WHEREAS, Chapter 4-17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("the Code") authorizes the establishment of restricted residential zones ("RR Zones") pursuant to an opt-out process, which requires a petition to trigger an ordinance; and
WHEREAS, RR Zones, defined in Section 4-17-010 as precincts that are essentially ineligible for shared housing units or vacation rentals, have been established by ordinance in various precincts and wards across the City; and
WHEREAS. Section 4-17-040:Of the Code provides, in relevant part, that: "An ordinance . to establish axestricted residential zone shall: . (d) be in effect for four years following the effective date of such ordinance ...; and (e) once in effect, be subject to renewal by ordinance at the expiration of the four year period without the need for another supporting Petition."; and
WHEREAS, The RR Zones identified below have not been repealed pursuant to Section 4-17-050 and are thus currently in effect; and
WHERE AS, the City Council desires to enact an ordinance renewing the status of the RR Zone status for an additional four years; now, therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO-SECTION 1. The ordinance establishing the RR Zone in the 41sl precinct of the 1.3* ward (City Clerk Document No. O2018-7020), effective on ,November 7. 2018 and expiring on November 7, 2022, is hereby renewed for an additional four-year period expiring on November 7, 2026.
SECTION 2. The ordinance establishing the RR Zone in the 28th precinct of the T3» ward (City Clerk Document No. O2018-7738), effective on November 7, 2018 and expiring on November 7,2022, is hereby renewed for an additional four-year period expiring on November
SECTION 3. The ordinance establishing the RR Zone in the 30th precinct of the 13'" ward (City Clerk Document No. 02018-7739), effective on November 7, 2018 and expiring on November 7,2022, is hereby renewed for an additional four-year period expiring on November 7, 2026.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take full force and effect upon its passage and
publication. Following due passage and publication of this ordinance, each section renewing a
precinct prohibition shall be deemed effective to coincide with the date oJ^Kf^ration of that
precinct's prohibition. / ]