WHEREAS, Broadband is critical to economic prosperity in the 21st century. Promoting broadband adoption and use, and increasing digital literacy are critical to improving Chicago's long-term competitiveness in a global market, and to achieving certain socioeconomic improvements in the quality of life; and
WHEREAS, Over one-third of all Americans do not have broadband at home, 21 percent of Americans do not use the Internet at all, and only 63 percent of U.S. households subscribe according to an April 2009 survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project; and
WHEREAS, Americans that do not have broadband at home are disproportionately lower-income, rural, and minorities, as only 35% of low-income households, 46% of rural Americans, and 46% of African Americans have broadband at home; and
WHEREAS, Expanding the use and adoption of broadband and digital literacy skills will allow a greater number of Americans to take advantage of the benefits of broadband based applications such as tele-health, energy management and education opportunities online; and
WHEREAS, New Missionary Baptist Church, Alternatives, Inc., One Economy, and Comcast have partnered to expand digital literacy and promote broadband adoption among low-income communities through the creation of the Comcast Digital Connectors program; and
WHEREAS, The Comcast Digital Connectors program will also provide students instruction in entrepreneurship, healthy living, career and character development and civic journalism; and
WHEREAS, Research also suggests that young people who are regularly exposed to computers and the Internet tend to do better in employment and education and have the potential to spread digital knowledge in their neighborhoods creating a culture of use and adoption; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe Chicago City Council assembled here this eighth day of June, 2011, do hereby recognize the Com...
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