Record #: R2019-123   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 3/13/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 3/13/2019
Title: Congratulations extended to Maria Mc Dorman on retirement from Chicago Park District
Sponsors: Laurino, Margaret
Attachments: 1. R2019-123.pdf




WHEREAS, Maria McDorman retired from the Chicago Park District on December 31, 2018 after thirty years of dedicated public service; and


WHEREAS, the Chicago City Council has been informed of this significant occasion by the Honorable Margaret Laurino, Alderman of the 39lh Ward; and


WHEREAS, Maria began her career with the Chicago Park District working as a seasonal Recreational Leader at Gompers Park on the city's north side in 19,78 and 1980; and


WHEREAS, Maria moved onto becoming a Physical Instructor in 1980, spreading her positive energy and expertise to the communities of Gompers, Wilson and Brooks Parks. She remained in that role until 1987, when she took maternity leave to care for her growing family; and


WHEREAS, in 1998, Maria returned to the Park District as a Physical Instructor, and once again became a beloved member of the staff at Gompers Park, while also serving Eugene Field for six months of her tenure in that role; and


WHEREAS, in 2005 Maria assumed a new role as Playground Supervisor at Mayfair Park, and lovingly provided her service to patrons of the park until her retirement in 2018; and


WHEREAS, while working at the Park District, Maria met her adored husband, Patrick McDorman, who together raised a beautiful family of four daughters; Katie (Tom), Eleni (Joe), Christina (Bill), and Anna; and jubilant grandparents of four precious grandchildren, Matthew, Scotty, Lyla, and Jack; and


WHEREAS, Maria McDorman has truly enhanced the value of the parks she has served by bringing her cheerful demeanor, expertise, and talent to the work she has accomplished for over three decades, serving thousands of families who have come to enjoy Chicago's treasured park grounds and services;


WHEREAS, on the evening of February 7, 2019, Maria's family and community are joining together to honor, appreciate, and celebrate Maria's retirement and the decades of wonderful service she has provided to so many people; now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED, That we the Mayor and Members ofthe City of Chicago City Council, gathered together this thirteenth day of March, 2019, do hereby express our gratitude and best wishes to Maria McDorman for a wonderful retirement and continued happiness; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Maria McDorman as a sign of our honor and respect for the work she has done.





Margaret Laurino Alderman, 39th Ward