WHEREAS, Airport Auto Rebuilders was founded in 1993 by Mark Zoller. His son Eric later joined the business ; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Marty Quinn, Alderman of the 13th Ward, has apprised the members of the chamber of this remarkable milestone; and
WHEREAS, Mark and Eric follow the guiding business principle of quality and provide top-notch customer service to their patrons. They have a 99.28% customer satisfaction rating and 70% of their customers are return and referral; and
WHEREAS, Outside of the business, Mark and Eric enjoy winning car shows. They are also very charitable, supporting little leagues, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Police Departments, Lockport High School Auto Class, and BrushMaster, a charity for Ronald McDonald House. They also designed a customized wheelchair for a young man; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered together this 23rd Day of May, 2018, do hereby congratulate Mark and Eric Zoller of Midway Auto Rebuilders on 25 years of successful business.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be prepared and presented to Airport Auto Rebuilders.

MARTY QUINN Alderman, 13th Ward