Commit tee on toil dings
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'.►P.DEPE1 . That the -C'ommi ssj <: nei of Buildings is he-i=by daiec-red tt issue a sign peimit to: (Contractor's name: and address)
Sure. LijVi^
<3Go Knox Park Wd
Lo.\cf. 7llv-. nU Tl £OOH~l
for the erection of a sign/signboard over 24 feet in height and/or over 10O square feet (in area of one face) at: (Business JJAME & ADDRESS)
AxA-ecois lAuCCWs * fefft.ltPS - 100533
Dimensions: length H^* ft hei9ht &
height above grade/roof to top of sign w ft
Such sign(s) shall comply with all applicable provisions of TITLE 17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago governing the construction and maintenance of outdoor signs, signboards and structures.
Aide* man,