WHEREAS, William P. Levine has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of ninety-seven; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, A longtime resident of Highland Park, William P. Levine was the loving husband of Rhoda and the late Leah; and
WHEREAS, William P. Levine was a witness to the Holocaust and among the first Allied troops to liberate the Dachau concentration camp in Germany at the end of World War II; and
WHEREAS, An intelligence officer with the United States Army, William P. Levine entered Dachau on April 29, 1945 and encountered starving survivors alongside the dead; and
WHEREAS, William P. Levine helped to feed, clothe and resettle five-thousand Holocaust survivors after the war; and
WHEREAS, The experiences were so traumatic that for about four decades after the war William P. Levine did not share them with anyone; and
WHEREAS, In the early 1980s, William P. Levine began talking about his experiences and was a frequent public speaker at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and area high schools; and
WHEREAS, William P. Levine once said, "For me, the most important and effective method of preventing another Holocaust is truth in education"; and
WHEREAS, In 1962 William P. Levine received the first of two stars from President John F. Kennedy; and
WHEREAS, Following thirty years of service, William P. Levine retired from the Army Reserves in 1975 as a Major General; and
WHEREAS, In his civilian life, William P. Levine was the President of Sales at Lakeside Plastics Sales Company; and
WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of William P. Levine serve as an example to all; and
WHEREAS, William P. Levine will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and
WHEREAS, To his beloved family, William P. Levine imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this eighth day of May, 2013, do hereby commemorate William P. Levine for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of William P. Levine.
Alde/rlhan - 14th Ward