April 19,2017
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith, together with Aldermen Burke and Scott, a resolution honoring the life and memory of our friend and colleague Alderman Michael Chandler.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,
^OllBTGClS' Tnis BoGjy wishes to extend its deeply, felt sympathies and condolences.:
to the family and friends of our former colleague; and friehd/ KAichael D. Chandler, upon
v his passing; and ... Z^;: ^ ' "■ -
WHEREAS, Former 24th Ward Alderman Michael D. Chandler passed away ih:.c-Glenddle, Arizona on March 23, 2017... He was 64 years old; and, ■£ ■ . >•
WHEREAS, Born and raised in Chicago, Alderman Chandler inherited his spirit of f service and community involvement from his parents,' Minnie and\Kermit, who.were" \' among.the-first Africa'n-:American;residents.-of this ;cjty to own a.grocery store; arid' ' ;
■>'■ WHEREAS, The youngest of. seven children, Michael D Chandler attended '
Presentation Catholic School; and • ■'■;■' . ■
WHEREAS,} After, graduating froni' high 'school and^serving Mn the Air Force in
California as a jet.engine mechanic, Michael D': Chandler returned to Chicago to-raise ■;
-hjs two sons, and dedicated himself, to leading grassroots environmental and anti-crime '
efforts by founding Community in Action, lnc.;; and'; • =•' , V'; ■ ' \t~
- , WHEREAS,% supervisor of'building'inspectors for thirteen'years in the Chicago" [■/
Department of Buildings, Alderman Chandler Tdmiliarized'himseif with the inner workings : i
• of City government and used his> experience ;;to improve.:, his WestjVSideward,., which ,..>
services: the Austin,' West- Garfield .Park, East Garfield Park- and North ' Lawnddie '''
neighborhoods; and • ; y:^; :'"'). -■: ;: ,y. ■'.; '.(f .■''■'/ 'V-Y ■->■.
■ WHEREAS, Widely admired' Tor .his.-leadership and visioh,';;Aldermanf Chandler .
significantly improved the-quality of-life ih'ithe 24th Ward through his.effortsto halt illegal
dumping-there and'Mo attract new busihesse's;.,including a ;communify"6e'nter and movie "" ;
theaten-and ,PHr ■ ■ '':"'■'\-:T"';:,- "'-' ;■■,;■''" \* ■-. ',y; .'':-'. '•=• ,i

■ WHEREAS, First elected to the Chicago City.jCouncil irV/i^vS;; Alderman Chandler
' was an active member of the Committees on the Budget and Government Operations; -
Committee's,' Rules and' Ethics;, Energy, • Environmental Protection and Public Utilities;-■.,-j:;V •
Finance; . Historical.' Landmark Preservation; Housing and Real Estate; and Human •'" '
Relations; and- • • ; ''.-'^^
WHEREAS, Alderman "Chandler served' four, terms as Alderman of the 24th Ward;-
', and'-"[; . . , '''.-■ N.' V" . -■';'■ •
■ WHEREAS, Throughout his.'distinguished career:',as a public servant; Alderman-Chandler combined great passion for his job with bttentioh to duty, and worked tirelessly to inspire his constituents to take pride in their neighborhoods; and
' WHEREAS, Following his last term in office, which ended- on May 18; 201.5, Mr.
Chandler and his lovely wife Lea-moved to Glenddle, Arizona, where they bought a
house in July 2015; now, therefore, K'
BE IT.RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City . '' .of Chicago, assembled this nineteenth day of April, 2017, db' hereby honor former • Alderman Michael D. Chandler and extend our sympathies to his family and friends; and .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to.the family of Michael D. Chandler as a token of our sympathy and esteem. -: