WHEREAS, Langdon D. Neal has officially retired as the Chairman of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners following 18 years of dedicated service; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, In that leadership role, Langdon D. Neal oversaw the administration of a transparent, impartial and accurate election system which included voter registration and safeguarding the rights of all voters to cast ballots independently in a safe and quiet atmosphere, free of interference or intimidation; and
WHEREAS, During his tenure at the helm of the election board, Langdon D. Neal worked with the Mikva Challenge Program to put 2,000 high school students to work alongside 1,000 college students as election judges in every election; and
WHEREAS, Under Langdon D. Neal, Chicago became the first Illinois jurisdiction to introduce electronic poll books in all precincts citywide which ensures that voters are directed to the correct precinct; and
WHEREAS, Langdon D. Neal presided over the transition from punch card to touch-screen and optical scan paper ballot voting; and
WHEREAS, Langdon D. Neal championed reforms, including the implementation of online voter registration; and
WHEREAS, Langdon D. Neal is also a highly successful lawyer and a principal and owner of Neal & Leroy, LLC; and
WHEREAS, Langdon D. Neal joined the family-owned firm in 1981, becoming the third generation of lawyers practicing in Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Langdon D. Neal's practice concentrates on real estate, zoning, land use, and public and private finance; and
WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Langdon D. Neal serve as an example to all; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this thirteenth day of January, 2016, do hereby congratulate Langdon D. Neal on the occasion of his retirement as Chairman of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners and do hereby express our sincere gratitude for his dedication and service over these many years; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of/this resolution be presented to Langdon D. Neal. j /