WHEREAS, The members of the Chicago City Council officially wish to extend a warm and gracious welcome to seven Chinese students who are participating in the 2016 International Intern Program with the City of Chicago; and
WHEREAS, The program, which immerses the foreign-born interns in American life and exposes them to the workings of government, is offered in conjunction with former United States Senator Adlai E. Stevenson, an expert in Chinese-American affairs, and Adjunct Professor James Xue of Renmin University, Beijing, China; and
WHEREAS, The 2016 interns include Wenqian Liang, Tianyu Chai, Mengyu Shi, Zhide Fang, Wen Wen, Renjie Zhai and Yue Zhao; and
WHEREAS, As part of their academic pursuits, the students are currently working in various assignments at City Hall under the guidance of the Mayor's Office, the Treasurer's Office, the Committee on Finance, the Zoning Committee and the City Clerk's Office; and
WHEREAS, Most of the interns are currently enrolled at American universities, including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Oberlin College, and one is actively enrolled at the Beijing Electronics Science and Technology Institute; and
WHEREAS, Through the internship program the students have been given the opportunity to observe the democratic process by working in municipal offices and watching City Council proceedings; and
WHEREAS, It is the object of the internship program to promote positive relations and mutual understanding between the United States and China; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this twenty-second day of June, 2016, do hereby congratulate these individuals on their valued participation in the 2016 International Intern Program; and

Alderman - 14th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Wenqian Liang, Tianyu Chai, Mengyu Shi, Zhide Fang, Wen Wen, Renjie Zhai and Yue Zhao.