Comm. on License May 24, 2017
SECTION 1. The City Council finds that the areas described in Sections 2 through 6 of this ordinance are adversely affected by the over-concentration of businesses licensed to sell alcoholic liquor within and near the areas.
SECTION 2. Section 4-60-022 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by replacing subsection 4-60-022 (39.13), which was previously deleted as shown in the Journal of Proceedings of May 6, 2015 at page 108489, with the following underscored text:
4-60-022 (39.13) On West Peterson Avenue, from North Pulaski Road to 4200 west.
SECTION 3. Section 4-60-022 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by replacing subsection 4-60-022 (39.57), which was previously deleted as shown in the Journal of Proceedings of April 30, 2014 at page 79734, with the following underscored text:
4-60-022 (39.57) On North Pulaski Road, from the John F. Kennedy Expressway to West Berteau
SECTION 4. Section 4-60-022 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by replacing subsection 4-60-022 (39.84), which was previously deleted as shown in the Journal of Proceedings of October 28, 2015 at page 12713, with the following underscored text:
4-60-022 (39.84) On Elston Avenue, from West Berteau Avenue to West Montrose Avenue.
SECTION 5. Section 4-60-023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by replacing subsection 4-60-023 (39.60), which was previously deleted as shown in the Journal of Proceedings of June 17, 2015 at page 1328, with the following underscored text:
4-60-023 (39.60) On the west side of North Pulaski Road, from West Wilson Avenue to West
Lawrence Avenue.
SECTION 6. Section 4-60-023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by replacing subsection 4-60-023 (39.88), which was previously deleted as shown in the Journal of Proceedings of May 18, 2016 at page 24522, with the following underscored text:
4-60-023 (39.88) On North Elston Avenue, from North Kentucky Avenue to Cicero Avenue.

Margaret Laurino Alderman, 39th Ward
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication.