WHEREAS. The undersigned members ofthe City of Chicago City Council recognize and fully embrace the responsibility to represent the concerns of their constituency regarding the direction the leadership ofthe Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is taking regarding improving the public schools and allocation of their resources; and
WHEREAS Authentic research-driven educational reform should be the only guiding force for the education of the almost half-million students who attend Chicago's more than 600 public schools, and
WHEREAS As their children's primary educator, parents would greatly benefit from support, encouragement, respect and genuine inclusion in the decision-making process that affects the future of the Chicago Public Schools; and, ultimately, the outcome of the education of their progeny; and
WHEREAS Many public schools in this city have been characterized by the CPS as being underutilized and/or having excess student capacity. At the same time, many of the same schools have overcrowded classrooms and additional underutilized educational spaces, and
WHEREAS The undersigned members of the City of Chicago City Council support the creation and further development of world-class neighborhood schools. However, the plethora of calls received from concerned citizens, parents, and educators worried and outraged by CPS plans lo down-size its inventory of school buildings and programs due to current economic conditions without regard for research-driven best practices or compliance with recently passed and proposed state legislation is of vital concern; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that, in order to accomplish the stated goal of all parties to create the world-class educational system Chicago's students deserve, the undersigned members of undersigned members ofthe City of Chicago City Council urge the Chairman of the Committee on Education and Childhood Development to immediately hold a series of public hearings inviting members of the Chicago Board of Education and the leadership team of CPS to address the following queries:
- Transparently describe the research, including any utilization formulas, performance procedures, and policies for making the currently considered 2012-2013 school facility decisions, including clear criteria for setting priorities with respect to school openings, school closings, school consolidations, school turnarounds, school phase-outs, and school boundary changes.
- Provide a list of all schools being considered for such actions.
- Describe the rational and reason of opening more charter and contract schools, as described in the CPS publication: "Call for Quality Schools", while we are in the midst of current plans to decrease the inventory of excess school buildings. Describe the projected financial savings of any such actions
- Explain the resulting impact on student attendance these policies will have.
5. Pursuant to proposed state legislation (HB4487 - School Closings Moratorium), CPS shall comply with the intent and spirit of Public Act 097-0474. The Chicago Educational Facilities Taskforce (CEFTF), created by the Illinois General Assembly, found the final Guidelines for School Actions issued by CPS, in an attempt to comply with Public Act 097-0474, are out of compliance and lack transparency.
6. CPS shall inform the Committee on Education and Child Development and members of the City of Chicago City Council on the progress ofthe complete compliance with Public Act 097-0474.