Aldermen Ariel Reboyras, Marty Quinh/an
Ihjresented by Mayor Rahm Emanuel ^ May 24,2017 -\ y;
'WllCTeWIS On April' 18, 2017,'rChicago Police Sergecht^ #:1024) responded to a of a person shot; and ■•'•■'''''■•■
WHEREAS, Withouhpause or fear for her,own well-being, Sergeant' Hillman-'raced'
three blocks to the.scene, arriving just moments after the dispatch; and ■ -;/;5 £
. WHEREAS, As she approached, Sergeant Hillman found a young man;.-bleeding-
. . profusely from a wound to his leg, as a friend of the victim; attempted to slow the blood: -
. flow with a sweatshirt; and -' ' • ■ : ■;■ ;&'.' . • .;, " > ' V
WHEREAS, Sergeant H.illmah' acted quickly,, tightening;, a tourniquet above the . injury; which immediately ceased the uncontrollable stream of blood; and., Z
WHEREAS; Having received Law' Enforcement Medical and Rescue Training,.'}' Sergeant Hillman was well prepared-to render aid' to:the gunshot victim, and she relied-4: .upon this training; as well as;her intuition and experien'ce,io'-administer'iifesdving
' and -.' ■' 1 . .''/':- ■ :- ■ ■ ;v.''- ' '':'-: ' -.y;L;J;v, - s .
WHEREAS, In response to a life-and-death situation, Sergeant Hillmarrdrewupon
' her certificPtibrvfb stop the bleeding and •provide essential assistance, having, applied a.v
tourniquet only .once;before; and ;•' ' . .-'.' :,"v;";'/•. : '";:\;f:-_
.,-WHEREAS, ;Sergearit'Hillman sustained pressure on the leg wound, stabilized?tKe * l,^
teen's 'condition; and remained with-'him, keeping him calm; until, the :Ghicago;:Fjre
... Department .arrived to transport the boy to the hospital; and %■ ':■; ... -.V'' '
WHEREAS, Thanks to her instinctive ahd4imelyldctions, Sergeant Hillman saved the., ; young man's, life and limb, and he is regaining mobility from-.-his injury;'and ' v:-5; v
... WHEREAS, Sergeant Hillman is. a twenty-five year veteran of the'.Ghibago^Pplice1 ■
Department, serving,as the.third,watch•in-the/Chicagb;LawtfDistifetv.g'nd: :-'v- t;!'
■"'"''"'.'-/■if'i''''' ■
WHEREAS, Sergeant Hillmah's quick- .reaction ' and calmer effective." response.; v •exemplify the dedication 'to'duty and commitment to the community inherent .in' all--;-; ;., members of the .Chicago Police-Department, both,On- and of.f-'du'ty; now, therefore, ."'",
BE IT RESOLVED, That we> the Mayor and Members of the City Coqhcil of the. City ;
of Chicago, assembled this twenty-fourth day. of-May, 2017,. do hereby express our ' .
admiration^ and gratitude to Chicago. Police Sergeant. ,;Gdthlene-'Hillman for her
exemplary actions; and ■,;>; ■ "C".-""[: ■'■ -V;, '
■;': BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a Suitable: copy of this resolution be presented "to)-" ; ?
(Sergeant. Hillman, and placed on 'permanent record in her personnel file, as;a token Of
our gratitude and esteem. ; ■■-.■' ■ ■■' ^, "f