WHEREAS, It is with great sadness that members of this Chamber learned of the death of Florence Stoller at the age of 99, on Saturday, August 26, 2017; and
WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of her passing by The Honorable Margaret Laurino, Alderman of the 39th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Born Florence Davis on March 1, 1918, she was the daughter of the late Meyer and Ray Davis. Florence was the beloved wife of the late Nathan Stoller and the loving mother of Myron (Patricia Griffith) and Seymour (Barbara). She was the cherished grandmother of Michael (Rachelle), Kevin (Darci), Daniel (Jamie), Eric, Jack. (Meema Spadola), and Ethan (Rachel Tappan) and the proud great grandmother of Ella, Sam, Grant, Maggie, Tessa, Evan, Madison, Django and the late Atalee. She was the dear sister of Yetta (late Norman) Heller and the late Rabbi Herman (late Helen) Davis and the late Harold (late Esther) Davis. Florence was a treasured aunt and dear friend to many; and
WHEREAS, Not content to sit at home and watch from the sidelines, for over 50 years, Florence Stoller volunteered in her Albany Park community, one of the most ethnically diverse communities in Chicago. She dedicated her life to the improvement of her neighborhood and, in the process, became the embodiment of community spirit; and
WHEREAS, Her volunteerism knew no limits. For many years, Florence Stoller served on the Board of the Albany Park Community Center, one of the largest social service agencies in Chicago. As President and founder of the Jensen Park Community Organization, Florence spearheaded many projects, big and small, which had - and will continue to have - a lasting impact on the community and community residents. She went door-to-door, gathering signatures for petition drives to support projects that benefit the community. She testified at public hearings, and wrote letters for quality of life issues in her neighborhood. Florence Stoller's hard work was instrumental in bringing a new middle school and new 17th District Police Station to Albany Park; and
WHEREAS, Florence Stoller was an early pioneer of Chicago's CAPS program, serving as Beat Representative of beat 1723 (17th District). She implemented a "welcome wagon" in Beat 1723 to greet new residents and inform them about the neighborhood, CAPS, and their community meetings. As Chair of the CAPS Beautification Committee, Florence worked hard to keep the community free of litter and graffiti, believing that a clean neighborhood is a deterrent to crime and critical in maintaining a safe community; and
WHEREAS, Florence's hard work did not go unnoticed and she was recognized with awards and honors for her dedication. Mayor Richard M. Daley proclaimed "Florence Stoller Day" in Chicago and in 1998, her street, the 3700 block of W. Eastwood Avenue, was designated as "Florence Stoller Way." She received a Civic Leadership Award from Roosevelt High School and was the recipient of a residential home award from the North Side Real Estate Board. The CAPS program recognized her contributions with several awards and citations. In 1999, Florence Stoller was inducted in Chicago's Senior Hall of Fame and in 2001, the Cook County Board of Commissioners recognized her as one of Cook County's Unsung Heroines; and
WHEREAS, Florence Stoller was the epitome of a good neighbor and an inspiration to all her knew her. Florence was a treasured friend to all and leaves a legacy of dignity, service, and love; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and member of the City Council of the City of Chicago gathered here this sixth day of September, 2017, do hereby commemorate Florence Stoller for her grace-filled life and her lifetime of service and do hereby express our heartfelt condolences to her family; and
Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Florence Stoller as a token of our honor, gratitude, and respect.
MARGARET LAURINO Alderman, 39th Ward
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