Record #: R2018-1417   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 12/12/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/12/2018
Title: Tribute to late Honorable Lewis V. Morgan, Jr.
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2018-1417.pdf




WHEREAS, The Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr.- has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of 88; and


WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward^M. Burke; and


WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Wheaton, the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan came from a family of public servants; and


WHEREAS, Both the father and grandfather of the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. served as ;DuPage County Superintendent of Schools; and


WHEREAS, The Hondrable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. was a former member bf the Illinois House of Representatives and a DuPage County Circuit Court Judge; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. graduated from DePauw University in Indiana and earned his law degree from the University of Chicago; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. ably served as an Assistant State's Attorney in DuPage County before being elected to the state legislature; and


WHEREAS, As a member of the Atomic Energy Commission of Illinois, the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. was instrumental in bringing Fermilab to Illinois; and


WHEREAS, Throughout his tenure in public life, the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. maintained a law practice in Wheaton; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. was a member of the Gary United Methodist Church where he sang in the choir for more than 60 years; and


WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. s.erve as an example to all; and


WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. to his family members1; friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives ih ways they will never forget; and



WHEREAS, The Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and


WHEREAS, To his loving wife, Linda, his four children, the Reverend Barbara, Lewis V. Ill, Diane and Laura, his six grandchildren and his thirteen great-grandchildren, the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore


BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this twelfth day of December, 2018, do hereby commemorate the Honorable Lewis V. Morgan Jr. for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of the Honorable Lewis/V. Morgan Jr.





Alderman   14th Ward