Record #: R2018-1147   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 10/31/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 11/14/2018
Title: Call for U.S. Postal Service to commemorate heroes of Hero Street in Silvis with United States postage stamp
Sponsors: Moreno, Proco Joe, Cardenas, George A., Munoz, Ricardo, Villegas, Gilbert, Ramirez-Rosa, Carlos, Santiago, Milagros, Tabares, Silvana, Reboyras, Ariel, Lopez, Raymond A., Maldonado, Roberto, Taliaferro, Chris, Napolitano, Anthony V., Sadlowski Garza, Susan, Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2018-1147.pdf



WHEREAS, Between 1939 and 1945, 22 Mexican-American families who reside in a two block area in Silvis sent 87 men to serve in World War II, more than any U.S. area of comparable size; only eight did not come home; and

WHEREAS, According to the U.S. Army War College and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, Second Street in Silvis, contributed more men to military service than any other street in any neighborhood in any town in America over the course of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War; in May of 1967, Second Street was renamed as Hero Street; and

WHEREAS, From Hero Street, young men with names such as Gomez, Soliz, Masias, Pompa, Munos, and Sandoval signed up without hesitation, and never returned; two Sandoval families sent 13 of their sons to fight for the United States; three died; and

WHEREAS, Their stories have been noted in a documentary narrated by Martin Sheen titles Hero Street U.S.A., as well as another short film, Letters from Hero Street U.S.A.; and

WHEREAS, A movement is underway to recognize the soldiers of Hero Street and the other unsung Latino heroes that have protected the United States by serving in the military, resulting in the State of Illinois establishing May as Hero Street Month; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED; That we, the Mayor and the City Council assembled here on this 31st day of October, 2018 join the State of Illinois in urging the U.S. Postal Service to commemorate the heroes of Hero Street in Silvis with a United States postage stamp; and

Procp/loe Moreno Alderfnan, 1st Ward



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to the families of Hero Street, the Mayor of Silvis, and the U.S. Postmaster General.