WHEREAS, It is with great sadness that the members of this Chamber learned of the death of Harriet J. Fliegel (nee Hellickson) on November 24, 2018 at the age of 84; and
WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of her passing by the Honorable Margaret Laurino, Alderman ofthe 39th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Harriet, born on December 3rd, 1933, on a farm in the small town of Valley City, North Dakota, demonstrated from a young age what would become a lifelong habit of using her many creative and business talents to contribute to the betterment of the lives of others; and,
WHEREAS, Harriet, through her loving and generous nature, cultivated a blessedly wide circle of family and friends: beloved wife ofthe late Kenneth C. Fliegel, Sr.; loving mother of Bonnie (Paul) Sekin, Kenneth Jr., Cheryl (Paul) LeBlanc and Keith (Debbie); adoring grandmother of Brian Sipusich, Jennifer (Kent) Johnson and Courtney Fliegel; dear sister of the late Loraine (late Warren) Beard; loving aunt of Warren, Melvin, Marvin, Milton and Malcolm; member for thirty-plus years in the Mayfair Lions Club and over forty years as part of the congregation of the Mayfair Lutheran Church in the North Mayfair neighborhood of Chicago where she and her adoring husband settled forty-two years ago and raised their family; and
WHEREAS, Harriet was a nurturing and caring mother with strong morals and a belief that family was a priority and education was essential. She leaves a legacy of faith, dignity and love; and,
WHEREAS, Harriet, willingly and naturally, took on leadership roles throughout her life: co-founder of the Mayfair Lioness Club; first woman President of the Mayfair Lions Club; Den Mother of the local Boy Scout troop; chairperson of multiple church service and fundraising projects; sought after baker and arts and crafts maker in her community and more; and,
WHEREAS, Harriet was honored in 2003 for her long and multifaceted history of service by her induction into the Chicago Senior Citizens Hall of Fame by then Mayor, Richard M. Daley; and
WHEREAS, As a faithful follower of God, Harriet knew that authentic leadership is manifest in the greatness you make possible in the people around you, which is how she led her life -shining a light on others, not herself; and,
WHEREAS, Harriet, was a person who touched the lives of many with her unconditional love and vivacious spirit who will be deeply missed; however, the memory of her character will live on in those who knew and loved her; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled on this twelfth day of December, 2018, do hereby extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Harriet J. Fliegel; and,