Record #: R2019-583   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 7/24/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 7/24/2019
Title: Tribute to late Manuel T. Bedolla
Sponsors: Quinn, Marty
Attachments: 1. R2019-583.pdf


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Manuel T. Bedolla to his eternal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by _ the Honorable Marty Quinn, Alderman of the 13th Ward; and

WHEREAS, Manuel T. Bedolla, Beloved husband of 44 years to Maria; loving father of Manuel E. (Carolyn); cherished grandfather of Eliza and Orion; dearest son of the late Miguel Bedolla Anguiano and Flora Tapia Cervantes; fond brother of Estela, Miguel, J. Guadalupe, Salvador, Roberto, Rosa* Graciela,

Leonel, Jose Luis, Baldermar, Rafael and the late Nicandro, Father Alfredo and Jose; uncle of many; and

WHERAS, Manuel T. Bedolla leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council gathered here this twenty-fourth day of July, 2019, hereby express our sorrow on the death of Manuel T. Bedolla and extend to his family and friends our deepest sympathy.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, family of Manuel T. Bedolla.

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