Record #: R2015-747   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 9/24/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 9/24/2015
Title: Tribute to late Honorable Marvin Mandel
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2015-747.pdf




WHEREAS, The Honorable Marvin Mandel has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of 95; and


WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Marvin Mandel was the 56th Governor of the State of Maryland and the husband for 27 years of the late Jeanne; and


WHEREAS, A native of Baltimore, the Honorable Marvin Mandel earned his undergraduate and law school degrees from the University of Maryland; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Marvin Mandel served in the Maryland House of Delegates where he rose to become Speaker and succeeded Governor Spiro Agnew in office after President Richard M. Nixon tapped him to become Vice President; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Marvin Mandel was Governor from 1969 to 1979 and will be remembered as an innovative leader who transformed state government while championing mass transit initiatives and the building of new schools; and


WHEREAS, After completing his tenure in public service, the Honorable Marvin Mandel practiced law and from 2003 to 2009 was a member of the Board of Regents for the University System of Maryland; and


WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of the Honorable Marvin Mandel serve as an example to all; and


WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared the Honorable Marvin Mandel to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Marvin Mandel was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and


WHEREAS, To his beloved family, the Honorable Marvin Mandel imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore



BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this twenty-fourth day of September 2015, do hereby commemorate the Honorable Marvin Mandel for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of the Honorable Marvin Mandel.
