19 SEP 16 RH 3:38
WHEREAS, On February 19<h, 1945 at 10:30 A.M. the 5?) Marine Division, C Company, 2nd Platoon and the 26th Regiment landed on the,bla^j^a^d-jrReaches of Iwo Jima during World War Two; and
WHEREAS, there were 323 Marines who landed on the Island of Iwo Jima, of those 323 Marines, Chester Frank Kujawa, then 20 years old is one out of four in his company who survived; and 1
WHEREAS, on the day of landing, many soldiers were missing in action and many were severely wounded; and
WHEREAS, Chester was in the 16"1 wave when the Higgens boat landed, but the ramp would not open so 52 Marines had to jump into the ocean and swim to shore; and
WHEREAS, as soon as Chester and his band of brothers reached the shore they were fired upon from Mount Suribachi, and had to move to the bottom of the mountain for safety during which the Marines had to endure explosions over their head for the next twelve hours; and
WHEREAS, the Navy finally showed up with their ships and helped push back the Japanese, allowing for the 5th Marine Division to move forward on to the airport which was located at the back of the island; and
WHEREAS, Chester and the rest of the Marines fought for thirty-six days until the Japanese surrendered the island; and
WHEREAS, Chester Frank Kujawa was born on the South Side of Chicago on May 15, 1924 and represents what is great about this country and the City of Chicago; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago City Council has been informed of his courageous actions during the battle of the Island of Iwo Jima by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, Marine Kujawa, a humble man, before his passing on December 12,2016 resided in Archer Heights with his wife, Terry; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council assembled this Eighteenth day of September 2019, call upon the Chicago Park District leadership to honor the courageous actions of Marine Kujawa and the 5th Marine Division, C Company, 2nd Platoon and hereby rename Catalpa Playlot Park at 4324 S Kedvale Ave., Chester Frank Kujawa Park; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be present to the Chicago Park District, and to Marine Chester Frank Kujawa.