Settlement agreement regarding case of Caprice Halley, Tevin Ford, and Willie Douglas as Special Administrator for the Estate of Robert Douglas v. City of Chicago and Police Officers Genelle Wherfel, Edward Dougherty, Anthony Granat, Damon Balestri, Brandon Rodekohr, Jonathan Reckard, Richard Federici, and Timothy Conlon, cited as 14 C 645
1. Or2016-111.pdf
CHICAGO March 16. 2016
To the President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on Finance having had under consideration
A communication recommending one (1) proposed order authorizing the Corporation Counsel to enter into and execute a Settlement Order.
A. Caprice Halley, Tevin Ford, and Willie Douglas as Special Administrator for the Estate of Robert Douglas v. City of Chicago and Police Officers Genelle Wherfel, Edward Dougherty, Anthony Granat, Damon Balesteri, Brandon Rodekohr, Jonathan Reckard, Richard Federici, and Timothy Conlon, cited as No. 14 C 645.
Direct Introduction
Having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that your Honorable Body pass the proposed Order Transmitted Herewith
This recommendation was concurred in by
of members of the committee with
Respectfully submitted
Ordered, that the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute a Settlement Agreement in the following matter: Caprice Halley, Tevin Ford, and Willie Douglas as Special Administrator for the Estate of Robert Douglas v. City of Chicago and Police Officers Genelle Wherfel, Edward Dougherty, Anthony Granat, Damon Balesteri, Brandon Rodekohr, Jonathan Reckard, Richard Federici, and Timothy Conlon, cited as 14 C 645 in the amount of $205,000.