Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards City Council Meeting Alderman Danny Solis 25th Ward
Sign Order
ORDERED, That the Commissioner of Buildings is hereby directed to issue a sign permit to:
Midwest Sign & Lighting, Inc. 4910WWilshire BLVD Country Club Hills, IL. 60478
For the erection of a sign/signboard over 24 feet in height and/or over 100 square feet (in area of one face) at:
1222 W Madison Chicago, IL. 60607
Dimensions: length 13' height 3' 5"
Height above grade/roof to top of sign 61 feet
Total Square Foot Area 45 square feet
Elevation 58 feet
'Solis Alderman, 25th Ward
Such sign shall comply with all applicable provisions of TITLE 17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable provisions of the Municipal Code of/tfie-City of Chicago governing the construction and maintenance of outdoo/ signs, s/gnboards and structures.
Aldermanic Acknowledgment Letter
DATE: (tcA/tfA. ~?£> 20 /S~
TO: Department of Buildings
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 900 Chicago, IL 60602
I am aware of the application for a building permit at the following address. I have no objection to its issuance.
Date of Application:
Type of .Permit: 1A ■ <rf*'f/**t'0'*
Signed: Ward:
2r?*»fc So/lS Telephone: lT23) StS- 4/00
(Alderman's full name, printed or typed)