Record #: O2011-445   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 1/13/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 2/9/2011
Title: Not-for-profit fee exemption(s) for Little Sisters of the Poor
Sponsors: Waguespack, Scott
Topic: PERMITS/LICENSE/FEE EXEMPTIONS - License Fee Exemptions
Attachments: 1. O2011-445.pdf
SECTION 1. That the Commissioner of Buildings, the Executive Director of Construction and Permits, the Commissioner of Transportation, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Environment, the Commissioner of Fire, the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing, the Director of Revenue and the Commissioner of Water Manager, are hereby authorized and directed to issue all necessary permits, all on-site water/sewer inspection fees and all water/sewer plan review fees, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary to Little Sisters of the Poor, a not-for-profit Illinois Corporation, related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and fuel storage facilities at said location:
Said building(s) and all appurtenances thereto shall be used exclusively for charitable purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with view of profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted and all of the appropriate provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago and departmental requirements of various departments of the City of Chicago, and said building(s) and all appurtenances thereto shall be constructed and maintained so that they shall comply in all respects with requirements of the appropriate provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago for the issuance of all necessary permits and licenses.
SECTION 2. Little Sisters of the Poor, a not-for-profit, Illinois Corporation, engaged in medical, educational and related activities, shall be exempt from the payment of City license fees and shall be entitled to the cancellation of warrants for collection for inspection fees.
SECTION 3. Little Sisters of the Poor shall be entitled to a refund of City fees, which it has paid and to which it is exempt pursuant to Sections one (1) and two (2) of this ordinance.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force for the period of April 16, 2011 through April 15, 2013.
2325 N Lakewood Chicago, IL 60614
Alderman, 32nd Ward.
1 of 1
Jan   1U   25  05:14p little  sisters  of poor
Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury
P.O. Box 2508 Cincinnati, OH 45201
Date: July 12, 2010
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 ^Street. NE Washington, DC 20017-1194
Dear Sir/Madam:
This responds to your July 9,2010, request for information regarding the status of your group tax exemption.
Our records indicate that you were issued a determination letter in March 1946, that you are currently exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and are not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code because you are described in sections 509(aX1) and 170(bX1XA)(i).
With your request, you provided a copy of the Official Catholic Directory for 2010, which includes the names and addresses of the agencies and Instrumentalities and the educational, charitable, and religious institutions operated by the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, its territories, and possessions that are subordinate organisations under your group tax exemption. Your request indicated that each subordinate organization is a non-profit organization, that no part of the net earnings thereof inures to the benefit of arty individual, and that no substantial part of their activities Is for promotion of legislation. You have further represented that none of your subordinate organizations is a private foundation under section 509(a), although all subordinates do not all share the same sub-classification under section 509(a). Based on your representations, the subordinate organizations In the Official Catholic Directory for 2010 are recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Code under GEN 0928.
Donors may deduct contrlbuttonsito you and your subordinate organizations as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, Legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to them or for their use are deductible for federal estate and gifts tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of section 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code.
Subordinate organizations under a group exemption do not receive individual exemption letters. Most subordinate organizations are not separately listed in Publication 78 or the EO Business Master File. Donofi: may verify that a subordinate organization is included
Person to Contact:
Roger Meyer Toll Free Telephone Number
877-829-5500 Employer identification Number:
53-0196617 Group Exemption Number 0928
Jan   10   25  05:14p
little  sisters  of poor
in your group exemption by consulting the Official Catholic Directory, the official subordinate listing approved by you, or by contacting you directly. IRS does not verffy the inclusion of subordinate organizations under your group exemption. See IRS Publication 4573, Group Exemption, for additional information about group exemptions.
Each subordinate organization covered in a group exemption should have its own EIN. Each subordinate organization must use its own EIN, not the EIN of the central organization, in all filings with IRS.
If you have any questions, please call us at the telephone number shown in the heading of this letter.
Cindy Thomas
Manager, Exempt Organizations Determinations
Jan   10   25   05:14p
little  sisters  of poor
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Jan   1U   2S   OS:15p
little   sisters   of poor
St. Mary of Providence. 4200 N. Austin Aye., G0634, TW: 773-545-6300; Fax: 773-545-a03b. Email: HrRitaB^sUigiobai.nfi.   Sr.  Riia   Butier,- Dir.;
Daricrtc   Zdsnow.iki,   Admin.;   R*jv.   Thomiia A.'
