Whereas, the Highway Safety: Driver's License for All bill's passage will allow undocumented immigrants to become eligible for an Illinois driver's license; and,
Whereas, without passage 250,000 Illinois immigrant motorists will continue to lack the prerequisites needed to obtain a license despite the need to drive to support their families; and,
Whereas, uninsured drivers are involved in 76,000 accidents each year, costing $630 million in damage claims; and,
Whereas, providing a way for these motorists to obtain a driver's license will benefit the public through ensuring drivers are properly tested and licensed; and,
Whereas, more drivers carrying insurance, reduces the likelihood of an accident with an uninsured driver, lowering the cost of insurance for all drivers; and,
Whereas, more licensed drivers ease the burden on police and first responders to identify motorists during stops and check their traffic records; and,
Whereas, licensed drivers are more likely to stay at the scene of an accident to aid emergency workers and to exchange insurance information with other affected motorists; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, we, the undersigned, endorse and call for the passage ofthe Highway Safety: Driver's License for All bill; and,
Proco Joe Moreno Alderman, 1st Ward
Be It Further Resolved, that suitable copies of this resolution be_presented to Secretary of State Jesse White, Governor Pat Quinn, and State legislaturesv