October 11, 2017
Ladies and Gentlemen:
1 transmit herewith, together with Aldermen Reboyras, Austin and Ervin. a congratulatory resolution regarding OEMC employees Chenetra Washington and Marissa Leezer.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,
adopted by
:\J Aldermen Ariel Reboyras, Carrie M. Austin, Jason C? ErVin and \
resented by Mavor Rahm Emanuel ■ i > on October 11; 2017
••'The Association 6f.■■■ Publie^Safety Com^unic:g>ionV'\Officiqls>; (APGOj ;V :
: International is the ' world's oldest and largest organization of- pablic' 'safety
?".cqmmuhicatibhs-- professionals'' and' supports the largest U.S-. im^cnbershlp- bose^qf any
public safety association; and ; .■ '-v,^ .-/.;v; ■ •' j;-v.'^." ••'
WHEREAS, Every year, the Illinois Chapter" of'A^CO presents dWgfds' to public safety ...
r communications personnel who^ Havei demonstrated,the "highest levels of personal- and;.;
•professional-conduct and performance in the line .-of'duty' throughout jthe • State -of' 'Illinois;^-;-
and- ' " . '?'"tv»'. O' "■' •:: ■ ■'■ "... "•>.",•*• ■ ■■ cs; .■;■ ■ -y- - ^
' WHEREAS, v APGO selected' Chehetrg. Washington, ./.Supervising '. / Police ;1 Cbrfimuhicqtiohs; pperator at the City of Chicago Office of Emergency.Management &. Communicatiqns (OEMC):, as the award recipient for 2017 Supervisor of the Year; and Marissa -Leezer, Police ■Communications Operator II at OEMC, as the award nlclplehHor
" ' 'r; and ;;•'• . ' : ■■ ,■■■•'.■■,■ V' - ''.'-■ v'H"
' , WHEREAS.' Chenetnd Washington began her career with OEMC on October 24,;";
.2005 as a police dispatcher, where she worked for ten years before being, promoted in
-'2015 to supervisor, the position she currently holds; and . >■' .'>V\-/ \ , \, ..
J ... ' WHEREAS, Shortly after her' promotion, Chenetra's supervisory and crisis ; management skills were put to the test when one .qf her dispatchers received a call from
an agitated man threatening to shoot himself and' any officer who responded to the-call. ■'.,,'" 1 After alerting the Chicago Police Department to the threat,Chenetra remained on the
line with.the caller, never giving up hope that the-situation could be resolved peaceably.' v
; ■ Following two tense hours: of h'ego.tigtipn\ -the caller, Chenetra," and the. .•
responding officers, Chenetra was convince the.pallertq.walk outside and calmly - '
surrender himself to the police; and ;,• ■■_) ; ^ -: ; ' ."v-:
:} . WHEREAS, Never content to rest on her laurels, Chenetra continues to set a positive •'•., example for her fellow co-workers by mentoring .new supervisors and guiding them. ' through their daily responsibilities." During her free time, Chenetra helps the less fdrfunate . ■

WHEREAS;Never content to rest oil her laurels, Chenetra continues to seta positive example for her .fellow co-workers by mentoring new supervisors and-guiding there -through their daily responsibilities. During "her. free time>. Chenetra-helps the less fortunate by organizing-; food ^drives, for the homeless and delivering; homemade, snacks;;;and beverages to needy persons throughout the City; qnd%^ \ -^'"A; %.: -'h:
_ ■; WH ERE AS ,'Mq riss a jLe eze r began" her career with. OEMC-in May 2001 as a police dispatcher. She currently^works from 2:00' PM until 10:00 .pJvV-p'ne'of tr3e-'bgsiest:sKifts-.for g' dispatcher, jo Zone 10; one qf the most active dispatch zones in the City; and :*"V'"': k
WHEREAS, During' her tenure with;OEMC, Marissa coordinated the City's response y to more than 620 calls, for. shots fired and over 60'.incidents, involving^a" person being injured by gunfire; and .;:' • .-: •.'•"'""'"• . ;, ■• A^'".-:; --.J. .„■' h 'X; :;■ hi
■ v': WHEREAS, Despite ■the' stress, chaqs," and emotional struggle .of working bn dh'
. active shift in an especially active zoner'Marissg nas taken only two sick days during her
sixteen years of service; and . -v* ' ■,. '... ^ia.-'l '!-/X;-
'":, WHEREAS; Widely admired for her tenacity,, positive demeanor, and ability to ;
_ brighten spirits and[ boost'morale', Marissa:often brings snacks of lynehes'to her co-workers '
^during their busy shifts; and •••' .: S"'\..., \ X... • t-.?-'- '■ -;•/' '. X-X?.'
" WHEREAS, Marissa's dedication-to her job and to public safety was recognized in ; 201.6, when she received OEMC's Team Performance. Award for managing . and: coordinating a crime scene involving g police officer who wgs^shbf; in 2012, wjhen she was recogpized'fqr her efforts during'the NATO-'SOmmit in Oh.icggo;Tand in;2plb, when; she • . Honorable Mention for her. astutefresponse. during an incident involving dri; - Illinois State Police chase from a Chicago, expressway into.the City's, crowded streets; and-'
WHEREAS, Chenetra Washington's and Marissa Leezer's unerring 'prqfessionqlism!.
idedicatioh; to their jobs,' and willingness to always treat others with dignity and respect
are truly exemplary; now, therefore ' "' "
■ \ ; BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and Members of;the City'Council-of the City of ' Chicago, assembled ' this eleventh day oF October,' 2017.; do hereby extend our congratulations to Chenetra Washington; who was recently.named APCO's'Supervispr'of the' Year for the State of Illinois, and to Marissg Leezer, who was recently,APCO's Telecommunicator of the Year for the Stgte'qf Illinois; and''... . ' ; •;"•*• : .' X:-: \;: XX*
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of thisXesolutiqh: be' presented"'.'to
Chenetra Washington and Marissa Leezer, and placed in their respective personnel files,
as'a sign of our appreciation and gratitude for their exceptional service to the City of
Chicago. . . • .V.X'' ■'■■■'■-. .'' ■ ■'"':' ■'■ '.'/;"■ ; X '■■'''.-' ;'X.