Mulcronc, Chap.
Daughters of St. i<\iry of Provti/ence Operated by Lhe Daughters of St. Mary oi' Pnividencu., Devtloprnerit-il training and residcnliu) cfire of devHopmentally dknlilM ndulw. £ intent S\- Tbtnl Staff 150; Total Assisted Annually U0. Mistricordinf Heart .jf Mercy Center, 6300 N. Pddge. •WOW-1017. Tel: 773-973-6300; Fm: 77^73.^214. Web: www.mi5ericordiB.con1. Sr. Rosftnary Ctmnnlly. K.S.M Eioc. Dir.; Rev. Jrjhn J. OltiJr,
Asst. Exec. Dir. Children and adults ; with developmental disabilities. rYiwLg h Sisters 13; 1bti«] Staff 1,020; Bed Capadly 550; Total Assiattal Annually 650. BAHTLETr. BartUU Learning Center, S01 W. Bartlett Kd., 60103. Tel: 630-289-4221; Fax: 630-2S9-43S0-Anne M. Craig, Prin.
BarUtt Learning Canter, Inc. dba Clarcwoods Academy and Cupertino Home. Sponsored by the Sistera nf St. .loecrpo. Third OMer of St. Francis., Operates Bartleit Learning Centur Day School Program and the Cupertino Homo, Wmi-erivUJe, IL. Day School program sorves dkjveiopuierilally delayed and. multiple handicapped individuals a£*a 3 to 21. Day School Prc^rnm acccpta youth identified LD, BD, EMH, TMH, and TBI SppechV Language Impaired, Autistic. Community InlcgraLud Living Arrangement Serves developmentally delayed gentlemen ugea IS to 45.
Sinters 6; L«y Staff 100: Pwtientfl Awisted Annually 140.
Lakji Zuwch. Mt. St. Joseph Homv, 24955 North Hwy. J2, 60047. Tel: S47-43S-&050; Fax: 547.438^313. Eirmil: rn$jIz£?nol.ontn. Sr. Gertrude Barbers,, Sxec. Dir.; Her. Alavaius Roraaaaki, O.F.M.CW*,, Chap. Operated by the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence,, Intermediate eare' for developmental}}' disabled women. Sisters &; Tbtal Staff 140; Total Assisted Annually 130.
Rrvrei Forum i\ Dig Sitters, P.O. Box 5728, 60305. Tel: 70S-43S-8893. Web: bieai8ter*ofchlca^.arg. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Brennnn, Pres.; Mrs." Mary Alice Jovttn, Past Pros, & Recording Set ■ i
Tmjw Park. St. Colnttat of Illinois, inc., I$3G0 Crwaing Dr., 60A87. Tel; 7O8~342-f320O; Fax: 70S-342-2579 Web; ivww.atcoleUaB.TOm. Waynuj A. Kottcneyer, Exec. Dir. Sponsored by the Sister* af St. Francis of Aceuri. Rceideftlutf carp., education, job training A Job placement for dcvEloucnentplly
dinablM chjldr»n and adulto.   Capacity 187; Tbtal
Atwtsted Annually -100; Total Staff 320. [
Divisions: i U. Joxeph P Kennedy Jr. Scnooi. lYnley Park let:
708-342-5200; Fa*: 70& 342-2679. [ Vocational Job Training Canter, Unity Port Tel; '
708-342-6200; Fax: 708-342-2570. St. Caletta'a of Illinoii Foundation Tel: 703-342-
5246;        Fax:        708-34Z-257P. Email:
CuiCAno. Cortland Manor Retirement Rome. 1900 N. Kartov, 00639. Tel: 773-235-3670. Maurden Schalle, Admin. Catholic CharitieB Housing Dnvelopment Oorportftion. ClfMcity 4$,
Fmturucati Communities dba St. Jostpfi Village of Chicago 4021 W. Belmont Ave, 60641, Tel: 7J 3-32&-6500; 800-524-<}l2t).     Kmaif ul&
frHuaacajicoiBraujjiUea.ouni. W >h:
vww.stjosaphvillagwjfcbicPFto.coin. Lorn Am Slawiaaki, Admin.; Rot. John H. Nowak. C. tf Chap. Sisters 8; Licensed Bcda 94.
