January 13, 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith together with Alderman Burke, a resolution honoring the life and memory of Nancy Franco Maldonado.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,
Mayor Rahm Emanuel & A Merman Edward M. Tiurkp
Nancy Franco-Maldonado has gone to her eternal reward; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado was the loving wife of the Honorable Roberto Maldonado, the Alderman of the 26th Ward and a former Cook County Commissioner; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado was the much-adored mother of Rene, Roberto II and Raquel to whom she imparted values of character, strength and kindness; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado also leaves behind her parents, Felicita Montanez and Hector Franco, and many beloved aunts, relatives and friends; and
WHEREAS, Born on January 13, 1970, into a family of community activists, Nancy Franco-Maldonado was raised in the Humboldt Park neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, Educated in the Catholic school system, Nancy Franco-Maldonado graduated from St. Boniface Elementary School, Holy Trinity High School and Rosary College in River Forest; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado worked for fifteen years as a mortgage underwriter and later as an auditor for Household Bank International; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado eventually left her profession to raise her children and devote more time to advancing the goals and aspirations of her community; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado reached out to assist single mothers by coordinating turkey giveaways and boot drives and actively supported the Save Our Seniors Foundation (S.O.S.) and the LGBT community; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado was a trusted sounding board for her husband and served as his chief political advisor during his two aldermanic election campaigns, a role in which she helped to shape and define key policy initiatives; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado actively supported the building of the 65th Infantry Borinqueneers Building to provide affordable housing for Latino veterans; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado envisioned the construction of the Paseo Boricua Arts Building, a mixed-use building designed to provide affordable residences for artists with commercial space and a theater on the ground floor; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado campaigned to name the Humboldt Park Library Branch for veteran Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Franco-Maldonado encouraged young, first-time homeowners to invest in the 26th Ward, many of whom became the next generation of Humboldt Park residents; and
WHEREAS, The vision, sacrifice and dedication of Nancy Franco-Maldonado serve as an example to all; and
WHEREAS, A woman of elegance, grace and charm, Nancy Franco-Maldonado will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by her many relatives, friends and admirers; and
WHEREAS, To her beloved family, Nancy Franco-Maldonado imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this thirteenth day of January, 2016, do hereby commemorate Nancy Franco-Maldonado for her grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to her family; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Nancy Franco-Maldonado.