Record #: Or2015-395   
Type: Order Status: Passed
Intro date: 7/29/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 9/24/2015
Title: Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 7353 S Cicero Ave - 76 sq. ft. - Sign 1
Sponsors: Curtis, Derrick G.
Attachments: 1. Or2015-395.pdf

City Coundil Meeting Dat3: Co[mmittee|cin Buildings




ORDERED, That the Commissioner of Buildings is ij^reby directed to

issue a sign permit to: (Contractors! name and address)









for the erection of a sign / signboarc) over 24 feet in height a(id / or over 100

i i u square feet (in area of one face) at: ^Business NAME & ADDRESS)






Dimensions: Length     t^j/                      Heighf

Height above grade / roof to t|op of sign ffV'-jlJ TOTAL SQUARE FOOT AF^EA   ~7tft vflfif


provisiofi^ of TITLE 17 of the

Such sign(s) shall comply With all applicable


Chicago Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable jprovisio^ ofthe Municipal



Code ofthe City of Chicago governing the construction and|tjiaintenance of outdoor signs, signboards and structures.

Jderman, J&[_r' '


June 8, 2015


Ward 18™ - Alderman Derrick Curtis

Attn: Chaquita Stark

Chief of Staff

8359 S. Pulaski

Chicago, IL 60652

(773) 284.5057

Re: Quality Inn - 7353 S. Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL


Ms Stark,


Quality Inn at 7353 S, Cicero Ave. you please have Alderman Curtis

Attached are the elevation drawings and electrical information for the proposed signs for the The city is requiring a council order for the proposed signsjth it arc over 24' above grade. Caii present these to the city council to pass an order for these three (3) signs?





Danielle M. Wagner


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