uutfun 7br/oce, 2S00 N". Rada«, U0614. TeJ: 773-9:6-OflQO; Fwc: 773-935-96H. Email; m*±ucagi@ tiUleiiBtersaJlbepoor.ortr-
Little Sixers of the Poor of Chicago, hie. 9urdjor Housinff Apt*. 50. |
Utile 9i*tttra of the Poor Center for (he Aging, 2325 N. Lakewnod Avo., 60614. 'Ibl: 773-935;9600; Fax; 773-935-9014. Sr. Patriciii Metagar. L.a.P. Rupr.l Liitlc Sisters of the Poor of Chicago. Ink, Intermediate and skilled rare facility. Sisters IB; Resideni-B 70; Bed Capacity 76; StofE 110.
Re&urrtction life Ctnter, 7370  W. TBlcott Art. 60631. Thl; 773-594-7400; Fsjt. 773]-5Ji4-j7402. Wei! ^•w.', Sandra Bennett Bmc Pres.; Nancy Raxo, Admin.; Lescek j Baczkur
Coard. S^iiritaal Svcs.j Rev. Robert Boicrod, C,1
Chap.: Sisters M. Leonette RJaicta, CjR, Chaj., Ela--rie Skriy-pczynsld., C.9J\N., Qhap. jA divisiLri of Resurrection Senior Ser|ice3.| tihille 1 intermediate and sheltered hursjng qare.   Be i
Cflpacity 1G2. . Hesurrection   Retirement   Community. ! 7262 V{. Petemon Ave., 60631. TAsi-. T73-702-|79aO; Fax: 775-702-8316.     W«h:    wsvw.reahcftltl?.0i^.| Sandr Bennett liruce, Prta.; Sr. Kathleen Anjn 3tad3e I
C.B.F.N Exec. Dir.; U«ok Bacrkura, Coord., Spiritual Svca.: Lawreiwy Vylfnunc. Chop. A* division of Resurrection Health Care manacpd by HesunBcduu Senior Scrvne,s Independent Living Apartmvnts -135; Assioted Living Apartments 37-Tbtal S'^ff 102; Tfttfll Awisted Annually 600.
DeS PlAiNtiS, HrV/ Family Nursing and Kchabiiitation Center, '^H0 Dumpatar, 60016. TW: S47-296-333&-Fas: b47.2S6-:^027. Web!
H-w^».wnior£ vSanJm Hpnnett Bruce . Pre«.: Anr.t>nriy Modi, Adnin.; Lefriek BLCzkura, Coord. Spiritual Svc*. Sponsored by Sisters of lhe Holy Family of Nazurp.Lh and Sisters uf th»» Res'jrrecUon., A divt&ion of Resurrection Senior Service*; Inlerraediate und Slo'Iiad Nursing Facility. licenced Bad Capacity 2.=U. Nazarcthi'iib, 300 N. River Kd., 60016. Ih): 847-297-6900; Pooc: 8.17-297-0504. Wt*b: www.nazareihviKe.cora. Sr M. Liicille Madura, C.S.F.N., AdiaiD. Spoasonxl by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Ibtal Assisted Anuuatly 30^9&. In Res. Rev. John Stephen, C.R.
Evanston. Saim Fraud* Nursing end Itthahihtatioa Center, .lOO Ashbury Ave 50202. Tel: 347-316-3320; Fax: 847-316-3337. Web;
w-ww.aeniorB.reflhealth-oi^. i-iandra Bennett Bruce. Pres.; Michael Kaplan, .\daiin.; Lfftaek Bacxkura, Coord. Spiritual Svcb.; Lumen Ivory, Chap. Sponsored by Sisters of the Holy Family of i'taearvth and Sistora of the Resurrection., A dividhm of Resurrection Senior Services; Comprehensiva nursing, reliabilitation and sociai services. Bed Capacity 127
GLEtfVlEW. Maryhavtn Nursing a/id Rehabditutwn Centrr, 1700 East Lake Ave., 60025. Tel: S4V-729-1300; Pax; 347.729-9620. Web:
www.senif7rs.re6heaJth.arg. Sandra 8ennstt Bruce, Preft.; Sara Sxuroaki, Admirj.; Le^sck Bactk^a, Coord. Suirilual Svca.; Michael Stacy, Chap. Sponsored, by Sistars of the Holy Faaiily of WararetL and Sistora of the Resurrection., A division of Reiurrertion Senior Sen-ices; Homo for Aged, intermediate and skilled cure fodlitiea. Medicare, Therapy. Capacity 135.
