Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety City Council Meeting September 24, 2015 Alderman Brendan Reilly, 42nd Ward Loading Zone Memorandum
Street, etc East Illinois Street (Upper Level)
Location, etc: 210
Distance or extent: 20 feet
Hours: 4:00P.M. to 12:00A.M.
Days: All Days
Billing and Contact Information:
Anil Sekhri
Director of Operations, Texas De Brazil 2952 North Stemmons Fwy Dallas, Texas 75247 305-491-2520

Alderman Brendan Reilly
42nd Ward
Standing/Loading Zone Application
Please submit the following items with your application (incomplete applications will not be reviewed):
o Letter requesting a standing or loading zone, detailing the reasons the zone is needed, o Photographs of the proposed location, adequately documenting the area surrounding the proposed standing/loading zone.
o Diagram or map detailing the building, sidewalk, street, existing parking restrictions (meters, other loading zones, etc.) and location of the proposed standing/loading zone.
Please submit completed application to Alderman Reilly's Constituent Service Office: 325 West Huron Street, Suite 510 Chicago, Illinois 60654 (312) 642-4242 (312) 642-0420 (fax)
Business Name: _ Business Address:
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Billing Address: _
Federal Identification Number: \
Tax Kxcmpl Designation:
Present parking regulations at your location (e.g., meters
Business Hours: _ Scope of business activity: _
Business licenses held: £floX ga\Ag\,\^|»xeiJC ^ ^H^ftS

Contact name and title: Contact phone number:.
Signature of applicant
O Valet loading zones are designated for delivery of valet service by licensed operators, and tor
passenger loading and unloading o When not in use by a valet operator for valet service, valet zones may be used as a 30-minutc
loading zone by any commercial vehicle (standard loading zone restrictions apply) O Any passenger vehicle parking in a loading zone during restricted hours, but not utilizing valet
services, is subject to citation.
Valet loading zone times requested:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
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Length of zone requested: _
Valet Company Information
\y Information:
Business Address:
5Llov S Uo
(Contact person:
Contact phone: . ^3 ~ iv.nail:
On-site Manager(s):
Cellphone: -^2^
. Cell phone:
Name of business valet will serve:
Occupancy of business valet will serve:.
Other businesses served by valet operator (in closest proximity):
Location and description ( # of parking spaces) of off-site parking areas, as required by Chicago Municipal
code: ^ i
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Please attach a copy of valet license (or application) and Certificate of Insurance.