WHEREAS, It has been reported that former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley has been hospitalized and is currently under doctors' care at Northwestern Memorial Hospital; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his condition by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, The longest serving Mayor in Chicago's history, the Honorable Richard M. Daley demonstrated remarkable energy and vision in his leadership of our great metropolis; and
WHEREAS, As an Illinois State Senator, Cook Countv State's Attornev and Mayor of Chicago, the Honorable Richard M. Daley touched the lives of countless people in the course of forty years of distinguished public service; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Richard M. Daley built a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire us all and improve Chicagoans' quality of life for many for years to come; and
WHEREAS, During more than two decades as Mayor, the Honorable Richard M. Daley was admired for his innovative programs, commitment to improving city services and dedication to making Chicago as a great place for international trade, tourism and business; and
WHEREAS, In his retirement from public office, the Honorable Richard M. Daley continued to promote Chicago's unique strengths on an international stage; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this fifth day of February, 2014, do hereby commend Richard M. Daley for his many years of service to our city and wish him a full and speedy recovery; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Richard M. Daley as a token of our high esteem and best wishes.
Alderman - 14th Ward