Record #: SO2018-2401   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 3/28/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Human Relations
Final action: 4/18/2018
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-160-010 declaring City's policy against sexual harassment
Sponsors: Laurino, Margaret, Santiago, Milagros, Mell, Deborah, Dowell, Pat, Harris, Michelle A., Austin, Carrie M., King, Sophia D., Foulkes, Toni, Hairston, Leslie A., Sadlowski Garza, Susan, Mitts, Emma, Smith, Michele, Valencia, Anna M., Silverstein, Debra L., Thompson, Patrick D., Hopkins, Brian
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 2 - City Government & Administration - Ch. 160 Human Rights
Attachments: 1. SO2018-2401.pdf, 2. O2018-2401.pdf


SECTION 1. Section 2-160-010 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

2-160-010 Declaration of city policy.

It is the policy of the City of Chicago to assure that all persons within its jurisdiction shall have equal access to public services and shall be protected in the enjoyment of civil rights, and to promote mutual understanding and respect among all who live and work within this city.

The city council of the City of Chicago hereby declares and affirms:

that prejudice, intolerance, bigotry and the discrimination occasioned thereby, and sexual harassment, threaten the rights and proper privileges of the city's inhabitants and menace the institutions and foundation of a free and democratic society; and

that behavior which denies equal treatment to any individual because of his or her race, color, sex, gender identity, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, military status, source of income, credit history (within the meaning of Section 2-160-053), or criminal record or criminal history (within the meaning of Section 2-160-054) undermines civil order and deprives persons of the benefits of a free and open society.

Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as supporting or advocating any particular lifestyle or religious view. To the contrary, it is the intention of this ordinance that all persons be treated fairly and equally and it is the express intent of this ordinance to guarantee to all of our citizens fair and equal treatment under law.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and approval.

Margaret Laurino Alderman, 39th-Ward

larearet Laurino „
Margaret Laurino Alderman, 39th W^rrJ
Pat Dowell Alderman, 3rd Ward
Sophia King Alderman, 4th Ward

Milly Santiago Deborah Mell
Alderman, 315t Ward Alderman, 33rd Ward

Carrie Austin Emma Mitts
Alderman, 34th Ward Alderman, 37th Ward

Michelte Smith Debra Silverstein
Aldermsrf, 43rd Ward Alderman, 50th Ward
Chicago City Council Co-Sponsor Addition/Change

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Principal Sponsor

Final copies to be filed with:
Chairman of Committee to which legislation was referred
City Clerk