WHEREAS, The Honorable Elden E. Madden has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of 91; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Elden E. Madden was the loving and devoted husband of the late Mary; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Elden E. Madden was the much-adored father-figure to his nephew, David Scobee, and beloved great-uncle to David's children Leah and David Jr. as well as many other nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews to whom he imparted many of the fine and noble qualities that he possessed in abundance; and
WHEREAS, A proud veteran of World War II, the Honorable Elden E. Madden served in the United States Army Air Forces and trained as a navigator for the B-29 Bomber; and
WHEREAS, A tireless supporter of veterans and former State Commander of the American Legion, the Honorable Elden E. Madden helped to improve the lives of military service personnel through his work with Yorkville's American Legion Post 489; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Elden E. Madden was a prominent Yorkville businessman who served his community with distinction as an Alderman and later as Mayor; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Elden E. Madden gave many years of outstanding service to his community, including as Public Works Director and as a building and zoning officer; and
WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of the Honorable Elden E. Madden serve asan example to all; and
WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared the Honorable Elden E. Madden to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and
WHEREAS, To his beloved family, the Honorable Elden E. Madden imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this thirteenth day of Februa...
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