WHEREAS, "Bridge the Gap," a garden designed by the Chicago Park District, has won a Gold Medal in Dublin at Bloom 2016, Ireland's largest garden show; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this honor by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, The garden, designed by Chicago Park District Deputy Director Matthew Barrett, consists of two large living structures that form two sides of a bridge without connecting; and
WHEREAS, One side of the bridge, representing the Irish Republic's capital, is blanketed with plant material indigenous to Ireland; and
WHEREAS, The other side of the bridge features plant material showcased in Chicago Park District conservatories; and
WHEREAS, Using two viewing sides to observe the structure at its cross section, visitors are able to peer across and notice patrons viewing from the other side; and
WHEREAS, The landscape, which spans 52-by-32 feet, will likely find a permanent home at a public place in Ireland; and
WHEREAS, In 2014 the Chicago Park District was awarded the National Gold Medal for Excellence in Park and Recreational Management presented by the American Academy for Park Recreational Administration in partnership with the National Recreational Park Association; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this twenty-second day of June, 2016, do hereby congratulate the Chicago Park District on receiving this prestigious honor; and