WHEREAS, Daniel R. Pascale has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of 83; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, Dan is survived by his son, Alex, nieces and nephews, and many lifelong friends; and
WHEREAS, he was born on March 22,1940 to Domenic and Fannie Colette (Julian) Pascale in Racine, Wisconsin as the youngest of five children; and
WHEREAS, Dan looked up to his three older brothers and sister (Ralph, Arnie, George, and Eleanor) and remained close to them throughout his life; and
WHEREAS, he was admitted to Harvard University for college, where he received a Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude in 1962, then attended the University of Chicago Law School and graduated with a Juris Doctor Degree in 1965; and
WHEREAS, as a lawyer, Dan spent much of his career working in city and local government, holding several roles in the City of Chicago Office of Corporation Counsel; and
WHEREAS, he also worked at Rudnick & Wolfe, which is now DLA Piper, and became a partner at the firm; and
WHEREAS, Dan met his wife, Mary Sara McDonald, during their brief mutual stint at the same law firm, and were married on June 28,1986; and
WHEREAS, in 1993 their son Alexander was born which was Dan's proudest accomplishment being Alex's dad; and
WHEREAS, among his many professional achievements, from 1990 to 1994, Dan served as a Judge on the Circuit Court of Cook County and was respected by the attorneys who appeared before him and also by the litigants themselves, who knew their legal issues were being evaluated by a thoughtful, open-minded, and scrupulously fair judge; and
WHEREAS, Dan served as legal counsel to members of Chicago's City Council, where he provided legal advice and guidance on issues in the Chicago community; and
WHEREAS, he taught legal classes on the side and volunteered to be a judge at mock trials for local law students, offering them career advice and mentorship; and
WHEREAS, to his beloved family, Dan imparts a legacy of generosity, compassion, devotion to family and unwavering faith in God; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this fifteenth day of May, 2023, do hereby commemorate Dan for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Daniel R. Pascale.

Edward N
Alderman, 14th Ward