WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Thomas G. Mrowczynski to his eternal reward; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by the Honorable Marty Quinn, Alderman ofthe 13th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Thomas G. Mrowczynski, age 74 was a U.S. Army Veteran. Beloved husband of Rosemary Mrowczynski (nee Kohut). Loving father of Michael Mrowczynski and David Mrowczynski. Dear son of the late Walter Mrow and the late Dorothy Mrow (nee Tarris). Dear brother ofthe late Dolores Mrow, late Robert Mrow, late Eve (late Harold) Classen and the late Ron (late Sandy) Mrow. Uncle of many nieces and nephews. Cousin and friend of many; and
WHERAS, Thomas G. Mrowczynski leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council gathered here this eighteenth day of January 2023, hereby express our sorrow on the death of Thomas G. Mrowczynski and extend to his family and friends our deepest sympathy.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy be presented to the family of Thomas G. Mrowczynski.