Record #: R2015-670   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 9/24/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 9/24/2015
Title: Tribute to late Elaine Marie Minkler
Sponsors: Laurino, Margaret
Attachments: 1. R2015-670.pdf



WHEREAS, It is with great sadness that members of this Chamber learned of the death of Elaine Marie Minkler, on July 29, 2015, at the age of sixty-five; and


WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of his passing by The Honorable Margaret Laurino, Alderman of the 39th Ward; and


WHEREAS, born in Lima, Ohio, on July 29, 1949 to devoted parents, Esther and the late William Recker. Elaine was the loving wife of Dennis Minkler; beloved mother of Deanna Minkler; dear sister of Mark Recker, Linda Black, Marlene Pine, Ann Burgoyne, Amy Frost, and Marti Imm; and treasured friend to all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Elaine leaves a legacy of faith, dignity and love; and


WHEREAS, Elaine was an active member with Hobcaw Barony of Pawleys Island, South, Carolina, Teach My People of Pawleys Island, South Carolina and Master Gardner's of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, as well as volunteering for Habitat for Humanity in Georgetown, South Carolina; and


WHEREAS, Elaine will be remembered for her smiling face, her wonderful sense of humor, the thoughtfulness, kindness, grace, and positive nature within her that could light up any room that she walked into, she was truly an angel on earth; and


WHEREAS, Elaine touched the lives of all who knew her through her generosity, her heart and her spirit. She will be deeply missed, but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her, now, therefore,


Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago gathered here this twenty-fourth day of September, 2015 , do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Elaine Minkler and express to her family and friends our deepest sympathy; and


Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Elaine Minkler as a token of our honor, gratitude, and respect.





MARGARET LAURINO Alderman, 39th Ward