Justice. Rosary Hilt Home, 9000 W. 8let St., 6Q4S8. TbI: 708-458-3040; Pax: 70fl.45a-723O. Email: roBaryhill'&BbcglobaJ.not Web: Sr. M. Nawlie, O.P., AamiiL; Rev. Raymond J. Jasineta (Hetired). Operated by Lhe Dominicaii Sisters of tbe Immaculate Conception, Sisters 10;
B«l Capacity GO; Number u*:der care 60. L^C.HAWoe Parx. Bethlehem Woods Retirement Community, 1671 Oydeii Ave., Lh Orange Park, 6U526. Ut 703-579-3663; Fn*; 708-679-7159. Wet: Sandra Bennett Bruce, Pres.; Mwry Jflatw, Elwc, Dir.; LormK Boczkura, Coord. 8i»lri(.ual S*ca.; T\muLhy JotD. Doody, Cbup. Sponsored by Sistem of the Huly Family of Nazareth and Sisters nf the Resurrection., A diviswn of ResuirectioD Health Care managed by Resurrection Sonior S<irvic«a. lodependent living aparttsenls and Licensed assisted living apMrtnients. Residents 316; Bed Capacity 334; Tbtal 3catT 100.
■Lemokt. MxKrnia Manor Senior Living, 13950 Main St., 60439. Tel: 630-267-7721; Fax: 630-26/-O338. Email: tnfo@aivemitununox,org. Web:    Sr.    Cynthia Drozd,
\ O.S.F., Admin. Sponsored by The School Sisters of St. Pronciii of Christ the King. Reaidooto 50.
! FmnciscoJi Villngt, 1270 Fr»nci«an Dr., 60439. Tel: 630-243-3400; Fax: 630-257-5323, Email: rcoon®
l fran dec or: cc mm unities, com. Web; Tm^v.fianciacaricoaununitiej.coiD. Bobort E. Coon, Exec Dir. Sponsorrd by Uie Franciscan Sisters of Chicago., Continuing Core Retirement Community, lo dependent Living 137; Avaisted LiTicg 30; NuTsing Home 127: Thtal Staff 207.
^ILB3. SairU Andrew f.ife Center. 70O0 N. Newark I    Ave., B0714-4497. Tol: 847-647-^332; Pax^ S47-!    647-7073. Web: www.sen;'era Sandra Bennett Bruce, Pres.; Ms. Aurw Berg, Uxec. Dir.; Leswk Ractkura, Coord, Spiritual S*cb:, Rov. ■    St*}>an KootJuk (STN). Chap.; Sr. Kntliryn Wojcik, C.R„ Ch&p. Sponsored by Sisters cf the Holy Family    nf   Nazareth    and    Sinters    of (Km Resurrection., A division of ftceurrection Senior Services.;     Independent     living apartments, Licensed    .-uutisted    living    apartment and Intermediate Nursing Cure. Number Under Care 164.
Saint lSe>wdict Niming and Rzhabiiitation CsfLter, 8930 W. Touhy Ave., 60714. Tel: 547-647-0003; Fax; 847-647-1H3G. Web:
www.seniorB.reHheal'th.o'B'. Sandra Bennett Bruce, I Pres.; Peter E. Goschy, Admin.; Leszek Bactkura. Co7rd. Spiritual Svcs.; Deacon lid O'Lfiary, Chap. Sponsored by Sisters of the Holy Family of Naiareth and Sisu&ra of :>iv RotUTcection., A division of Resurrection Senior Services. Residents 95.