also recognize and reward those employers who go above and beyond the requirements of the law; and
WHEREAS, employers signing the ESGR Statement of Support commit to recognizing, honoring and enforcing the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act; and
WHEREAS, employers who sign the Statement of Support pledge to provide their leadership with tools necessary to effectively manage Guard and Reserve employees; and
WHEREAS, Statement of Support signatories further commit to continually recognizing and supporting service members and their families in peace, crisis and war; and
WHEREAS, the first Statement of Support was signed on December 13, 1972 in the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense by Mr. James H. Roche, Chairman of the Board and CEO of General Motors; and
WHEREAS, President Nixon became the first U.S. President to sign a Statement of Support on December 14, 1972; and
WHEREAS, in 2005, every federal Cabinet Secretary and all federal agencies signed a Statement of Support to signify their continuing efforts to be model employers; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago, the Chicago Fire Department, the Chicago Police Department, the Chicago Public Schools and the City of Chicago Department of Environment have signed on as supportive employers; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that we the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council do hereby recognize and commend the ESGR for its tireless advocacy on behalf of the patriotic men and women of the National Guard and Reserve; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporate Authorities of the City of Chicago do hereby authorize and encourage all city departments to evidence their support for Reserve component members by endorsing a Statement of Support.
Alderman Edward M. Burke 14th Ward
IT Ward