Record #: R2017-303   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 4/19/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 4/19/2017
Title: Tribute to late Honorable Michael D. Chandler
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm, Burke, Edward M., Scott, Jr. Michael
Attachments: 1. R2017-303.pdf






April 19,2017














Ladies and Gentlemen:


I transmit herewith, together with Aldermen Burke and Scott, a resolution honoring the life and memory of our friend and colleague Alderman Michael Chandler.


Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.



Very truly yours,




nM     April 19, 2017

presented by Mayor Rahm

Alderman Edward M. Burke and Emanuel



^OllBTGClS' Tnis BoGjy wishes to extend its deeply, felt sympathies and condolences.:
to the family and friends of our former colleague; and friehd/ KAichael D. Chandler, upon
v his passing; and
                     ... Z^;:       ^   '    " -


WHEREAS, Former 24th Ward Alderman Michael D. Chandler passed away ih:.c-Glenddle, Arizona on March 23, 2017... He was 64 years old; and,    £                . >•


WHEREAS, Born and raised in Chicago, Alderman Chandler inherited his spirit of f service and community involvement from his parents,' Minnie and\Kermit, who.were" \' among.the-first Africa'n-:American;residents.-of this ;cjty to own store; arid' ' ;


>' WHEREAS, The youngest of. seven children, Michael D Chandler attended '
Presentation Catholic School; and
                                          ';'                     .


WHEREAS,} After, graduating froni' high 'school and^serving Mn the Air Force in

California as a jet.engine mechanic, Michael D': Chandler returned to Chicago to-raise                     ;

-hjs two sons, and dedicated himself, to leading grassroots environmental and anti-crime                     '

efforts by founding Community in Action, lnc.;; and'; • =•'                           , V';                             ' \t~


- ,    WHEREAS,% supervisor of'building'inspectors for thirteen'years in the Chicago" [/
Department of Buildings, Alderman Chandler Tdmiliarized'himseif with the inner workings
: i
• of City government and used his> experience ;;to improve.:, his WestjVSideward,., which ,..>
: the Austin,' West- Garfield .Park, East Garfield Park- and North ' Lawnddie '''
neighborhoods; and •
;                     y:^; :'"'). -:                     ;: ,y.    '.;    '.(f .'''/ 'V-Y ->.


WHEREAS, Widely admired' Tor .his.-leadership and visioh,';;Aldermanf Chandler .
significantly improved the-quality of-life ih'ithe 24th Ward through his.effortsto halt illegal
dumping-there and'Mo attract new busihesse's;.,including a ;communify"6e'nter and movie "" ;
theaten-and      ,PHr
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WHEREAS, First elected to the Chicago City.jCouncil irV/i^vS;; Alderman Chandler
' was an active member of the Committees on the Budget and Government Operations; -
Committee's,' Rules and' Ethics;, Energy, • Environmental Protection and Public Utilities;-
.,-j:;V •
Finance; . Historical.' Landmark Preservation; Housing and Real Estate; and Human •'" '
Relations; and-    •
                                          ; ''.-'^^


WHEREAS, Alderman "Chandler served' four, terms as Alderman of the 24th Ward;-

', and'-"[;       .                     .                     ,                     '''.-  N.'                     V" .                     -';'


WHEREAS, Throughout his.'distinguished career:',as a public servant; Alderman-Chandler combined great passion for his job with bttentioh to duty, and worked tirelessly to inspire his constituents to take pride in their neighborhoods; and


' WHEREAS, Following his last term in office, which ended- on May 18; 201.5, Mr.
Chandler and his lovely wife Lea-moved to Glenddle, Arizona, where they bought a
house in July 2015; now, therefore,


BE IT.RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City . '' .of Chicago, assembled this nineteenth day of April, 2017, db' hereby honor former • Alderman Michael D. Chandler and extend our sympathies to his family and friends; and .


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to.the family of Michael D. Chandler as a token of our sympathy and esteem. -: