WHEREAS, God in His infinite Wisdom has called Helen A. Mackiw to her eternal reward; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by the Honorable Marty Quinn, Alderman of the 13th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Helen (Shimkus) Mackiw, beloved wife of the late Walter; cherished mother of Patricia and Stephen; dear grandmother of Gabriela and Mitchell; sister of the late William F. Shimkus and the late Ann Kline; aunt of Roseann Hopwood and the late John Robert Kline; great-aunt of Leanne and Elizabeth.
WHERAS, Helen was born March 15,1927 to Rose and William Shimkus, who had emigrated from Vilnius, Lithuania, and settled in Springfield. Following graduation from Lanphier High School, she attended Brown's Business College and worked for the State of Illinois Unemployment Division. At the age of 29, she relocated to Chicago to marry Walter Mackiw at Nativity BVM Ukrainian Catholic Church. Although Helen continued to work full time, she was actively involved in her children's studies and extracurricular activities. Shortly after her retirement from the FDIC at the age of 64, Helen moved back to the slower pace of her home town but returned frequently and regularly to the family home in Chicago.
WHEREAS, Helen was keenly interested in political events and volunteered many times as a precinct election judge. She was an active member of the Lincolnland Stroke Support Network. Helen delighted in her flower garden and was an excellent cook. Helen A. Mackiw leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council gathered here this fifth day of March, 2014, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Helen A. Mackiw and extend to her family and friends our deepest sympathy.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Helen A. Mackiw.
Marty Quinn Alderman, 13th Ward