SECTION 1. Section 7-12-290 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language stricken and inserting the language underscored, as follows:
7-12-290 Cruelty to animals - Fines.
No person shall do any ofthe following:
Beat, torture, torment, bait, mutilate or cruelly kill any animal, or cause or knowingly allow the same to be done;
Fail to provide any animal in the person's care or custody with proper food, water, air or sanitary shelter;
Cruelly force into undue physical exertion or carry, keep, drive, overload, overwork, or cause to be carried, driven, overloaded, overworked, or kept, any animal in a cruel manner;
Leave for any unreasonable length of time any animal unattended in a motor vehicle, trailer or other enclosure in such a manner that the animal does not have proper air circulation;
Have, keep or harbor any animal which is infected with any disease transmissible to other animals or man, or which is afflicted with any painful disease or injury, including severe parasitism, unless the animal is under the care of a veterinarian;
Abandon any animal on any public way or in any place where it may suffer or become a public charge;
Stake out unattended, or leave unrestrained outside and unattended, for anv amount of time, any female dog in season, or stake out anv dog, regardless of gender, on private property for more than two consecutive hours: or
Knowingly poison or cause to be poisoned any animal except with a written permit from the Illinois Department of Agriculture or the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the use of poisons, approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, for rodent or vermin control.
(i) In cases where the violation of this section creates a danger to the public
health and safety or to the health and welfare of an animal, the executive director may
cause the animal to ...
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