Record #: R2018-228   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 2/28/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 2/28/2018
Title: Tribute to late Honorable John Tunney
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2018-228.pdf

WHEREAS, The Honorable John Tunney has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of 83; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable John Tunney was among the youngest people elected to the United States Senate; and

WHEREAS, The son of legendary heavyweight boxer Gene Tunney and socialite Polly Lauder Tunney, the Honorable John Tunney was raised on his family's farm in Connecticut and graduated from Yale University and the University of Virginia School of Law; and

WHEREAS, After moving to California where he became a law professor, the Honorable John Tunney was elected to Congress in 1964 and served in the House until his election in 1970 to the U.S. Senate; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable John Tunney's successful run for the Senate inspired the 1972 Robert Redford film "The Candidate"; and

WHEREAS, Known for his charisma, cordial manner and strong negotiating skills, the Honorable John Tunney championed environmental protection and civil rights causes; and

WHEREAS, After public service, the Honorable John Tunney resumed the practice of law at a prestigious Los Angeles law firm; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of the Honorable John Tunney serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared the Honorable John Tunney to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable John Tunney was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family, the Honorable John Tunney imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this twenty-eighth day of February, 20...

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