WHEREAS, Margie Oppenheimer is a Holocaust survivor of the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II; and
WHEREAS, Margie Oppenheimer was born in Oelde, Germany where on November 9, 1938, the Nazi's destroyed the family's home and small department store that her father owned; and
WHEREAS, So began seven years of terror that took Margie Oppenheimer from the Riga ghetto to 5 concentration camps: Sloka (Latvia), Riga-Kaiserwald (Lativia), Bruss-Sophienwalde (Poland), Sratthof (Danzig) and Goddentow (Germany); and
WHEREAS, A prisoner of Nazi labor camps, Margie Oppenlieimer fought hunger and fear, lice and typhus; and
WHEREAS, Margie Oppenheimer was 21 years old when she was liberated on March 10,1945 by the Russian Army; and
WHEREAS, Margie Oppenheimer immigrated to America where she worked as a registered nurse from 1962 until her retirement in 1991; and
WHEREAS, Margie Oppenheimer is truly an example of what journalist Tom Brokaw called "Our Greatest Generation;" and
WHEREAS, Margie Oppenlieimer was honored at a special celebration held on the eve of Veteran's Day at Wintrust's Grand Banking Hall, 231 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, Margie Oppenheimer is exceedingly worthy of our highest admiration and esteem; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this eighteenth day of November, 2015 do hereby express our sincere respect to Margie Oppenheimer as a Holocaust survivor; and